Here in Canada, we have universal healthcare. When I needed spine surgery (about $8,000 overall), my doctor and I made the decision to go ahead, with no need to ask "government" if we could, it happened within the week, and the cost to me was $0.
Bigger, when my lover came down with Guillaine-Barre Syndrome, he spent 8 1/2 MONTHS in hospital, getting immense amounts of care, drugs, surgery, ICU, physio -- it never seemed to end. Overall cost? At least $1,500,000. Home care (for another year) afterwards included someone coming 7 days a week to help get him up and dressed, make the bed, a few other things (depending on the care-giver's whim). Cost to us? The same $0 as my spine surgery.
The cost in taxes? The 10 percent of Canadian families with the lowest incomes will pay an average of about $471 for public health care insurance in 2020. The 10 percent of Canadian families who earn an average income of $65,522 will pay an average of $6,627 for public health care insurance, and the families among the top 10 percent of income earners in Canada will pay $39,731.
We're not perfect, and the system is getting a bit frayed and needs work -- but I'll stay here, thank you.