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Athiest Forum Full Of Arrogance


Veteran Member
I recently joined an atheist forum, I was sick of religion and it beliefs that I had so time for. I thought an atheist forum would be a good forum to discuss things without religion popping up all the time, but I was in for a surprise.

I was also sick of tight rules where you had to think about just about
everything you wanted to say without getting into trouble by staff. The atheist forum didn't have such tight rules as here, or most other threads I have been on. I now realize why we do have such rules, the atheist forum was full of fowl language, and I mean the worst language you can think of.

I also found that they were so arrogant, they believed they and them only had the truth, mainly because of science. I was call the worse names that anyone ever called me.

I told them that I thought they were arrogant, and all hell broke out, I told them that if I had to pick a belief on this forum between atheism and Christianity I would pick Christianity. I thought Christians were arrogant, but I have changed my mind, not that I want to be a Christian, I don't, but after being on the forum I have more respect for them than those atheist.

I was going to call myself an atheist, but I don't think I will now, in fact I don't label myself at all really, I think once we label ourselves we then try to protect that label at any coast.

So that's my ******** for today, sometimes we have to find out for ourselves, and not all the time will we be happy with the results, but that's life lol.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
There's crappy people like that in all groups. I've experienced a lot of that with other Satanists. Made me turn away from Satanism for awhile. But I realized that Satanism is about you and not anyone else so other Satanists acting like morons isn't my problem.


Yeah it's a people thing... Religious, irreligious, etc. can all be close-minded and arrogant jerks. There are a fair amount of atheists now'days who are similar to religious fundies with opposing positions, yet same fervor and know-it-allness.


Premium Member
I believe you can find arrogance with both the religious and the non-religious and I that you can find meekness in the both the religious and non-religious, as well.

Another note, I would rather deal with someone arrogant than someone condescending.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I'd be careful about judging atheists or non-theists based on the behavior of some on a web forum, especially if it isn't moderated to keep the garbage out. I participated in an atheist forum board many, many years ago (it was probably the second forum board I ever joined, and I joined it mostly for the philosophy discussions). I recall there being a number of self-righteous individuals, but you get that on just about any forum; there weren't any particularly bad experiences I had there.


Veteran Member
There's crappy people like that in all groups. I've experienced a lot of that with other Satanists. Made me turn away from Satanism for awhile. But I realized that Satanism is about you and not anyone else so other Satanists acting like morons isn't my problem.

That's interesting, I suppose we are all like that if allowed to be that way, hence the lack of rules on that particular forum.


Veteran Member
Yeah it's a people thing... Religious, irreligious, etc. can all be close-minded and arrogant jerks. There are a fair amount of atheists now'days who are similar to religious fundies with opposing positions, yet same fervor and know-it-allness.

That's just how I felt, I even told them that, and just got abused, like really abused.:eek:


Veteran Member
I believe you can find arrogance with both the religious and the non-religious and I that you can find meekness in the both the religious and non-religious, as well.

Another note, I would rather deal with someone arrogant than someone condescending.

Yes I thought that, maybe if this forum didn't have the rules it does, it could be a whole different forum, where here wi9th the rules people probably mince their words, or being more diplomatically, which really might be just patronising .


Veteran Member
I'd be careful about judging atheists or non-theists based on the behavior of some on a web forum, especially if it isn't moderated to keep the garbage out. I participated in an atheist forum board many, many years ago (it was probably the second forum board I ever joined, and I joined it mostly for the philosophy discussions). I recall there being a number of self-righteous individuals, but you get that on just about any forum; there weren't any particularly bad experiences I had there.

Yes I think you are right, I think its because I was so shocked by the things they say to each other, don't get me wrong, I do swear, but what I heard on that forum, well just turned my guts.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
The way I see it, it is a pressure release thing. Atheists have to deal with a lot of crap from those who claim to know what God wants. That has to be compensated somehow, and forums of those who are on the know are perhaps the best possible venue.

I agree that it can be unwieldly for those who don't share the proper background.


Veteran Member
The way I see it, it is a pressure release thing. Atheists have to deal with a lot of crap from those who claim to know what God wants. That has to be compensated somehow, and forums of those who are on the know are perhaps the best possible venue.

I agree that it can be unwieldly for those who don't share the proper background.

