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Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?


Veteran Member
How do you know what other people need to take seriously?
Is religious belief and dogma a necessity?

You cannot speak for other people because you do not know other people, you can only speak for yourself. If you don't want to take God and Prophets seriously that is your choice because you have free will, and it is also the choice of other people to take it seriously.
I've done extensive study in the psychology of belief, so I know more about why theists believe in what they do than they do. They know what they believe, but they can't explain why they believe it.

I am defensive at all. There is no evidence of me being defensive. Answering a post is not being defensive.
You said you weren't defensive three times.

Why do you feel a need to point out flaws in other people, does it make you feel superior?
This is a debate forum. You know this. If you make logical errors they get pointed out. That's what happens on debate forums.

You sure like to criticize me and other people. I wonder if you can see that you have any faults of your own.
I critique poor reasoning. It is a debate forum. It's what happens.


Veteran Member
As I already told you, this is not a game, and I am not trying to win anything. Only arrogant people need to win arguments.
It's odd that you post all hours of the days, and oppose anyone who doesn't accept your religious views. You make untrue claims consistently, and refuse to acknowledge more knowledgable people explain it to you.

For a person who doesn't want to win you are working hard doing something. I do agree it isn't winning.

Skilled thinkers? Do you mean people like you? You don't think too highly of yourselfo you? :rolleyes: :oops:

It is incredible that anyone would even post this on a forum, as if arrogance is something to be proud of.
What makes you a more skilled thinker than anyone else? Did you go to college and get a degree in skilled thinking?
I'm also a skilled cyclist. Skills are learned, practiced, and tested. There is no arrogance in acknowledging an ability.

Most of your posts that assert irrational claims about your beliefs, it reveals you have no such skill. Others who do have this skill point it out, and you reject their abilities as well.
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Veteran Member
I have proven it to myself. I cannot prove it to other people.

What I said earlier is that God's existence cannot be proven as a fact that everyone will accept.
But you said you know God exists. Knowledge is verifiable and sharable. So were you mistaken in your claim that you know God exists? Or just deceiving yourself, and saying it outloud so you can deceive yourself more deeply? Do you even introspect to ponder your own thinking, and correct errors?


Veteran Member
They know what they believe, but they can't explain why they believe it.
I can and there is a long list.
If you make logical errors they get pointed out. That's what happens on debate forums.
I know and that is what happens and that is why I am constantly pointing out the logical errors atheists make.
I critique poor reasoning. It is a debate forum. It's what happens.
I critique poor reasoning. It is a debate forum. It's what happens


Veteran Member
It's odd that you post all hours of the days, and oppose anyone who doesn't accept your religious views.
That is psychological projection if I have ever seen it. Show me where I ever opposed anyone who doesn't accept my religious views. Citation needed.

All I ever do is explain my religious views when it comes up in a conversation . I oppose nobody. You and your atheist sidekicks oppose me constantly. Disagreeing is not opposing. If I agreed with what I don't agree with I'd be dishonest.
You make untrue claims consistently, and refuse to acknowledge more knowledgable people explain it to you.
More knowledge people? What do you have knowledge of and where did you get it?

You sure think highly of yourself. From a Baha'i perspective that is not a desirable trait. Rather, self-dissatisfaction is a sign or progress. I am grateful that I realize I have much work to do on myself. You can try to use that against me if you want to but it won't hurt me, because I know what my character defects are since I look at my own faults constantly, I never look at other's faults.

‘Abdu’l-Bahá says:—
Let your life be an emanation of the Kingdom of Christ. He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. … In the religion of Bahá’u’lláh all are servants and maidservants, brothers and sisters. As soon as one feels a little better than, a little superior to, the rest, he is in a dangerous position, and unless he casts away the seed of such an evil thought, he is not a fit instrument for the service of the Kingdom.

Dissatisfaction with oneself is a sign of progress. The soul who is satisfied with himself is the manifestation of Satan, and the one who is not contented with himself is the manifestation of the Merciful. If a person has a thousand good qualities he must not look at them; nay, rather he must strive to find out his own defects and imperfections. …However much a man may progress, yet he is imperfect, because there is always a point ahead of him. No sooner does he look up towards that point than he become dissatisfied with his own condition, and aspires to attain to that. Praising one’s own self is the sign of selfishness.—Diary of Mírzá Aḥmad Sohrab, 1914.

Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era, p. 84

For a person who doesn't want to win you are working hard doing something. I do agree it isn't winning.
More projection. I already told you I am not trying to win any debates and I explained why I am here
I'm also a skilled cyclist. Skills are learned, practiced, and tested. There is no arrogance in acknowledging an ability.
Maybe you are a skilled cyclist but you don't know anything about God.
Most of your posts that assert irrational claims about your beliefs, it reveals you have no such skill. Others who do have this skill point it out, and you reject their abilities as well.
Correction: Some atheists point out what they believe is irrational about my beliefs. The only skill you have is in criticizing me, you are very skilled at that. The only reason I reply is for the sake of justice, because criticizing people just because you have a personal opinion about them is unjust. Nothing you say has any proof to back it up. It is ALL personal opinions.

But you cannot ever hurt me with your personal opinions about me because as my husband always says "God is my greatest protection."

“The most hateful characteristic of man is fault-finding.”
(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Star of the West, Vol. IV, No.11, p. 192)

“All religions teach that we should love one another; that we should seek out our own shortcomings before we presume to condemn the faults of others, that we must not consider ourselves superior to our neighbours! We must be careful not to exalt ourselves lest we be humiliated.”
(Abdu’l-Bahá, Paris Talks, p. 147)


Veteran Member
But you said you know God exists. Knowledge is verifiable and sharable.
No, knowledge of God is not verifiable or shareable. It has to be earned by anyone who wants it and it is hard work.
So were you mistaken in your claim that you know God exists? Or just deceiving yourself, and saying it outloud so you can deceive yourself more deeply? Do you even introspect to ponder your own thinking, and correct errors?
Do you even introspect to ponder your own thinking, and correct errors, or is your life spent correcting the errors you believe other people make? Do you ever make any errors or are you infallible?

What a horrible way to live. I am a-sure glad I am not you. I went through hell to get where i am at today and nobody can ever take it away from me, nobody can because I worked hard for it for decades. That was long before I ever thought about God or my religion.


Veteran Member
That is psychological projection if I have ever seen it. Show me where I ever opposed anyone who doesn't accept my religious views. Citation needed.

All I ever do is explain my religious views when it comes up in a conversation . I oppose nobody. You and your atheist sidekicks oppose me constantly. Disagreeing is not opposing. If I agreed with what I don't agree with I'd be dishonest.
You post your beliefs and claims, and other members offer criticism of your thinking process, which is highly flawed. You make many, many mistakes, as is detailed.

More knowledge people? What do you have knowledge of and where did you get it?

Your claims are exposed as being illogical. This knowledge is readily available on the internet and in books and college classes. You have low skill in this respect.

More projection. I already told you I am not trying to win any debates and I explained why I am here
Your persistence is interesting. If you don't intend to prove your claims are true, and win the debates, then explain your persistence. So you don't think you are correct?

Maybe you are a skilled cyclist but you don't know anything about God.

Correction: Some atheists point out what they believe is irrational about my beliefs. The only skill you have is in criticizing me, you are very skilled at that. The only reason I reply is for the sake of justice, because criticizing people just because you have a personal opinion about them is unjust. Nothing you say has any proof to back it up. It is ALL personal opinions.
The rules of logic are available for anyone to understand. You either don't understand them or deny they apply to you.


Veteran Member
No, knowledge of God is not verifiable or shareable. It has to be earned by anyone who wants it and it is hard work.
That sounds like what a person does to create a fantasy for themselves.

Do you even introspect to ponder your own thinking, and correct errors, or is your life spent correcting the errors you believe other people make? Do you ever make any errors or are you infallible?
Yes, for many decades. This is is why I'm not convinced religious claims are true, and that includes yours. You make the same mistakes as any other theist.

What a horrible way to live. I am a-sure glad I am not you. I went through hell to get where i am at today and nobody can ever take it away from me, nobody can because I worked hard for it for decades. That was long before I ever thought about God or my religion.
Now you are upset and being insulting. Is there no quote you can share for insulting people?


Veteran Member
You post your beliefs and claims, and other members offer criticism of your thinking process, which is highly flawed. You make many, many mistakes, as is detailed.
No, other members do not do what you do. They disagree with my beliefs but they don't criticize me.
Only one other member did that but the staff put a stop to it. I warned him but he thought I was not serious.

All this criticism of me is just your personal opinion which does not amount to a hill of beans.

Do you know how to do anything except criticize other people? Do you know how that makes you look? Do you realize that exposes your character for all to see, or maybe that does not matter. Maybe you are too obsessed with criticizing me to care.
Your claims are exposed as being illogical. This knowledge is readily available on the internet and in books and college classes. You have low skill in this respect.
Your thinking is illogical, in my opinion, but don't feel too bad because Imo almost all atheists think illogically, and I have pointed out why and explained why Imo they are illogical. Unlike you, I don't tell people they are illogical without backing it up with the reasons why..
Your persistence is interesting. If you don't intend to prove your claims are true, and win the debates, then explain your persistence. So you don't think you are correct?
I know I am correct about God and Baha'u'llah, but I am not correct about everything else. I make many mistakes but I realize it, try to learn from it, and move on.
The rules of logic are available for anyone to understand. You either don't understand them or deny they apply to you.
The rules of logic are available for anyone to understand. You either don't understand them or deny they apply to you.

