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Beliefs in the second comming. Is it required?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Now, I am not a Christian and never will be, but I do have some thoughts on this question. I agree that for the vast majority of Christians, belief in the “second coming” is an article of faith, but it seems that there are wild differences in just how he will return.

In a related question, I am also fascinated with how various groups believe he will appear. Some think he will be literally born anew, while others expect a full grown man to appear and essentially carry on where he left off. I am inclined to go with the passage about "He will come as a thief in the night" (or something like that). From this I gather that the idea of him appearing at noon, over Time Square, being joined by the faithful, “raptured” into the sky, is unlikely. My reason for thinking this way is that any celebrity who is hounded by the paparazzi will probably tell you how hard it is to get anything done. I think the last thing a Christ would want is to be surrounded by followers from the get go, who would just get in his way.

One thing that is amusing is that Muslims believe he will return, from the sky, and stand behind the Madhi whom he will ask to deliver prayers. It is said that Christ will then instruct all mankind to accept Islam. Curiously, Christians believe that he will come to enact his 1000 year rule on Earth, to reward the faithful, yadda, yadda, yadda. Sadly, the Jews are not likely to recognize a “returning” Christ regardless of how he appears unless he just happens to fit their preconceived notions about lineage etc… The Bahai’s are also likely to dismiss any newcomer due to their belief, like the Swedenbornes, who believe these events have already taken place.

If this speculated event actually does occur and the “Thief in the night” passage IS correct, I rather expect a vast number of people are going to be quite cross, aside from feeling quite left out.


Let's go racing boys !
If you believe the Holy Bible then you have to believe in the 2nd coming of Jesus. You can't read all the scriptures that tell you of His return and believe otherwise.:)



Not your average Mormon
I am sure there are things in the Bible stated clearly that you do not take literally.
Yes, of course there are. It's just interesting to me what different Christians decide is to be accepted as literal and what is to be interpreted figuratively.

Don't you have a third testament as well as us that takes precedence over the New Testament?
No more so than Matthew takes precedence over John or Mark over Luke. Everything that testifies as to the divinity of Jesus Christ and His role as Savior has essentially the same value as far as truth is concerned.


Emergent Anglo-Catholic
Since the return of Jesus to judge the living and the dead is part of all the pre-schismatic creeds, I'd suggest that it is a bottom-line belief. After all, one becomes a Christian by confessing Jesus is Lord and by believing that God raised him from the dead. In raising Jesus from the dead, God has declared Jesus to be the Son of God with power (Romans 1:3 - 4) so that "at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father." The event that will see every knee bow is the return of Jesus to judge the living and the dead. So yeah, I'd say that if a person confesses to be a Christian yet does not believe in the literal return of Jesus to this here earth is either uninformed or apostate.
This I agree with. However, I don't have a clue which (if any) of the various theories about when and how are correct.

I suppose the word for my belief about it is pan-millenialism. That is, trust in the Lord, be ready for whenever, and it will all pan out. ;)


Miss Independent
Are we required to believe in the second coming?

If often wondered about this. The bible indicates that all will see him and the tribes of the earth will lament.

Perhaps Jesus comes to you when you die. That being the second coming. That way everyone sees him eventually.

If we are all suppose to see Jesus coming in his glory the roundness of the earth is going to pose a problem, unless he fixes himself in the air somewhere and the earth revolves around that point. But then he could also come in a way that all will see him on TV. But not all have TV's! But the most probable way i think he will return again,is as a thief, NO one knows he is here. And then at an appointed time, he is REVEALED. And that means he could already be here. How could Jesus come back in glory without us noticing it? If we take the glory of his creation for granted.He could have come on the clouds already, but we did not notice him, we saw the clouds instead.

Perhaps the evidence of his arrival will be evident to all, but not all can possibly see him at the same time..or can they?


John Kuykendall
As Christians we have chosen the powerful image of Jesus Christ to represent the expression of this tangential point. He embodies the cosmic mind as seen through the universal man. It is not that the material world will one day dissolve into Jesus Christ, but that the ego's extroverted tendencies will disappear in order that the second coming of Christ might be perceived in consciousness.
Christian Mysticism


Well-Known Member
I think it depends on your pov on how the second coming will happen. I'm a gnostic Christian and I personally think the second coming will be more spiritual than physical. Everyone will be at a higher level of consciousness than what we are at now. So just because a Christian may think a different pov of the second coming doesn't mean he/she doesn't believe in a second coming.


I think it depends on your pov on how the second coming will happen. I'm a gnostic Christian and I personally think the second coming will be more spiritual than physical. Everyone will be at a higher level of consciousness than what we are at now. So just because a Christian may think a different pov of the second coming doesn't mean he/she doesn't believe in a second coming.

have you heard of Emanuel Swedenborg?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I believe some of you are confusing the glorious appearing and the second coming. Lets not forget the millennial reign and Satan being bound and released for a little while as well. Christ's wedding, tribulation saints, 21 judgments all have to happen before anyone takes a dip in the lake of fire.


Not that I can remember....

Just the thing you said about more spiritual than physical, Swedenborg writes that the second coming has already happened in the form of the revelation revealed through him. Sounds a little crazy, yes, but a lot of things sound crazy at first. Anyway, if you're at all interested you can send me a PM with any questions or just look him up. No pressure.


Well-Known Member
Just the thing you said about more spiritual than physical, Swedenborg writes that the second coming has already happened in the form of the revelation revealed through him. Sounds a little crazy, yes, but a lot of things sound crazy at first. Anyway, if you're at all interested you can send me a PM with any questions or just look him up. No pressure.

Ah. I don't believe that but in the individual person. Each person will have more of a spiritual awakening than it being physical.

The Great Architect

Active Member
I have always thought that there is a possibility that the second coming could be about meeting Christ when we die. It's just a thought. To answer the question, I'm not sure about the second coming; that is, if it is an obligatory belief.

It is stated quite emphatically in the Bible. That's enough for most people. I have always taken for granted that it will happen, because I believe in the words of Christ.

There is a great possibility that we will all be dead, before it happens. (Sorry to bring down the mood of the proceedings!):angel2: I don't fancy being around to see it, though.:cover:


there are christians who follow a concept called preterism who believe the second coming and all new testament prophesy has already occured.the belief goes way back and endures among some today.i dont really know enough about to comment on it much but there is a lot of info if you google the term.


I am Who I am
To the me the Second Coming, is the occurrence in which humanity has Christ consciously present within everyone... essentially the spiritual evolution of man.


John Kuykendall
I agree Godfather. As Christians we have chosen the powerful image of Jesus Christ to represent the expression of this tangential point. He embodies the cosmic mind as seen through the universal man. It is not that the material world will one day dissolve into Jesus Christ, but that the ego's extroverted tendencies will disappear in order that the second coming of Christ might be perceived in consciousness.