I finally found the source regarding the Hadith that Says, the Qaim appears in year 60 in Shia Sources.
It is in this Book:
في سنه الستين يظهره امره و يعلو ذکره
Page 227
Note that, Bahaullah did not say this Hadith is in Bihar.
Congratulations for becoming proficient in the same tactic of forgery that Baha'u'llah used in the Iqan. As you can see no one claimed that the aforementioned tradition is from the book Bihar but you removed the middle part of
@mojtaba's post and made it seem like he was claiming that it is from Bihar al-anwar. Your attitude is really saddening.
As for the tradition that you think you have found: These are the original Arabic words that Baha'u'llah has used in the first section that you failed to mention and deliberately ignored:
"فَکيفَ يا مولايَ فی ظُهورِهِ؟ "
That translates to:
"Oh my master How will you be in his appearance" (the current official Arabic translation reads: "What of the sign of His manifestation, O my master" which is a clear distortion."
The statement in the current book that you have provided reads:"یا مولای فکیف بدو ظهوره" "Oh my master, how is the beginning of his appearance?"
As you can see, you have provided a narration that is completely different from Baha'u'llah's statement!
As for the second section that is being discussed: These are Baha'u'llah's words:
فَقال عَلَيه السّلامُ فی سَنَةِ السّتّينِ يَظهَرُ اَمرُه و يعلُو ذکره."
while the statement provided in the book you have provided reads:
قال یا مفضل یظهر فی سنه الستین امره و یعلو ذکره
Again these are two different statements. What is even more interesting is that the aforementioned section of the book is part of a long tradition known as hadith Mufaddal, where it is clearly stated:
"From Mufaddal ibn Umar who said, “I asked my Master (Imam) Sadiq is there an appointed time (for the appearance) of the assigned waiting Mahdi that the people know about?” He replied, “God forbid, that He appoint a time for his appearance..." This completely contradicts Baha'u'llah's statement and Baha'u'llah deliberately left this section out of the narration that he had distorted because it would have nulled his flawed argument.
The remaing questions were answered in Bahai Dir.
Good luck
Yeah they were! Really!!! You see you deliberately threw in a bunch of flawed arguments in the Baha'i DIR and since no one can debate in the DIR section, you are triumphantly stating that you have provided adequate responses. There is a Persian proverb that states: "خود گویی و خود خندی، عجب مرد هنرمندی" A rough translation would convey this meaning: "You utter one sided arguments, then pat yourself on your back, and you think that you are really smart."
Good luck to you too!