I don't trust this STATE'S ATTORNEY to be fair and unbiased at all. She strikes me as a politically motivated ideologue aligned with a preset narrative and likes to throw out the "no justice, no peace" threats in public to favor the mob instead of justice or peace, is only interested in "easing the riots" as some hero but not sure if this is only going to embolden the thugs more or not.
I heard she is an Obamanist, on the job only four months, and it is being reported she has heavy links to getting donations from the leftist lawyer dude who now just so happens representing the Gray family.
We were told the "facts" and supporting evidence would be presented to the public, instead she said no evidence would given to the public but the "facts" are "yadda, yadda", she kept yelling the no seatbelt thing about not restrained (no seat belt) while at the same yelling he was retrained by cuffs and legs, claims he was purposely denied medical help but showed no facts supporting that, says this is murder or something by "no seat belt". She never said anything about "rough ride" so I doubt there is any evidence for that. Again, this time the real facts are being hidden from us probably to support an Obamanist agenda to nationalize the police and I doubt this entire assumption and her antic.
I say she is Angela Davis "lite" and she has an agenda and I doubt her professionalism. She seems like another big government "fast and furious" Holder type.
I will fight this agenda by the totalitarian left to nationalize the police. There is corruption in law enforcement at such levels, she is probably an example of that. We know less, not more, now the political agenda and coverup starts even more. I think we are turning into Zimbabwe and run by despots and the mob.