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Attention Shia :D

Salaam alykum
Would any of you marry a sunni? Do Shias allow that or would do that?
Just asking out of curiosity hahaha
Thank you :D


I don't know if Shi'as on RF would, but plenty of Shi'as marry Sunnis and vice versa. Nothing against it. Well, certain people might feel that they shouldn't, but for the most part, it's not an issue.


Active Member
What is the main difference between Shi'as and Sunnis?

Real Shiites hate the greatest of the companions of the prophet peace be upon him. Those who dont are just Shiites by heritage, some of them may not even know why they are called Shiites

Their scholars are considered non-muslims by Ijma' ( union of scholars) , laypeople are excused for ignorance.
Real Shiites hate the greatest of the companions of the prophet peace be upon him. Those who dont are just Shiites by heritage, some of them may not even know why they are called Shiites

Their scholars are considered non-muslims by Ijma' ( union of scholars) , laypeople are excused for ignorance.

Actually the Shia believe that the right of Caliph after Prophet Muhammad's (saws) death belonged to Ali (ra). Most of them are "Twelvers" and believe in 12 Imams (Leaders) that succeed Muhammad.


Active Member
Actually the Shia believe that the right of Caliph after Prophet Muhammad's (saws) death belonged to Ali (ra). Most of them are "Twelvers" and believe in 12 Imams (Leaders) that succeed Muhammad.

I know :) , but if they only believed it without hating and insulting companions and wives of the prophet peace be upon him, then there wouldn't be such a distance between Sunnis and Shiites; few evidences may bring them back to the real path.

But when it comes to Aqidah stuffs, there's no joking around anymore.

Btw, did you start practincing stuffs Ive told you in the PM or still not ? :)
I know :) , but if they only believed it without hating and insulting companions and wives of the prophet peace be upon him, then there wouldn't be such a distance between Sunnis and Shiites; few evidences may bring them back to the real path.

But when it comes to Aqidah stuffs, there's no joking around anymore.

Btw, did you start practincing stuffs Ive told you in the PM or still not ? :)

I am so sorry sis! I do not remember what you are talking about :(
please remind me.


Just a reminder that this is the Shia DIR:

The DIR forums are for the express use for discussion by that specific group. They are not to be used for debate by anyone. People of other groups or faiths may post respectful questions to increase their understanding. Questions of a rhetorical or argumentative nature or that counter the beliefs of that DIR are not permitted. Only posts that comply with the tenets or spirit of that DIR are permitted. DIR areas are not to be used as cover to bash others outside the faith. The DIR forums are strictly moderated and posts are subject to editing or removal.


New Member
Muslims this is the time we really need to educate ourselves. The reason why we call ourselves ****es which mean follower. When Prophet Muhamad (pbuh) made his last speech which is well known
In Quran 5:67 O Messenger! proclaim the (message) which hath been sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst not, thou wouldst not have fulfilled and proclaimed His mission. And Allah will defend thee from men (who mean mischief). For Allah guideth not those who reject Faith. After this ayah was revealed. He lifted up the arm of Imam Ali and Prophet Muhammad called him THE AMIR MUMINUN. That is why we are shia. His LAST SERMON..... Why do you guys call yourself Sunnis? Most likely your parents chose your path.


Active Member
Muslims this is the time we really need to educate ourselves. The reason why we call ourselves ****es which mean follower. When Prophet Muhamad (pbuh) made his last speech which is well known
In Quran 5:67 O Messenger! proclaim the (message) which hath been sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst not, thou wouldst not have fulfilled and proclaimed His mission. And Allah will defend thee from men (who mean mischief). For Allah guideth not those who reject Faith. After this ayah was revealed. He lifted up the arm of Imam Ali and Prophet Muhammad called him THE AMIR MUMINUN. That is why we are shia. His LAST SERMON..... Why do you guys call yourself Sunnis? Most likely your parents chose your path.

Who witnessed the fact you're speaking of? I thought ****es used to claim that the prophet peace be upon him left the Khilafah to Imam Ali, but he may Allah be pleased with him hided it for fear for his life and his family's life?

