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Bananas: the Atheist's Nightmare?


Lord of the Badgers
Wow, i think that just converted me to creationism. God designed the banana perfectly to be eaten.

Oh look, a read and white mushroom. I love the colour red, as most people do.
And wow, its so easy to pick, almost like its meant to be picked.
Its even the perfect size to be eaten, not too big a mouthful, but not too small either. The gills on the underside compliment the smooth outer surface majestically, and the taste, well if there's anything tastier on God's green earth I don't want to know about it. Goes down a treat.

I don't feel so good just now, sweating slightly and i just projectile vomited. However, i have faith in God that i'll feel better soon.


Real Sorceror

Pirate Hunter
I saw the same video a while back and I completely crushed the "argument". I'm nobody here needs an explaination, though.


Well-Known Member
Wow, such a good job making the banana so easy to eat.

Why the hell didn't he do the same with the coconut?

BTW, Real, I'd love to read your crushing counterargument. not that I disagree, the argument they give is pretty bad.


Obstructor of justice
I am assuming this is a joke, but I have to say this anyway... ^_^

The banana is not the atheist nightmare, it is the creationist nightmare. Think about it folks, monkeys love to eat bananas. If we evolved from monkeys, that's a perfect reason why bananas are so perfect for us.


Veteran Member
Sunstone said:
I wonder what kind of moron sits around thinking up this stuff?

I have a theory on it. I have been in martial arts for about 2 decades and I have seen some really some odd things done. I use to wonder where some of the ideas for the more outlandish theories came from. Martial arts shares one thing with religion. Both share the commonality of hypothicals in their idea. Obviously religion has much more hypothicals than martial arts but I to illustrate my parallel all I need you to accept is that both have some portion, wheather large or small of theory that cannot be tested. In martial arts some things cannot be tested so theories are developed to replace them. It doesn't really matter what the theories are for the sake of this thread as long as I can present the idea that not everything can be tested and theories are used for what cannot be tested in martial arts. Just as an example I am going to use joint breaking theory via joint locks. For the record nobody learns these theories by breaking each others arm. The entire body of knowledge on joint break via joint locks is theory. It is the only thing it can be under the circumstances.

What this leads to are theories that, like religion are based in some parts on faith.They are somewhat testable but obviously not completely testable. People like me, who are sorta down-to-earth, realize some things cannot be tested (like using joint locks to break a joint for instance), and the info we got is not fact but theory. Others, more vigiliant or more emotionally, more passionate, more something (other than more down-to-earth), have to know. They just have to. A theory won't work them. An idea won't work for them. It is either fact or trash in their mind. So they may see the same joint break theory I do and presented it to others as fact, as 100 % certainty, all the way from the set-up, to the technique to the follow-up/follow through as if they broke peoples arms or legs on a weekly basis.

That mentality of theory won't work for them emotionally but the idea they hold on to is not testable seems to work the same way in religion. Now in marital arts people that do this (and they are a real minority just like in religion), have at least some things that can be tested and have written and visual material to work with. People of religion who are not like this are not afforded that luxuary. So if they absolutly believe there is a God, and by nature of their personality, feel due to their passion for their belief, or their need for their belief, or their (fill in the blank) for their belief need to have something more than faith-based theory they "find" stuff that supports the theory.

The earth is 6500 years old,
satan planted dinosaur bones in the ground
incredible complexity of the human eye
a banana is made perfectly for human consumption

The banana video exists, and a small small percentage of the people who watch it will buy into the validity of the video because there is a small percentage of people who believe in God and not only believe in God but need something, seems really like anything, to validate that belief above and beyond faith.


Veteran Member
MaddLlama said:
I am assuming this is a joke, but I have to say this anyway... ^_^

It is probably not a joke. I don't know who the friend is but Kirk Cameron, the ex-actor is completely convinced and open about his belief that everything in the Bible is true. He even did a starring role in a movie about the rapture called "Left Behind."



Veteran Member
MaddLlama said:
The banana is not the atheist nightmare, it is the creationist nightmare. Think about it folks, monkeys love to eat bananas. If we evolved from monkeys, that's a perfect reason why bananas are so perfect for us.

Heritic!! Blasphamy!! From now on God has decreed no monkey shall eat a Banana. God as spoken so let it be!!


Citizen Mod
The could have made the same argument with male masturbation but I think it would only appeal to men.

(Where is NetDoc when we really need him?)


Citizen Mod
robtex said:
It is probably not a joke. I don't know who the friend is but Kirk Cameron, the ex-actor is completely convinced and open about his belief that everything in the Bible is true. He even did a starring role in a movie about the rapture called "Left Behind."

I had to watch the video again after your post just to realize that it was Kirk Cameron. If they really wanted to prove that there was a God someone should have produced a "Growing Pains" reunion.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing, a monkey won't peel the banana, it just starts eating away through the peel. Only humans have the capacity to understand the wondrousness of the banana and how to eat it. Compared to a can of coca-cola or pepsi, it is much more well designed, which denotes a designer, or creator, which is God, who loves you and died for you so you may be freely saved by simply trusting Him.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The video missed the most telling clue. Break/bite off a piece of banana, then press down firmly with your tongue onto the center -- the banana will divide cleanly into three sections, representing the Trinity.
QED -- what more need be said?

Try it -- Bananas really do divide into three sections.

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
joeboonda said:
Only humans have the capacity to understand the wondrousness of the banana and how to eat it. Compared to a can of coca-cola or pepsi, it is much more well designed, which denotes a designer, or creator, which is God, who loves you and died for you so you may be freely saved by simply trusting Him.


Well-Known Member
Compared to a can of coca-cola or pepsi, it is much more well designed, which denotes a designer, or creator, which is God, who loves you and died for you so you may be freely saved by simply trusting Him.
Better designed than a can of pop? Are you serious? My hands get all sticky after eating a banana... I have to dispose of the peels right away... The left overs rot...

Now seedless watermelons... Those are an amazing invention from god!


Lord of the Badgers
joeboonda said:
Only humans have the capacity to understand the wondrousness of the banana and how to eat it. Compared to a can of coca-cola or pepsi, it is much more well designed, which denotes a designer, or creator, which is God, who loves you and died for you so you may be freely saved by simply trusting Him.
Then of course there's the possibility that we're looking at this from entirely the wrong perspective.
Bananas may be the chosen species of God, and humans designed as mere carriers of their seed.


Obstructor of justice
joeboonda said:
Funny thing, a monkey won't peel the banana, it just starts eating away through the peel. Only humans have the capacity to understand the wondrousness of the banana and how to eat it. Compared to a can of coca-cola or pepsi, it is much more well designed, which denotes a designer, or creator, which is God, who loves you and died for you so you may be freely saved by simply trusting Him.

You know what's even a better piece of evidence for a creator? Spaghetti. Did you know that the Flying Spaghetti Monster created this earth for you and me? He did! And, he sent his great pirate people to spread his gospel to the masses. Actually, yesterday was the greatest holiday to worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster - International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Trust in the FSM, and he shall grant you a cupboard full of eternal pasta. :bow::shout