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Believers Only Please


Rogue Theologian
Just a counter post to something else going on.

There's a thread asking about objection to believing.....while asking if most religions are redundant...or damaging.

By all means.....
do unto other s as you would have them do unto you.

Is atheism redundant?.... damaging?.....

Is there any point in debate and rebuttal with an atheist?

Believers only...please.


Hostis humani generis
Is this for "believers" as in Christians, or as in anyone who believes in a religion? If the latter, is it limited to religions with Gods, or inclusive of ones without? :)


Active Member
The only damage i see in atheism is when it is used to stifle the exploration of belief. The world needs all kinds of views for growth. There is a place for lack of belief and investigation of religious claims, but also for the opposite. When atheism only concerns itself with looking for damage from religion and discourages people from exploring belief I see a problem. Other wise, I don't see it hurting anyone.


Hostis humani generis
Any God you care to believe in.
Okay, thanks. :)

In that case...

Is atheism redundant?
What do you mean "redundant"?

.... damaging?.....
I don't think so. No more damaging than theism. Can be bad, can be good.

Is there any point in debate and rebuttal with an atheist?
On non-God topics, sure. When it comes to God, it can depend if they can be civil and see where someone is coming from, and depends on if you're trying to convince or discuss.

I've seen time and time again atheism vs theism discussions turn into debates, and then quickly after into trying to find out who has the biggest e-penis. Nobody likes being preached to, after all.


renouncing this world
Atheism on its own is harmless. But there is a destructive branch to it, such as militant atheism as we saw in the USSR and as we see in China and North Korea.

It is a murderous element of society, for not only do they choose not to be believers, they see it as their duty to wipe spirituality and belief from the masses, brazenly kill and persecute believers, and instill their own worldview upon everyone else. In this way, atheism becomes a political and social ideology with terror and death as a consequence.

So atheism can be terrible for the world, just as organized religion- when it becomes militant and tyrannical - can also.


Premium Member
Just a counter post to something else going on.

There's a thread asking about objection to believing.....while asking if most religions are redundant...or damaging.

By all means.....
do unto other s as you would have them do unto you.

Is atheism redundant?.... damaging?.....

Is there any point in debate and rebuttal with an atheist?

Believers only...please.

I think a question like that would depend on each individual- what is potentially damaging to one person is perfectly OK to others. I was not happy when I was an agnostic at all, in fact, I was downright miserable. But I can't judge anyone else by my own standards.
And I don't hammer atheists with questions about "why they are atheists" or "I am happier as a theist" (unless asked directly, as now) for the same reason you posted: "Do unto to others what you have done unto you" (or treat others the way you wish to be treated in more modern terms).


Rogue Theologian
Okay, thanks. :)

In that case...

What do you mean "redundant"?

I don't think so. No more damaging than theism. Can be bad, can be good.

On non-God topics, sure. When it comes to God, it can depend if they can be civil and see where someone is coming from, and depends on if you're trying to convince or discuss.

I've seen time and time again atheism vs theism discussions turn into debates, and then quickly after into trying to find out who has the biggest e-penis. Nobody likes being preached to, after all.

My choice of adverbs and adjectives, was taken from the 'other' thread.
And this thread is only a reversal of that thread.