False, and you need citations like I provided to back up these assertions concerning what one or the other Popes say. I know that ever Pope including the present Pope issues an encyclical confirming the belief on salvation.
I did not mention any encyclical, and I cited one of my sources already, namely the Catechism. If you want to play this "citation" game, since you are the one who made these erroneous accusations, then you go
first with you citations.
BTW, I am neither Catholic nor Christian, but I have studied Catholic theology for decades now (long story), including taking two Catholic theology classes back during my undergrad years. What you have been citing are theologies that are out of touch with both what is being officially taught, in some cases, or what is currently being put out by recent popes, especially Pope Francis.
But either way, I have to repeat that personal theological beliefs that go against what the church
officially teaches are an individual's right. One of the Catholic books I read years ago was "May Your (Informed) Conscience Be Your Guide", and this was it's main theme. IOW, study and learn Catholic theology, but then your beliefs and your decisions are
yours as you are ultimately responsible for what you decide.