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Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You said:
I've yet to find a theist who can justify that their belief in their god(s) meets even their own standard of evidence.

My evidence meets my own standard and that is why I said "you just met one."

I doubt if you do. The odds are that for the same reasons that you reject some other faiths you should reject yours if you were consistent in your beliefs. You may believe that you do, but you have been using logical fallacies right and left here. Just about everyone that has been arguing with you has pointed out these errors to you.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You said:
I've yet to find a theist who can justify that their belief in their god(s) meets even their own standard of evidence.

My evidence meets my own standard and that is why I said "you just met one."
Your standard can be inferred from the gods of other religions that you don't accept. I stand by what I said.

We Never Know

No Slack
So you have no problem when we aren't convinced what you believe is true. It's odd that you are behaving like a person who is trying to present arguments.

Then they are false since that is the binary default. No one show treat religious concepts are true since you admit they can't be proven, so quite dubious for meaning in life.

IF my cat was a brilliant writer THEN she would be a poet.

Is my cat a poet, or just a brat that tore up a roll of toilet paper while I was working?

"IF my cat was a brilliant writer THEN she would be a poet"

Bad analogy because not all writers are poets.

We Never Know

No Slack
I doubt if you do. The odds are that for the same reasons that you reject some other faiths you should reject yours if you were consistent in your beliefs. You may believe that you do, but you have been using logical fallacies right and left here. Just about everyone that has been arguing with you has pointed out these errors to you.

On what authority do you have to tell people what they believe is right or wrong?
Aren't you just barking out your own personal preference demanding they should follow?


Veteran Member
I doubt if you do
I said: My evidence meets my own standard and that is why I said "you just met one."

How can you know if my evidence meets my standards? [/quote]
The odds are that for the same reasons that you reject some other faiths you should reject yours if you were consistent in your beliefs.
What do you think those reasons are? Can you speak directly rather then being nebulous? I cannot respond to nebulous comments. If you don't answer I will know you have nothing to bring to the table.
You may believe that you do, but you have been using logical fallacies right and left here. Just about everyone that has been arguing with you has pointed out these errors to you.
AGAIN, nobody has caught me committing any logical fallacies and whenever i was so accused I explained why I was not committing them.

Just about everyone? You mean a few atheists. Then again, they never proved I committed any fallacies. They just "believe" they have.

P.S. Believing in God and Messengers of God is not a fallacy. It is just something you do not agree with so you try to turn it into a fallacy.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I said: My evidence meets my own standard and that is why I said "you just met one."

How can you know if my evidence meets my standards?

What do you think those reasons are? Can you speak directly rather then being nebulous? I cannot respond to nebulous comments. If you don't answer I will know you have nothing to bring to the table.

AGAIN, nobody has caught me committing any logical fallacies and whenever i was so accused I explained why I was not committing them.

Just about everyone? You mean a few atheists. Then again, they never proved I committed any fallacies. They just "believe" they have.

P.S. Believing in God and Messengers of God is not a fallacy. It is just something you do not agree with so you try to turn it into a fallacy.[/QUOTE]
Yes, but your standards have been shown to be self contradictory. You can't see it but everyone else can. You do not seem to get it. Your standards do not matter, and since you keep demonstrating that you do not understand them yourself you are apt to make the same inconsistent arguments when it comes to another belief.


Veteran Member
Yes, but your standards have been shown to be self contradictory. You can't see it but everyone else can. You do not seem to get it. Your standards do not matter, and since you keep demonstrating that you do not understand them yourself you are apt to make the same inconsistent arguments when it comes to another belief.
That is meaningless convoluted jargon and nobody could ever understand what you are referring to. That is exactly what you want, obfuscation, because you have nothing to bring to the table. Obfuscate is exactly what atheists do when they cannot point to anything specific that I did. Been there done that, for nine years, so I know the drill.


Veteran Member
Do you know what deduction is?
I certainly do know what it is and I also know what arrogance is. It is when people think they have other people all figured out. It is when people think they know more about another person than than person knows about themself, and even after that person has spoken for themself, these arrogant people still insist they know more about the other person. Baha'u'llah had a few choice words to say about such people.

26: O SON OF BEING! How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others? Whoso doeth this is accursed of Me. The Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 10

66: O EMIGRANTS! The tongue I have designed for the mention of Me, defile it not with detraction. If the fire of self overcome you, remember your own faults and not the faults of My creatures, inasmuch as every one of you knoweth his own self better than he knoweth others. The Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 45

Do you ever look at yourself and your own shortcomings? Have you and your atheist sidekicks ever self-reflected and wondered why you have to be right about me all the time? Have you ever wondered why you have to beat me down and call my reasoning flawed and illogical? People only do that for one reason, to raise themselves up to a superior position. Thankfully, not all atheists behave this way, only a few. I can have respectful discussions with most atheists on this forum.

The sad thing about arrogant people is that they are too arrogant to realize that they are arrogant, but their behavior speaks for itself and everyone who is not arrogant can hear it talking. Most people are just too polite to say anything.


Veteran Member
Why do certain people have to make this forum so unpleasant for other people just so they can be right?
I can know that every god you've rejected does not meet your standard.

... or are you saying that there are gods you don't believe that you ought to believe in by your own standard? Because that would be... odd.
I do not believe in many different gods, I believe in the one true God. This has nothing to do with standards, it is related to my beliefs.

If it makes no sense to me that there is more than one God why should I believe that? I don't expect you or anyone else to believe anything that makes no sense to you.


Then you shouldn't have a problem naming just 10 of these people.

The establishment goons are everywhere, in education, TV and films, politics and are too many to name individually.
They all try to push their warped and twisted agendas on us, for example the mass immigration thing is their attempt to swamp Christianity and ruin our countries, and if anybody speaks against it, they get called "racist".


The establishment goons are everywhere, in education, TV and films, politics and are too many to name individually.
They all try to push their warped and twisted agendas on us, for example the mass immigration thing is their attempt to swamp Christianity and ruin our countries, and if anybody speaks against it, they get called "racist".

Nobody is asking you to name them all, just a few examples. Your evasion speaks volumes.

In America the entire Democrat party are godless goons, and in Britain our goons are the Labour Party and BBC TV and "woke" idiots.
Try popping into forums like "Vigilant Citizen" where they talk about that sort of thing and youll learn all about it..:)

"...as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour" (1 John 2:18 )


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
...in Britain our goons are the Labour Party and BBC TV and "woke" idiots.

That's funny, when we have an incompetent corrupt philanderer and shameless barefaced liar for a PM. I've never understood the connection between Christianity and right wing politics. Right wing politics is pretty much the opposite of what the Jesus character in the bible was preaching. Christians should really be socialists.
Try popping into forums like "Vigilant Citizen"...

No thanks, I value my sanity (Vigilant Citizen).


in Britain our goons are the Labour Party and BBC TV and "woke" idiots..:)

That's funny, when we have an incompetent corrupt philanderer and shameless barefaced liar for a PM..Right wing politics is pretty much the opposite of what the Jesus character in the bible was preaching. Christians should really be socialists.

Boris is not perfect but he's the best we've got right now, for examp he wants to introduce legislation to cut down on immigration.
Glance at your copy of the gospels now and again mate..;)
Jesus on mass immigration-
"It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs....do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces" (Matt 15:26,Matt 7:6)

And on the same theme John said- "...many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world...do not take them into your house or welcome them." (2 John 1:7-11)[/QUOTE]