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Awareness of existence


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
No correction of course necessary, begin at post #49 and go from there.
We did that. And now we sit with your straw man built from the narrative you've created for yourself and nothing else productive to say. With that, I take my leave.

Feel free to have the last word, as I'm confident you will.


Premium Member
We did that. And now we sit with your straw man built from the narrative you've created for yourself and nothing else productive to say. With that, I take my leave.
No "we" did not, Since post #49 you have been talking to yourself with your own agenda and not responding to my posts. A mind crack in your head like a broken record repeating your agenda over and over.
Feel free to have the last word, as I'm confident you will.
My last word was post #49. You have failed to respond and address the issues at hand since. You do not even understand the meaning of the "Strawman." This ia actually what you did by distorting my argument after pst #49.

A straw man fallacy occurs when someone distorts or exaggerates another person’s argument, and then attacks the distorted version of the argument instead of genuinely engaging.
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Soul Pioneer
Scroll down, the page is below the text.

oops :) - ok....my page format wasnt working to scroll down, I fixed it now :)

Interesting synposis,......yes...there is one universal reality it seems that is essentially the same thru-out all time, so that would be the source or origin of all time/space/relativity.......so this 'God' if we would call IT that,...is the same for all being omnipresent and more.

Interesting inventions as well......I just got a kindle book titled 'Magnetic Current' by Edward Leedskalnin.....the builder of the Coral Castle who apparently knew some secrets of magnetic power and goes thru some interesting experiments, he supposedly tried to patent some of his inventions, but not sure who where that went. Magnetism and electricity appear to work in synergy in some way, so the metaphysics there is interesting, especially in the prospect of free energy production to benefit humanity.



Premium Member
oops :) - ok....my page format wasnt working to scroll down, I fixed it now :)

Interesting synposis,......yes...there is one universal reality it seems that is essentially the same thru-out all time, so that would be the source or origin of all time/space/relativity.......so this 'God' if we would call IT that,...is the same for all being omnipresent and more.

Interesting inventions as well......I just got a kindle book titled 'Magnetic Current' by Edward Leedskalnin.....the builder of the Coral Castle who apparently knew some secrets of magnetic power and goes thru some interesting experiments, he supposedly tried to patent some of his inventions, but not sure who where that went. Magnetism and electricity appear to work in synergy in some way, so the metaphysics there is interesting, especially in the prospect of free energy production to benefit humanity.

At present the closest thing to a universal reality at the known physical existence at the smallest scale is Quantum Mechanics.

The relationship between electricity and magnetism is not a mystery, even though difficult to understand and ex[lain it is well known in basic physics.

Electricity & Magnetism​

The interactions of electricity and magnetism are difficult to explain in nontechnical terms. This is primarily because one has to describe the interactions in terms of invisible "force fields" which shift, expand, contract, strengthen, weaken, and rotate in space, and these are very difficult to describe adequately in verbal terms. In mathematical terms, coupled sets of three-dimensional vector differential equations are required, and these are also quite difficult to visualize.

So, we will go light on the mathematics as we discuss E & M. We will rely on more intuitive, graphical interpretations. Here are the basics:


Electric field for two equal but opposite charges. The electric force at any point P is tangent to the electric field.


Magnetic field around a bar magnet. Note the close similarity to the electric field in the previous illustration.

1) The electric force is created by electric charges. For all practical purposes, the world around you contains only two types of charged particles: protons, which have a charge of +1 in atomic units, and electrons, which have a charge of -1. There are many hundreds of other charged particles, but nearly all of them are unstable and disintegrate on time scales shorter than a billionth of a second. Like energy and momentum, the total charge of the Universe is conserved. You can create or destroy positive charge as long as you also create or destroy an equal amount of negative charge, but the algebraic total cannot change. As far as we know, the total electric charge in the Universe is exactly zero.

The electrostatic force between two point charges is given by Coulomb's Law:

F = k q1 q2 / r2
where: k = the electrostatic constant = 8.99 X 109 kg m3 / s2 coul2, r = the distance between the two charges, and q1 and q2 are the two charges, measured in coulombs. (One coulomb = the charge on 6.24 X 1018 electrons. Therefore, one proton or electron carries a charge of ±1.602 X 10-19 coulomb.) If q1 and q2 have the same sign, the electrostatic force is repulsive. If they have opposite signs, the force is attractive. Notice how the formula for electrostatic force looks exactly like that for gravity: all we have to do is substitute the gravitational constant G for the electrostatic constant k, and switch mass for charge.

