There is so much bull**** that has been part of being "politically correct", so much dishonesty and so much insincerity. And people have recognised truth for quite some time now. But what has been bothering me more and more lately is how much bull**** there is in politically incorrect speech.
I think somehow people have come to the conclusion that since there is so much dishonesty in politically correct speech, that anything that is politically incorrect must, by comparison, be true. Many people feel on some almost instinctual level people feel that if something is stated in a polite diplomatic way that it must be dishonest, and if something is rude it must be true.
And the irony is that this gut reaction that many people feel is being exploited by some to deceive them. The feeling that someone is finally "telling it like it is" is so appealing after so much sanitised pablum. But are they really "telling it like it is", or have they just found a different way to deceive?
I just want to implore people to keep looking for the bull****, whether it is the pleasant safe diplomatic bull**** of the politically correct, or the ugly hateful bigoted bull**** of the politically incorrect.