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Bailout plan? DENIED...


Prince of Dorkness!
OK, that's cool.

Now, how are you going to re-inject liquidity into the markets?


Well-Known Member
Don't ask me. Ask the smart men and women that have gotten us into this mess. I am just happy to see that we, the taxpayers, are not going to have to pay for their mistakes. Let them take care of themselves. If I were to fail to pay my mortgage, I lose my house. They have failed to take care of their economic system, and now it is going to die.


Jar of Clay
I'm no expert in the subject by any means but as a taxpayer, I'd be willing to sacrifice more of my hard earned money to ensure that the financial system that I depend on to make a living is back to running at full force. Whether or not that system was flawed to begin with (I think it was) is for a different scope. Has an alternative been proposed or does this just mean slipping deeper and deeper into possible recession status?


Well-Known Member
A victory for the people! :D

A victory indeed, for the moment atleast. All we can do is continue the pressure on our Representatives. Keep the e-mails flowing and keep this bill where it belongs, on the shelf. This is a government for the people and by the people. It is nice to see the people have had their voices heard this time around...


Prince of Dorkness!
I don't disagree.

The problem is that when these great wounded beasts (giant financial entities) get to flailing and floundering in their death throes, they are very likely to crush you and me in the process without ever even noticing.

Having just survived Hurricane Ike (2 weeks with no electricity), I understand quite clearly how delicately balanced our economy and society are. It doesn't take much at all to seriously inconvenience if not outright destroy the average individual's situation. Look at the Southeast over this past week or so and see what happens when there is a minor(?) disruption in the supply of fuel to an area of the country. Now think about a disruption in food supplies to a large city for several weeks - what happens then?

So, hopefully there is a soft landing in all of this for the ordinary taxpayer - and not a complete economic meltdown as our President and others have been prophesying.


Well-Known Member
I am just amazed that 205 votes dared to go against the will of the people. That is what should be astonishing, not the fact that there were 228 that chose to side with the will of the American people. Everyone, including the leading Senate Democrats, said that they did not want to vote for the bill, but felt that is was absolutely necessary. Only the 228 had the courage to stand up for the will of their own convictions and those of the American people....


Active Member
I am just amazed that 205 votes dared to go against the will of the people. That is what should be astonishing, not the fact that there were 228 that chose to side with the will of the American people. Everyone, including the leading Senate Democrats, said that they did not want to vote for the bill, but felt that is was absolutely necessary. Only the 228 had the courage to stand up for the will of their own convictions and those of the American people....

I'd be interested to see who voted to pass it but I can't seem to find the bill number. If my Congressman voted for it then he's going to have a rude awakening come election day.


Well-Known Member
I'd be interested to see who voted to pass it but I can't seem to find the bill number. If my Congressman voted for it then he's going to have a rude awakening come election day.

I would like to know as well. One Representative that I know did not vote for the bailout plan was Ron Paul. If you find the info, it would be greatly appreciated if you could post it here on the forums...


I'd be interested to see who voted to pass it but I can't seem to find the bill number. If my Congressman voted for it then he's going to have a rude awakening come election day.

Matt 6:25-33 ".....keep on seeking the kingdom first and all these other things will be added to you" Why worry about it, put your faith in God and let the chips fall where they may.


Well-Known Member
Because, some ppl at the major international banks/insurance firms believed they could capitalize on a housing bubble without end, so they kept lending, even for 110% the value of the house and with insane adjustible rates, on the belief that they would either "flip" the house before the higher rates came in, or that the value of the [property] would continue to double every year, so the equity would surpass the value of the loan in short order.

Yep! They were complete IDIOTS! Thats how THEY got themselves into this mess, and its a tribute to the Representatives who voted against this travesty, that they should have the courage and decency to stand up against financial tyrrany, when it would be politically expedient to just lie down. :angel2:

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member

We should definitely celebrate today. But don't underestimate the tenacity of corporate greed. They'll try to figure another way to rob the American people. Just wait and see how Congressmen start to get paid off.


Reality Checker
House votes down massive bailout measure - Economy in Turmoil - MSNBC.com

I am glad to see that the House of Representatives has voted to uphold the will of the American people. They did not bend to the fear tactics used by the Administration, Federal Reserve, and other members of Congress. Thank God for law-makers who listen to the people. I never thought that I would say this, but thank God for the House Republicans...

Yea, how smart of our freaking politicians. They took on a bill with promise of HUGE FINANCIAL OVERFALL - creating large expectations across world markets, then flipped the world the bird and shot it down.

Instead of investing 700 billion, Congress's actions made the Investing Public lose over a trillion dollars. When I say investing public, I don't just mean big swinging dicks - I also mean the average middle class Americans that have retirement plans, seniors that gets paid from annuities, or relying on their 401k retirement assets, and many other examples.

Everyone has much to lose - not just those holding stocks or bonds or 401k. If you use our financial systems - banks, atm, make money, use money, use credit - you stand to lose.

I don't know why people don't understand this simple concept? Is it seriously that hard to fathom? We are the economy - we are not in some bubble isolated from it - no matter how little money or how insignificant our assets maybe.


Reality Checker

We should definitely celebrate today. But don't underestimate the tenacity of corporate greed. They'll try to figure another way to rob the American people. Just wait and see how Congressmen start to get paid off.


I'm going to refrain from saying much because it will constitute as a personal attack.

You should know that what you said is a very simple minded statement. Unless you are a hermit living off the land away from society, what happened today will come back to bite you.

If you, your friends, or family, does any of the below, you/they will be affected:

-Spend or make money.

If you want to understand more about what's happening, instead of forming your opinions from Youtube, you should check out some of my threads.