2) Static magnetic fields are not described by a simple formula, because magnets always have a north pole and a south pole, so the magnetic field always loops from one pole to the other. If one immerses a magnet in a heavy fluid which contains iron filings, and shakes the container, the iron filings will align themselves along the magnetic field and thus reveal the shape of the field. The field shown at right is the simplest possible magnetic field. Both this and the field shown in the previous illustration are called dipole fields, because they are created by two poles.

Although there is no simple formula for magnetostatic force, there is a magnetic force constant "m" which is analogous to "k" for electric fields and to "G" for gravity. m is equal to 1.26 X 10-6 in metric units.

3) Electricity and magnetism are essentially two aspects of the same thing, because a changing electric field creates a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field creates an electric field. (This is why physicists usually refer to "electromagnetism" or "electromagnetic" forces together, rather than separately.)

To demonstrate that an electric current (i.e., moving electric charge) generates a magnetic field, all you need do is simply place a magnetic compass next to a wire in a circuit. When current is passed through the wire, the compass will deflect, indicating the presence of a magnetic field circling the wire. (In fact, this is exactly how the magnetic field of a current was discovered. In 1819, Professor Hans Oersted of the University of Copenhagen was giving a lecture on electric currents and also on magnets. He happened to leave a compass next to a conducting wire, and in the middle of the lecture he noticed that the current was deflecting the compass. This is probably the only important physics discovery ever made before a live audience.) It is important to understand that the Coulomb force law only provides the full story of the forces between two charges when the charges are standing still. (That's why it's referred to as an electrostatic force law.) The forces between moving electric charges are much more complicated, and in fact, what we call a "magnetic field" is actually just the result of moving charges acting on each other. Static magnetic fields in materials such as iron are more-or-less caused by the motion of electrons within atoms.

One can also use a magnet and some loops of wire to demonstrate the reverse of the above: that a changing magnetic field creates a current. (This is called induction.) By simply moving a magnet through a coil of wire, one can easily detect the current flowing in the coil by using a sensitive ammeter. But if the magnet is held still inside the loop, nothing will happen. Only a changing (read: moving, expanding, oscillating, rotating) magnetic field gives rise to electric currents. Likewise, only moving charges (currents) give rise to magnetic fields. Unmoving charges produce only the Coulomb force.


Soul Pioneer
According to the Bible we are all Sons of God in the pantheon of Gods.

Yes, more or less :) - such depends as well as we define and distinguish various levels or degrees of 'godhood' or 'divinity'.....as in a hierarchy there are men, angles and 'God', while men could be called 'angels' or 'gods' too, but for some its important to 'differentiate' (terms vary). One can call themselves a 'god', but what does that mean? - that we are all children of 'God', thats more relatable in a familial sense. One a whole nother level, I may not know what I am, but that I AM :) - there is one absolute, all else is relative :hearteyes: - on the pure ontological level of sentience and life-potential, we all derive from 'God' as some aspect or expression of Deity.

As far as an exisential 'religion' goes (back to the OP), I suppose the author of the thread here would tie that with the 'God' of all time, who uses time in which to co-create with his offspring to fulfill his own dreams and desires, whatever those may be to infinity. - hence the rounds of existence or movements in space, are what creation is about. What comes around, goes around......so it takes 'time' :)

Life to us individual points of consciousness in space is all about what we do with the time granted. It all comes full circle........




Soul Pioneer
At present the closest thing to a universal reality at the known physical existence at the smallest scale is Quantum Mechanics.

The relationship between electricity and magnetism is not a mystery, even though difficult to understand and ex[lain it is well known in basic physics.

Electricity & Magnetism​

The interactions of electricity and magnetism are difficult to explain in nontechnical terms. This is primarily because one has to describe the interactions in terms of invisible "force fields" which shift, expand, contract, strengthen, weaken, and rotate in space, and these are very difficult to describe adequately in verbal terms. In mathematical terms, coupled sets of three-dimensional vector differential equations are required, and these are also quite difficult to visualize.

So, we will go light on the mathematics as we discuss E & M. We will rely on more intuitive, graphical interpretations. Here are the basics:


Electric field for two equal but opposite charges. The electric force at any point P is tangent to the electric field.


Magnetic field around a bar magnet. Note the close similarity to the electric field in the previous illustration.

1) The electric force is created by electric charges. For all practical purposes, the world around you contains only two types of charged particles: protons, which have a charge of +1 in atomic units, and electrons, which have a charge of -1. There are many hundreds of other charged particles, but nearly all of them are unstable and disintegrate on time scales shorter than a billionth of a second. Like energy and momentum, the total charge of the Universe is conserved. You can create or destroy positive charge as long as you also create or destroy an equal amount of negative charge, but the algebraic total cannot change. As far as we know, the total electric charge in the Universe is exactly zero.