But I myself don't have any beliefs in a god, well not the god with a beared, but I don't see myself burdened by what those who do believe in a god, they are entitle to believe what they want to be believe , of course when it gets involved in politics, that's a different story. But to be out to get everyone who believes in what I don't is a bit childish, well to me anyway.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
But I myself don't have any beliefs in a god, well not the god with a beared, but I don't see myself burdened by what those who do believe in a god, they are entitle to believe what they want to be believe , of course when it gets involved in politics, that's a different story. But to be out to get everyone who believes in what I don't is a bit childish, well to me anyway.

Keeping in mind that I am totally shooting in the dark, with no direct knowledge of what you experienced at all (but some direct experience with various atheist forums, some of which are rather depressingly pointless and incestuous), it seems to me that you may have simply hanged around a clique with no common background with you.

It is only natural to find people that have been burdened by believers in such a forum, after all. Some do in fact take it for granted that you are at least familiar with the experience.

Also, don't take what they say at face value as a matter of course. Atheists are not above telling high tales or just speaking nonsense to cope with pressure and feel better for a moment. Tall tales, isn't that the expression?

Maybe that is not quite what you found, but it sounds that way to me right now.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Unlike the atheist forum you found, RF is a diverse forum with people of many backgrounds and beliefs. I think anytime you cut out diversity, you tend to get extremism -- which is precisely what you found on that site.


Veteran Member
Keeping in mind that I am totally shooting in the dark, with no direct knowledge of what you experienced at all (but some direct experience with various atheist forums, some of which are rather depressingly pointless and incestuous), it seems to me that you may have simply hanged around a clique with no common background with you.

It is only natural to find people that have been burdened by believers in such a forum, after all. Some do in fact take it for granted that you are at least familiar with the experience.

Also, don't take what they say at face value as a matter of course. Atheists are not above telling high tales or just speaking nonsense to cope with pressure and feel better for a moment. Tall tales, isn't that the expression?

Maybe that is not quite what you found, but it sounds that way to me right now.

I see what you are saying, but they do also have religious threads, I think myself they just love getting into the religious people, I think it satisfies them, or their ego's ?.


Veteran Member
Unlike the atheist forum you found, RF is a diverse forum with people of many backgrounds and beliefs. I think anytime you cut out diversity, you tend to get extremism -- which is precisely what you found on that site.

Yes that's true, and also when you completely cut out moral values such as swearing at each others you end up with, well trash.


Premium Member
Before I joined the RF I tried several other forums and yes if you didn't think like the forum you were attacked and the moderators did nothing.

Since joining I have found some other forums that are moderated well but they tend to be boring. The RF is the only one with good moderation and good quality.


It's not just atheist and Christian forums. Buddhism has it's fair share of jerks on Buddhist-only forums. For the most part, they tend to be quite mild, but there are a few that are highly sectarian, even if the board says it's pan-Buddhist. I've actually been put off more by one or two particular Buddhist-only boards than on boards like RF. From my experience, RF tends to be the best when it comes to the moderation vs. interest ratio. Diversity tends to help the interest and moral level of a board, and RF is really good for that.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Atheists....oh, those guys just grind my gears! The converts from religion can be tolerable,
since they've lived on both sides of the fence. But the lifelong atheists (like me) are just so
full of themselves that one cannot have a civil discussion with them.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I see what you are saying, but they do also have religious threads, I think myself they just love getting into the religious people, I think it satisfies them, or their ego's ?.

Probably. I can't speak for their justifications, of course. Neither can I think of any other scenario that explains what you report.

I often do wonder why there is such a selective sensibility when it comes to beliefs about god, but so be it. Things are as they are.


Doubting Thomas
I recently joined an atheist forum, I was sick of religion and it beliefs that I had so time for. I thought an atheist forum would be a good forum to discuss things without religion popping up all the time, but I was in for a surprise.

I was also sick of tight rules where you had to think about just about
everything you wanted to say without getting into trouble by staff. The atheist forum didn't have such tight rules as here, or most other threads I have been on. I now realize why we do have such rules, the atheist forum was full of fowl language, and I mean the worst language you can think of.

I also found that they were so arrogant, they believed they and them only had the truth, mainly because of science. I was call the worse names that anyone ever called me.

I told them that I thought they were arrogant, and all hell broke out, I told them that if I had to pick a belief on this forum between atheism and Christianity I would pick Christianity. I thought Christians were arrogant, but I have changed my mind, not that I want to be a Christian, I don't, but after being on the forum I have more respect for them than those atheist.

I was going to call myself an atheist, but I don't think I will now, in fact I don't label myself at all really, I think once we label ourselves we then try to protect that label at any coast.

So that's my ******** for today, sometimes we have to find out for ourselves, and not all the time will we be happy with the results, but that's life lol.

I understand your frustration