You cannot point out any illogical thing I have said because if you could you would. Instead of citing examples you just say I am illogical. Anyone can say that another person is illogical, backing that up with actual proof is another matter.

Believing in God or Messengers of God is not illogical. You cannot make that work. Even if I say I know God exists that is not illogical because a strong belief breaks no rules of logic. What else have I done?


Veteran Member
That sounds like what a person does to create a fantasy for themselves.
No, that is what is taught in the Baha’i Faith and it is logical and reasonable, which you might realize IF you understood what I meant.
Yes, for many decades. This is is why I'm not convinced religious claims are true, and that includes yours. You make the same mistakes as any other theist.
All religious claims are not the same. To assume that would be the fallacy of hasty generalization.

Just because you are convinced that religious claims are not true that does not mean they are mistakes. It is just your personal opinion that they are mistakes but you assert it as if it is a fact, but it is not a fact unless you can prove it. Otherwise it is only a personal opinion.

Why can’t you separate and allow other people to be who they are? Why does it bother you so much what other people believe? If it does not bother you why keep pointing out what you believe are mistakes?
Now you are upset and being insulting. Is there no quote you can share for insulting people?
I was not upset. That was just me speaking for how I feel, it was not directed at you, but I now realize I was wrong to say that because of how it came across so I apologize. We all make mistake and I can see when I am wrong.

Segev Moran

Well-Known Member
What does God being a timeless being have to do with what God enjoins (not expects) humans to do in this world?
As you said, "enjoins" is not "expects".
And yet again, god gives you a way to achieve something. whether you choose to follow its path, is up to you.
As an analogy, I would enjoin my son not to treat others like crap if he wants to have an good social company. Its up to him to decide if he wants it or not.
You said "all of those laws." What laws are you referring to?
What 9 rules are you referring to?
The 10 commandments (which are really only 9 and are not really commands).
I assure you that if God didn't want you to do something, you will have no way of doing it.


Well-Known Member
You are like other theists who have invested heavily in your dogma, and as a result can't really assess criticism objectively. You are highly defensive, and even make logical errors after them being out to you, namely the special pleading example you posted right after saying it doesn't apply, your circular reasoning errors, argument from popularity, and quite a few others.
She's actually not like the majority of theists in RF though. For the majority of theists in here that I've encountered, even if they don't have a good argument for God, they're at least honest and can admit that they believe that God exist based on faith. And obviously, majority of them don't deny something they said in earlier posts, whereas I've seen Trailblazer fully deny saying things even after I posted exactly what she said from her earlier posts.

And yet after all this, she still claims to be one of the most, if not the most honest person in here. This is why I don't just claim to know that she is being dishonest, I actually know that she is being dishonest because I literally post what she said and she still straight up denies that she said that.


Veteran Member
The claims of Baha’u’llah and the evidence that supports His claims are in this post:

Questions for knowledgeable Bahai / followers of Baha'u'llah

I wasn't impressed with such "evidence" from muslims concerning the quran and mohammed, I wasn't impressed with such "evidence" from christians concerning the bible and jesus. Why would it impress me for this religion?

I'm not seeing any evidence there. I see the piling on of claims, circular argumentation, etc.


Veteran Member


Messengers are the evidence that God exists because they represent God on earth.

That they represent god on earth, is a claim.
A claim that assumes a god exists.
A claim that is not in evidence.

Messengers make claims to represent God on earth.

Even calling them "messengers" is wrong. That's the very thing that needs to be established first.
At this point, they are "people claiming to be messengers".

Messengers provide evidence that support their claims that they represent God on earth.

And that "evidence" is just more claims.


Veteran Member
Well "the evidence they found to be supporting their assertion" is included, but is not actually the full extent of what is expected.
"Expected" by whom? You? No one else is required to abide by YOUR requirements for evidence or proof. They are only required to offer their evidence and their reasons for why they felt that evidence rose to the level of proof.

A person is expected to have enough self-knowledge to know if they are rational thinkers, and knowing the rules of logic only rational people would put forth a valid claim/assertion. Mistakes happen, and these can be exposed in discourse.
Again, no one is required to abide by what YOU consider rational thinking. Your rationale is based on your truth paradigm. Their rationale is based on their truth paradigm. Yours does not trump anyone else's. Yours is not the yardstick by which all truth and logical reasoning must be measured. And to expect that it should be is highly irrational, asit would be impossible for anyone else to meet this expectation.

