True, individual spreading seems little, although Corona did start with 1, so even this we should not downplay. Many don't take this 1.5 meter+mask serious. In Holland the government now debate to stop using masks, as it is not scientifically proven; common sense they obviously don't have it seems to me or at least they don't use it).
First I thought it's idiotic to spread a virus on purpose, because you can die yourself. Then I heard a Chinese Admiral say on tv (just a few month before Corona showed up "we should kill 10 thousand Americans and see how much fear they have in them".
Some people declared me crazy on RF when I mentioned this at the time, while arguing "there are only a few death due to the virus, never 10.000". But today I look and America does have 160.000 death, so the Chinese Admiral got what he wished for on tv, and more.
And due to this quote of the Admiral, I keep the option open, that there might be foul play from China and/or others
But I don't know anything for sure. Time will tell. Normally truth prevails (one day, maybe not immediately, but they will investigate I think; although China really boycots investigations so far).