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Better than Jesus


And what Muhammad have to do with America and 9/11 ?
On 9/11, America was attacked by:

1. Religiously-bigoted Muslims
2. Racist Arabs
3. Dogmatic humans
4. Non-humanist humans

It is necessary to respond to all those ideologies. And it needs to be a war against people, not just governments. De-nazification is required.


Sunni muslim
On 9/11, America was attacked by:

1. Religiously-bigoted Muslims
2. Racist Arabs
3. Dogmatic humans
4. Non-humanist humans

It is necessary to respond to all those ideologies. And it needs to be a war against people, not just governments. De-nazification is required.

So when americans attack people and claim crusade (We all know that Irakis have nothing to do with what happened, right) , it's Jesus that we must blame ? :rolleyes:


So when americans attack people
America attacks non-humansists.

and claim crusade
In modern English, the word "crusade" has nothing whatsoever to do with the Crusades and is not religious like jihad.

(We all know that Irakis have nothing to do with what happened, right)
Sure. If you want to know why Iraq was chosen, read this:

Anti-Subjugator: Iraq War

it's Jesus that we must blame ? :rolleyes:
Jesus can be blamed for US and UK becoming pacifistic after WW1.


Active Member
On 9/11, America was attacked by:

1. Religiously-bigoted Muslims
2. Racist Arabs
3. Dogmatic humans
4. Non-humanist humans

It is necessary to respond to all those ideologies. And it needs to be a war against people, not just governments. De-nazification is required.

The reason that 9/11 happened was because Bin Ladin didn't understand American culture. He thought if he attacked America that America would pull out of the Middle East and stop messing things up and supporting dictators and the like. He iddn't like America but his goal was to get them out of the Middle East.

Most joined organizations like his for geopolitical reasons or for personal revenge. 50% because Americans killed a family member of friend either as "collateral" or by other means. 25% because they are sick of Americans' presence in the Middle east, and about 20% for religious reasons.

to quote one of my sources;
In his book Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism, political scientist Robert Pape analyzed every known case of suicide bombers from 1980 to 2005. He found that "what nearly all suicide terrorist attacks have in common is a specific secular and strategic goal: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from territory that the terrorists consider to be their homeland." Specifically, he discovered that "al Qaeda is today less a product of Islamic fundamentalism than of a simple strategic goal: to compel the United States and its Western allies to withdraw combat forces from the Arabian Peninsula and other Muslim countries.:

Staying in Afghanistan Is a Recipe for More Terrorism | Anthony W. Orlando


Most joined organizations like his for geopolitical reasons or for personal revenge. 50% because Americans killed a family member of friend either as "collateral" or by other means.
Most of the 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, and I don't believe a single one of them had a family/friend killed by America, since America never went to war with Saudi Arabia.

And the analysis of suicide bombers is not valid either, because that is mostly counting ones from Sri Lanka.

The problem America faces is racist Arabs and religiously-bigoted Muslims.


Sunni muslim
America attacks non-humansists.

Who are the non-humanists ?

Sure. If you want to know why Iraq was chosen, read this:

Anti-Subjugator: Iraq War

We all know it was for oil and strategic bases to control the region.

In your paper you seem to think it's normal to engage a war against a whole nation just to kill a dictator and have allies in the region.
Made me think of that :

Madeleine Albright Defends Mass-Murder of iraqi Children (500,000 Children dead) - YouTube

Jesus can be blamed for US and UK becoming pacifistic after WW1.

Pacifistics ? With their colonies and wars ?


Doubting Thomas
Can you please provide your definitions of "politics" vs "spiritual"? If Uday Hussein is abducting and raping Iraqi girls, and that makes you angry, is it anger for spiritual or political reasons?

Political power is based on the use of force to coerce others into acceptable behaviors. Spiritual transformation changes a person from the inside out.


On 9/11, America was attacked by:

1. Religiously-bigoted Muslims
2. Racist Arabs
3. Dogmatic humans
4. Non-humanist humans

It is necessary to respond to all those ideologies. And it needs to be a war against people, not just governments. De-nazification is required.

