You don't get it do you? What part of "not relevant" don't you understand?
Well let me explain the relevance for you.
"Although Rebirth and Reincarnation seem similar, they are not the same. In Brahmanism, they believe in some kind of "eternal Self" that reincarnates. On the other hand the Blessed One taught that there is no eternal self and it is only the impressions (the subtle body) that undergo rebirth."
"Karma in Brahmanism is not like the Karma of Buddhism. In Brahmanism the Karma goes to some "eternal self". "
"Ultimately there is no individual Self/ego/soul of Brahmanism, this is merely clinging to some personal/cosmic idea, unlike Anatta"
etc. etc.
Don't you (and the other Buddhists) constantly make such incorrect assertions around here?
How would you feel if I went to the Hinduism DIR and started saying things like "Shunyata is voidism, it is nihilism", "Nirvana is heaven in Buddhism", "Meditation in Buddhism is a state of passiveness", "The Buddha is some super-God"? Does it seem fair to just throw such statements around?
So I respectfully request you and the other members to stop spreading such wrong information about Sanatana Dharma in this DIR.
Existence is no more a thing than "fast" or "short".
Except that if you strip Existence of "fast-ness", "short-ness", or/and all objects/qualities, it still - by its very definition - exists. On the other hand, try stripping "fast" or "short" of existence.
Do you think shortness exists independently of short objects? Does that even make sense? Does fast or slow mean anything without reference to an object?
- Suppose existence is a property/quality of things
- A quality - by definition - is something different from the "thing" it qualifies.
- Existence is different from the things
- What is different from Existence? Non-existence only.
- Therefore Existence is the property of non-existence.