In America, it has been Christianity that has been the criterion for blocking natural ways. The iron in the cytochromes of all males cells is magnetically polarized counterclockwise; and, in all female cells, is magnetically polarized clockwise, so that when presented face to face are confluent, providing peace, and temporary relief from existence.
Everything in the universe is striving to undifferentiate to become nonexistent. This is normally not consciously realized. Existence is like the bubbles in a shaken bottle of water, all striving to undifferentiate to become nonexistent. In the case of an isolated proton, without it's "antiparticle", soulmate, it would take one with thirty-three zero's after it yeras to undifferentiate back into timespace.
Christian state has been getting in the way; but, Islam would too, but with barbaric savage punishments.
It is actually this undifferentiation, called Nirvana, that Hinduism and Buddhism seek. It is a "place" called Dharmaloka, where this undifferentiation with the opposite polarities most easily takes place, indistinguishable from Christianity's "Lake of Fire", for, a fast polarity cancellation rate is fire. Yes, real Hinus and Buddhists are trying to perish (become nonexistent, check Roget's Thesaurus) in Hell. It doesn't say in the Bible that we have immortal souls. Rather it says, "The soul that sinneth shall die", and, "Only He (God) is immortal. It is the Christian Satan who lied and said, "You shall live forever".
But, Christ, the Son of God, can, and will provide immortality for anyone who obeys Him. But, perhaps the "profanation (exposure) of the Holy Spirit is knowing that nonexistence is the satisfaction of all desires that what we really seek.