Before I begin to deconstruct your ridiculous post here, I’d like to thank you for having already proven all of my statements by way of producing such an astounding volume of butthurt and indignity. Thanks.
I’d also like to make you aware of the most important mistake you have made. You let me know you. You see, I know that Ryan is a real person. He sleeps when he is tired, he has to go to the bathroom now and then, and he scratches where it itches. I have lost count of the number of conversations I have had with him. All his serious articles aside, the guy actually prefers to get high and lay around on the street, taking goofy photos of himself and his friends. It’s called being human. It happens to the best of us.
You will never accomplish your goal of creating this symbol, this ONA archetype, of Ryan Fleming, because all I see when I read his name, is that photo of him wearing pink pajamas while feeding a kitten in the doorway. I am a human being too, minus the pink pajamas, but I can laugh and cut-up, but the difference between Ryan and I, is that I am not attempting to create a false image of myself. For better or worse, for all my faults, I just am what I am, and I know myself, and accept myself, for who I am. Ryan should stop trying so hard. It’s far too obvious, and it is immature.
Do you know why the ONA created the false-persons David Myatt and Anton Long? It is convenient for your figurehead to have no human qualities. Human beings have faults, while fictional characters do not. You cannot contact Myatt because he doesn’t exist, and you’re all fools for not knowing this. If you were “troo” ONA, you’d have figured this out already. Now, on to your ramblings.
No. Aetherforce(dot)com is its own website with a large following. It's also a well known website. I'm very sure Ryan Fleming isn't behind that website.
Are you that thick headed? I didn’t say Ryan invented Aetherforce(dot)com, I said that the blog he cerate on their server will only be spammed with Chloes works, and not Ryans own. You can easily prove this to be false by offering a comparison of Chloes work, and Ryans work, pointing out where Ryan has produced anything that Chloe hadn’t already said.
I bet you can't!!! Acausal Science is not a Science at all, and the ‘theories” Ryan is promoting are not even his own, and everyone can see it, so deal with that, lol.
I've read Chloe's publication (nexion zine) since the first 1.0 issue. I have not ever seen Mr. Fleming spam this zine in anyway. In fact, the only issue of nexion zine that did mention Mr. Fleming was the 1.3 issue. In this issue 1.3 Chloe talks about how Mr. Fleming had INSPIRED her to do or make something. So, no Ryan doesn't "spam" Chloe's publication. As for Mr. Myatt, he doesn't have a publication. He may have a few websites and a blog which he doesn't keep up-to-date. I have also never seen Mr. Fleming "spam" Mr. Myatt's websites or blogs.
Chloe has a word for guys like you, “Meme Monkeys” It makes me chuckle. And if it’s that big a deal that Ryan was featured in NEXION, why don’t you look me up, all over ONA productions for several years, all over THEM productions, and a bunch of the stuff that SIN JONES has done, I was involved in the movements referred to as 3.0, Into The Fire, and on and on and on, but you don’t see me having to boast and brag about it, because most of the time they came to me. I’m not selling anything, and you are. And again, Myatt does not exist, it’s a meme, any you fell for it.
On the other hand, you spam Mr. Fleming's blog, and other people's blogs. Would you please provide links or screen shots for us, to prove that Mr. Fleming spams Chloe and Mr. Myatt's publications?
The only link anyone would need to view is Ryans main websites. Read Myatt websites, and then read Chloe websites, then if you’d like to see all that content again, just go to Ryans websites where you can enjoy a different background. What has Ryan added to what was already there?
You Darryl saying that you are not impressed by Mr. Fleming's stuff has the same feel and significance and affect as when a junior high school kid who read a book about philosophy and science, saying to a college student who is majoring philosophy and science - "I'm not impressed, by your superior intellect." LMAO!!! This is the funniest thing I've read from you. You're a pretentious pseudo-intellectual with a hill-billy brain comparing yourself to a non-pretentious genuinely intelligent person (Mr. Fleming).
I see, and what does this statement say about your own intellect? If I am so insignificant, it’s curious that you’d be so overly concerned with my views, which, obviously you are. People can see that too.
Chloe dates all of her essays. It's a habit she has had for many years. She got this habit from Mr. Myatt. Mr. Fleming's blog time & date stamps all of his posts he publishes. If you actually read both Chloe's essays and Mr. Fleming's and paid attention to the dates, you'd see that in many cases Mr. Fleming produces essays or topics BEFORE Chloe write an essay of a similar subject. There is no copying, the dates shows it. What is happening is mutual inspiration... something you may be alien to.
