Are you suggesting this particular psychiatrist speaks for all psychiatrists? claim this psychiatrist is an expert, but then disregard their conclusion in favour of your own anyway?
Interesting logic.
Accepting your premise for a moment, saying 'often' means 'not always'. So how does that support no atheism being rational?
Whilst I don't agree with your arguments, even accepting this it's not consistent with your conclusions.
You're conflating atheism and atheists. That's about as valid as me saying 'Theists believe in a single Supreme Being'. Sure, some do. But theism...and an umbrella term not specifically tied to dogma. Theists...and atheists, can have various beliefs, prejudices and dogma.
Atheism makes no such claim, and this is a repitition of the previous claim. Atheism is a simple and basic claim. Atheists, on the other hand, are human, varied, and full of beliefs and experiences far beyond mere atheism.
I'd merely suggest I don't know. It's particular theists...including yourself...who argue for a being without cause, a being who's purpose is...well. that's a topic for a different thread. Suffice to say you arguing that all items are created only works if you allow an out. Special exception for God.
You're actively arguing for a God of the Gaps?
All governments and all societies have fallen in time. But 'disproving atheism' is only possible by proving God. I get that you believe in God, but it's a special kind of hubris to believe you can prove him. Still, have at it if you like.
I, for one, wouldn't suggest I could disprove deism, for example.
That's one helluva claim, but I'm sure you're comfortable with it. Which should be an alarm for you. It' amazing level of hubris. I love in a society that's far more secular and with higher levels of non-religion than yours. If anything, the reaction here...with notable idiotic exceptions...has been far too underwhelming. 'She'll-be-right-mate' is a very Australian reaction.
That's absurd. I don't believe in God, so what God believes is not a concern. What believers believe absolutely impacts on me.
I're rambling. I don't revere any 'state', life has subjective purpose in my opinion (rather than objective) and permanence can't be conflated with 'purpose'.
Do you honestly think a mother's love for her child is without purpose?
That only life eternal makes it meaningful?