The electrostatic force between two point charges is given by Coulomb's Law:

F = k q1 q2 / r2
where: k = the electrostatic constant = 8.99 X 109 kg m3 / s2 coul2, r = the distance between the two charges, and q1 and q2 are the two charges, measured in coulombs. (One coulomb = the charge on 6.24 X 1018 electrons. Therefore, one proton or electron carries a charge of ±1.602 X 10-19 coulomb.) If q1 and q2 have the same sign, the electrostatic force is repulsive. If they have opposite signs, the force is attractive. Notice how the formula for electrostatic force looks exactly like that for gravity: all we have to do is substitute the gravitational constant G for the electrostatic constant k, and switch mass for charge.

2) Static magnetic fields are not described by a simple formula, because magnets always have a north pole and a south pole, so the magnetic field always loops from one pole to the other. If one immerses a magnet in a heavy fluid which contains iron filings, and shakes the container, the iron filings will align themselves along the magnetic field and thus reveal the shape of the field. The field shown at right is the simplest possible magnetic field. Both this and the field shown in the previous illustration are called dipole fields, because they are created by two poles.

Although there is no simple formula for magnetostatic force, there is a magnetic force constant "m" which is analogous to "k" for electric fields and to "G" for gravity. m is equal to 1.26 X 10-6 in metric units.

3) Electricity and magnetism are essentially two aspects of the same thing, because a changing electric field creates a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field creates an electric field. (This is why physicists usually refer to "electromagnetism" or "electromagnetic" forces together, rather than separately.)

To demonstrate that an electric current (i.e., moving electric charge) generates a magnetic field, all you need do is simply place a magnetic compass next to a wire in a circuit. When current is passed through the wire, the compass will deflect, indicating the presence of a magnetic field circling the wire. (In fact, this is exactly how the magnetic field of a current was discovered. In 1819, Professor Hans Oersted of the University of Copenhagen was giving a lecture on electric currents and also on magnets. He happened to leave a compass next to a conducting wire, and in the middle of the lecture he noticed that the current was deflecting the compass. This is probably the only important physics discovery ever made before a live audience.) It is important to understand that the Coulomb force law only provides the full story of the forces between two charges when the charges are standing still. (That's why it's referred to as an electrostatic force law.) The forces between moving electric charges are much more complicated, and in fact, what we call a "magnetic field" is actually just the result of moving charges acting on each other. Static magnetic fields in materials such as iron are more-or-less caused by the motion of electrons within atoms.

One can also use a magnet and some loops of wire to demonstrate the reverse of the above: that a changing magnetic field creates a current. (This is called induction.) By simply moving a magnet through a coil of wire, one can easily detect the current flowing in the coil by using a sensitive ammeter. But if the magnet is held still inside the loop, nothing will happen. Only a changing (read: moving, expanding, oscillating, rotating) magnetic field gives rise to electric currents. Likewise, only moving charges (currents) give rise to magnetic fields. Unmoving charges produce only the Coulomb force.

Yes, the technical points of the mechanics involved with both, do make my brain implode lol - Leedskalnin apparently used his knowledge of magnetism and the dynamics of the north/south poles to move those huge limestone blocks that weighed tons! - hence the mystery. I wish we would employ this free energy (magneticity) to give us free energy, to free us from the monopoly of the power companies and other aspects of the control matrix. Magnetism and electricity appear to be intrinsic to life itself, so affects every atom, which also has its play in physical healing and maintenance...another field in which to employ the science. I hope we advance for the higher good of all in this field,....I hear med-beds that use hologram technology are also underway, some models already existing.....how magnetism may be involved I'm not sure, but it appears life-energy itself is magnetic.....such a polarity pervades all of nature and matter, apparently? who knows.



Premium Member
Yes, the technical points of the mechanics involved with both, do make my brain implode lol - Leedskalnin apparently used his knowledge of magnetism and the dynamics of the north/south poles to move those huge limestone blocks that weighed tons! - hence the mystery. I wish we would employ this free energy (magneticity) to give us free energy, to free us from the monopoly of the power companies and other aspects of the control matrix. Magnetism and electricity appear to be intrinsic to life itself, so affects every atom, which also has its play in physical healing and maintenance...another field in which to employ the science. I hope we advance for the higher good of all in this field,....I hear med-beds that use hologram technology are also underway, some models already existing.....how magnetism may be involved I'm not sure, but it appears life-energy itself is magnetic.....such a polarity pervades all of nature and matter, apparently? who knows.

Will follow up after giving it some thought.