Isnt it the original story?? :confused:


New Member
First of all, would the prophet even appoint a leader to lead after him? Looking into history we see that in every city he appointed a governor and in every battle he appointed a commander. Then why would the prophet leave the leadership of the ummah an untouched subject. After being persecuted and all his effort in spreading Islam would he just leave the world without saying a word about the future. And in fact the prophet did advise the ummah on who to look for guidance after his death. And he did so on his last Hajj at a point known as Ghadeer.

On this day the Messenger of Allah spent approximately five ours in this place; three hours of which he was on the pulpit. He recited nearly one hundred verses from The Glorious Quran, and for seventy three times reminded and warned people of their deeds and future. Then he gave them along speech. The following is a part of his speech which has been widely narrated by the Sunni traditionists:
The Messenger of Allah declared: "It seems the time approached when I shall be called away (by Allah) and I shall answer that call. I am leaving for you two precious things and if you adhere both of them,you will never go astray after me. They are the Book of Allah and my progeny, that is my Ahlul-Bayt. The two shall never separate from each other until they come to me by the Pool (of Paradise)." (Sahih) Volume 6, Chapter 31, Hadith No. 3788

Then the Messenger of Allah continued: "Do I not have more right over
the believers than what they have over themselves?" People cried and
answered: "Yes, O' Messenger of God." Then Prophet held up the
hand of Ali and said: "Whoever I am his leader (Mawla), Ali is his
leader (Mawla). O' God, love those who love him, and be hostile to
those who are hostile to him." Sahih Tirmidhi, v2, p298, v5, p63

If you would like more references then pm me


Active Member
I know :) , but if they only believed it without hating and insulting companions and wives of the prophet peace be upon him, then there wouldn't be such a distance between Sunnis and Shiites;

Do you mean stop hating the beliefs and traditions of Abu Lahab, Hind, Bu Suffyan and Abu Jahal etc?

eman resu

What is the main difference between Shi'as and Sunnis?

the difference bw shia and sunnis began after Muhammad's(sw) death. one group believed that Ali(ra) should be the leader of the muslims (the shias) as they claimed that Muhammad(sw) himself proclaimed Ali(ra) to be the rightful leader. the other group claimed that Muhammad(sw) never made any such appointment and thus chose Abu Bakr to be the 1st leader (caliph) after the prophet's (sw) death. for the sunnis, Ali(ra) was the 4th caliph.
thus the split started off as more of a political rift at first but has also developed religious difference over the years also. one of the biggest being about the imams. shia believe an imam to be a spiritual leader with a divine connection. based on which type of shia you ask there were a different number of imams (12, 21, etc...). sunnis believe an imam is a leader of prayer. he has no distinct divine connection. sunnis do not beleive in any spiritual/divine leaders as the shias do.
these are the 2 biggest differences between the sects. there are others, particularly when it comes to interpretation of the quran and hadith. the situation gets really complicated when you bring in the subsects and their individual beliefs.


Active Member
I consider myself neither Sunni nor Shia, but of course, because I believe Ali to be the successor, I would be boxed in as Shia. Well, anyways, my fiance is not concerned about Sunni or Shia. I would marry a Sunni though if they respected my beliefs.


But Ali was a successor? I think what defines a Shia is the belief that the Caliph must come from the family of the Prophet in conjunction with your first point.

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
But Ali was a successor? I think what defines a Shia is the belief that the Caliph must come from the family of the Prophet in conjunction with your first point.

ٍThe concept of "Calif" in its Sunni political sense is not available in Shia Islam. Shia believe that at any time of human history there must be either a prophet or a successor of a prophet who is chosen by god, and who share almost all the characteristics of the prophet.

The prophet or his successor must be the Calif, i.e. the political ruler.

It's important to note that the Shia Muslims don't believe that the blood linage is what determines who should be the successor, but God chooses the most pious man in his time. Yes, prophets and imams tend to be from certain families.

To explain, After the death of shia's second imam, who is imam Hassan (the son of imam Ali and Fatima, the daughter of the prophet Mohammed S), his brother was chosen as the next imam (imam Hussein) although imam Hassan has many children.