I’m curious how many times you will have to mention Chloe in order to feel as though you are
down with ONA. Have a look at my works and see how many times I have to name drop names to feel like I was somehow important. She used to hang out on my old Wordpress all the time, commenting, agreeing, disagreeing, and debating. I like Chloe, really I do, but I gag when I see parasites like you sucking on her like so many Whale Louse. Chloe has you right where she wants you, all of you, lol.
Mr. Fleming is doing just fine. He has an independent mind, produces his own thoughts and concepts, has his own world views, makes up his own mathematical formulas, has his own vocabulary, has his own original ideas.
Mmm, indeed, just like everyone else, only Ryan has this need to be justified and validated via Chloe? People can see this. Just saying.
You on the other hand, use ONA ideas, words, image, reputation, concepts as a crutch. You use Dan's ideas and words. You use Jason King's ideas and words. You rarely produce your own independent thoughts devoid of ONA and other people's original ideas. You're the one who needs to stand on your own two feet... and deep down inside, you know you can't.
I see, so all those years, all those deates, all those esseys, and two different books, one of which was inspired by THEM, wheras I challenged everything the ONA stands for was what? Stop and think before you post next time, and you won't look so silly. As for Dan and JK, they are both awesome people that I really dig. I think of them as friends though, not idols, I don't name drop them, I
know them. Get out some, you might makes some friends too. Oh, and for the tenth time, lol, Dan didn't invent the term "nomos". Thats the funniest meme going around this week.
See my above statements. You're projecting your own physis and ethos onto Mr. Fleming. Dozens of wordpresses... a lulu self published book or two filled with crap... you are your own ONA wordpress mafia Darryl You know this. This is all you have done. You consider these to be "end results."
Dozens of Wordpress, would be three Wordpress, ever, each of which lasted more than a year, and one that lasted nearly three years. I do this thing where I delete all of my online accounts, and leave the internet now and then. I go out into nature, whereas I have put these ideals and philosophies into practice and actually lived the exeatic life. So deal with it If I come and go. It's interesting, and rather telling, that you guys ... are
always here playing internet ******.
What I mean by "end results," is, as an example, you plant a seed, the seed grows into an apple tree, the tree bares apple fruit. The apple fruit are the "end results."
Your butthurt is the end result. Cry me a river. I'm just being me, and you can't stand it. Perhaps Chloe will help you. Go beg Mama, lol.
Case 1 of actual End Results: David Myatt puts in some decades writing. This generates for him a small following and circle of influence. Journalists and academicians take notice of him and write articles and books about him. He even qualifies to have his own wikipedia page.
David Myatt does not exist, lol. There are Wiki pages about all sorts of nonsense. Whats your point? I'll let you in on a secret, Chloe had more to do with this than Myatt did. History is often fabricated.
Case 2 of actual End Results: Ryan Fleming is interested in alternative science. He is good at writing. He has original and interesting ideas and concepts. The people over at aetherforce(dot)com put him on their team to be one of their writers.
Alternative Science is not Science at all, or it would just be Science. There are good Christian writers too, does that mean Jesus is the way?
That's what actual "End Results" look like. I'm not the least bit surprised that you didn't understand, and that you considered your one-man wordpress mafia and crappy SELF-PUBLISHED lulu book to be results.
You, are the results. Please continue.
The difference between you; one who is a pretentious pseudo-intellectual; and others who are genuinely intelligent is that others can spell words like "necessarily" correctly, and you can't.
Yeah, spelling is not my strong suit. I put far more time in the streets, as a run-away, running from the law, and being in jail, than I ever did paying attention in school. I lived my life and gave no ****s even then, and I'm always trying to shed more ****s, until I have no more to ****s give, so if you are trying to hurt my feelings with "your grammar is not perfect", you'll likely be disappointed. Just look at that run-on sentence! Oh no!
Dan Dread must the the Dark Gods then. Everybody knows your story. You were doing your own thing. You ripped off some ONA essays and didn't know what ONA was. Dan had to tell you. Ever since then you've been swinging on Dan and ONA's nuts.
Did Dan hurt your feelings too? lol.
Dan was the first to use that word in the clique of online Satanists that congregate/d at MySatan, SIN Network, and 600 Klub. That's a fact. You used it after Dan's incorporation of it into his personal idiolect.
And? Dan came up with 3.0 too, and people ran wild with it. If you know Dan, you know thats one of his things. Dan coins some cool terms and they catch on sometimes. Its nice of you to notice. Anyway, I don't see you crying about anyone else using the term though. You are just frantically attempting to find any ammunition against me, and I love it. You're just so cute. Keep it up.