have you found beauty in your solo hike? Do you ever feel what you seek is no longer to follow another, but instead to awaken your own inner light?
Yes, I love my solo hike but spiritually connected to and in union with ParaBrahman [in spirit] which also happens to be my Guru whom I followed -- and that is the inner light which was at first the light by my side. Just that it wasn't a human Guru.
I interact very minimally in the world because of what I consider my minimal duty,
I did find some very good wisdom in scriptures and some guidelines shared by spiritual masters of past and present, as well as others on the journey.
I did follow my Guru of course, who is both with and within me now, who is the most uplifting One bringing pure joy, due to which the need to look elsewhere is not felt.
All of these helped navigate this world and make the right decisions - both material and spiritual.
Even today I follow my Guru's words in the scriptures especially the Bhagavad Geeta.
What appears as a solo learning journey w.r.t. human world outside was not a solo effort but blessings and deeksha of ParaBrahman in the various God/dess forms at various points.
Just was never a part of any organized group that is all, but I feel inclusive of some/many groups, traditions and cultures as
similarly-minded fellow sadhus - and I don't have to actually interact with them. We can be one in spirit when it comes to adhyAtma - inner spirituality, without ever interacting.