But we are seeing claims that not only have poor evidence, the evidence isn't even good enough to support an acknowledge the claim might be plausible. Religious claims are notoriously a poor bet to claim in a community of rational thinkers. These claims get obliterated on a routine basis. For a savvy thinker, religious claims tend to be easy pickings.
If you were such a savvy thinker, you would have realized that your own thinking (via these expectations) is irrational, and unworkable. It was never anyone else's job to overcome your defenses, or to meet your expectations regarding what is evidence and what is proof. You are not the standard-bearer for either.

Well I guess it's true that there is no rule that evidence has to be credible and valid. The thing is logic assumes the users will be informed, ethical, honorable, and want to promote truth.
It is neither ethical nor honorable to presume yourself to be the standard bearer for evidence and proof. It is neither ethical nor honorable to expect other people to take on the task of overcomming your ignorance and bias (because you don't see them as being ignorance and bias).

With religious claims we see many folks who share none of these virtues, and just want to promote their dogma.
Same goes for atheist's and their idiotic, baseless, an irrational presumptions and claims. Welcome to the human condition.
Theists often get upset when the rules of logic are applied, along with the ethics of thought, and the claims get slaughtered. Trailblazer is an example of this to a degree that I've never seen in decades of religious debate.
They get frustrated by the insane insistence that YOU are the definer of logic and reason, and that they must meet your standards or be labeled irrational. Which is an understandable frustration, especially as it's so hypocritical.

TB is female, but yes she does. The thing is she doesn't accept that her claims are highly flawed and the evidence lacking credibility. Then she repeats, ad nauseam. She doesn't learn. The ethics of the rules of logic are not respected.
And your ARE learning??? All I'm seeing is you dismissing someone else truth claims because they didn't meet your standards for evidence of proof. I don't see you even considering anyone else's standards for evidence or proof. You simply auto-defend, and learn nothing. Exactly the same as you accuse others of doing.

She has her low standards that are good enough for her. They aren't good enough objectively.
Objectivism is a myth-based ideology, but you don't understand this. And you will never understand it so long as you continue to auto-defend it instead of trying to see it the way some others can.

I suggest those who aren't already convinced some idea is true are the BEST judges of evidence. So to impress atheists over religious claims would be what most claimant's Holy Grail. I think theists should keep working hard to impress theists, and not other believers, who already believe. Preaching to the choir. I mean, you theists aren't here because you like the abuse, right?

We are aware of how low the standards of evidence are for theists. Theists making claims in a diverse debates forum need to impress those who DON'T believe. To just keep posting the low quality evidence just invites more criticism and scorn.

Having a low standard of evidence should be embarrassing. It's almost as if it is a badge of pride.
What a load of egocentric nonsense.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
They get frustrated by the insane insistence that YOU are the definer of logic and reason, and that they must meet your standards or be labeled irrational.

Actually the rules of logic has been developed over millennia and many theists have been involved. There is no atheist logic or theist logic, there is just logic. Nobody is trying to define it themselves - except, perhaps, for yourself.


Kids today are being indoctrinated by the education system into thinking that nothing is a clear-cut well-defined issue and that everything must be looked at from every possible angle and discussed and debated at length.
As a result many kids grow up unsure of themselves, slightly neurotic and easily-controlled, which is exactly what the Establishment wants.
Jesus said:- "The world wants you to dance to its tune......God has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners...to release the oppressed" (Matt 11:16/17,Luke 4:18 ),
which is why the Estab and its lackeys hate him and all Christians.



Lightly seared on the reality grill.
which is why the Estab and its lackeys hate him and all Christians.

Really? I notice we're both from the UK where Christian organisations still get charitable status, we still have bishops in the House of Lords, and we still have government funded faith schools (mostly Christian).


The godless pol-correct Estab and its lackeys have always hated Christians and always will, thereby fulfilling Jesus's prophecy about persecutions-

christian sacked.jpg



Lightly seared on the reality grill.
The godless pol-correct Estab and its lackeys have always hated Christians and always will, thereby fulfilling Jesus's prophecy about persecutions-

None of which changes the ways I outlined in which Christianity has far too much influence in our society. To the extent Christians are discriminatory about relationships or abuse their professional influence for proselytising, they should rightly be opposed.

The idea that Christians are persecuted in the UK would be comical if there wasn't actual, real persecution going on in the world (often by theists) which is far from a laughing matter.