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The western left hand path comes from the unconscious mind. The Latin word for left is sinister. The right hand path is connected to the conscious mind. The Latin word for right is dexter; mental dexterity.We're talking about evil personhood here, as per the Western Left Hand Path (WLHP.) Do you have any thoughts on what makes an individual evil?
These two paths are connected to the two sides or the two lateral hemispheres of the brain, with the brain cross wired relative to the hands. Therefore, the right hand path comes from the left side of the brain, which processes data in a differential way. This side of the brain helps us to differentiate reality, such as into good and evil. While the left hand is connected to the right brain which processes data in an integral way; symbolism and instinct.
In classic western tradition, knowledge of good and evil, is considered the right hand path; learn right from wrong. This is connected to the left brain and differentiates the world into good and evil. The WLHP uses the right brain to integrate this data base of differential good and evil magnets. Evil integrates from what we are taught about good and evil, via an integrating subroutine in the right brain that I call the Satan Subroutine. This can create irrational impulses, based on the learned cultural data set, fed into the conscious mind, by the cultural superego. There is also a subroutine, such as Jesus, that integrates the good side of law or knowledge of good and evil. There is differential good and evil via the left brain; unique actions, but also integral good and evil. The former more of a distinct behavior, while the latter is more of entire lifestyle of behavior.
A magnetic inversion can come from the WLHP of key humans in the cultural superego. Influential individuals in the cultural superego invert and that feed down the chain of command, sucking people in. This collective unconsciousness can become compulsive on a collective scale; lifestyle.
In classic religion, thou shall not kill is considered good. But to the political left killing the unborn is good. They will get upset if killing the unborn is off the table. The cultural superego of the left inverted the map, but not the magnet, which makes their new "good" much more compulsive. Being good is usually harder to do. It requires effort fighting unconscious WLHP urges. When you get very compulsive in the name of "good", that is classic evil in the disguise of a map inversion. The mind is following the map of a superego and not the natural magnetic directions of good and evil.
I am not trying to define a specific act as evil, but trying to point out the genesis of an entire worldview that sees evil and good and good as evil. When Trump came to power, it was one person having to defend himself from a mob. According the map inverters, one person was evil for speaking freely to the mop, and not backing down. There was no rule of fairness for the mob, which included fake news; liars. The group dymancis were very compulsive which shows evil and sheep clothing; inversion. This was why people in classic religion, supported Trump, while the Left saw then as evil.
We need to bring the magnet of good and evil to its natural orientation and not let a man made map create a trick. The North Pole of the magnetic field is like a fountain that pushes upward like walking up the mountain to go skiing. It takes effort. The South Pole is the easy path since it is like skiing down the mountain; more compulsive led by gravity.
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