The real source of Islamic terrorism is the Bible. To "de Nazify" the world, requires that the world throw the false prophets Muhammad AND Moses and their false Gods into the lake of fire where they belong. Moses, assuming he wrote the Torah, is the real source to all Islamic terrorism, among much other forms of suffering.


Who are the non-humanists ?
Dictators like Saddam who were ordering the rape of Iraqi women.

We all know it was for oil and strategic bases to control the region.
You "know" no such thing. Not a drop of oil was stolen and there are no bases or "control" of Iraq. That's totally your imagination. For more, read http://www.mutazilah.org/enlight.htm

In your paper you seem to think it's normal to engage a war against a whole nation just to kill a dictator and have allies in the region.
Yes, that is geostrategy.

Made me think of that :
Madeleine Albright Defends Mass-Murder of iraqi Children (500,000 Children dead)
I don't believe that figure, but even if it were true, it is the price to be paid to spread freedom. I would sacrifice 90% of my country to ensure it stayed free instead of allowing the Japanese to come here with their quaint concept of "comfort women".

Pacifistics ? With their colonies and wars ?
Yes, they disarmed between WW1 and WW2, allowing Hitler to gain the upper hand. They said the League of Nations would deal with all these problems, and waved a piece of paper saying "peace in our time". We are VERY lucky that Hitler taught us a lesson, while still allowing us to win.


Political power is based on the use of force to coerce others into acceptable behaviors. Spiritual transformation changes a person from the inside out.
So if the Australian government says "rape is wrong and you will be jailed", that is political power. While if I as an individual with no political power say "rape is wrong", that is spiritual?


Well-Known Member
1. Do you think it is possible for a person today to be better than Jesus?

2. What would a person who is better than Jesus say or do that Jesus failed to say or do?

3. What is the ultimate that a person can do if we compare all the people who are objectively better than Jesus (if any)?

He wouldn't make himself an alien god.


Active Member
This is a very strange question. :) Being better than someone is a very earthly approach. I guess whole consciousness of nonphysical is greatly amused when faced with such questions. I think it is very possible to feel loved when asking such questions.


Sunni muslim
You "know" no such thing. Not a drop of oil was stolen and there are no bases or "control" of Iraq. That's totally your imagination. For more, read http://www.mutazilah.org/enlight.htm

Oil was not the only goal of the Iraq War, but it was certainly the central one, as top U.S. military and political figures have attested to in the years following the invasion.

"Of course it's about oil; we can't really deny that," said Gen. John Abizaid, former head of U.S. Central Command and Military Operations in Iraq, in 2007.

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan agreed, writing in his memoir, "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil."

Then-Sen. and now Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the same in 2007: "People say we're not fighting for oil. Of course we are."


Yes, that is geostrategy.

What you say is horrible.

Yes, they disarmed between WW1 and WW2, allowing Hitler to gain the upper hand. They said the League of Nations would deal with all these problems, and waved a piece of paper saying "peace in our time". We are VERY lucky that Hitler taught us a lesson, while still allowing us to win.

:confused: A lesson ? My God ....


This is all crap people are making up about others. They're not confessing that THEY supported the war for oil. If you want to know why people supported the Iraq war, try ASKING instead of TELLING them.

More than 50% of US/Australia supported the war. That's plenty of people available to ask. I'm one of those. You can ASK (not TELL) me what my motives were if you like, although that carries the risk that your entire worldview will be shattered.

I'd point you to this as a start:

Anti-Subjugator: succinct pro-war argument


Admiral Obvious
1. Do you think it is possible for a person today to be better than Jesus?
In fact it has happened a few times.

2. What would a person who is better than Jesus say or do that Jesus failed to say or do?
That will depend upon the person who believes someone is better than Jesus.

3. What is the ultimate that a person can do if we compare all the people who are objectively better than Jesus (if any)?





Sunni muslim
This is all crap people are making up about others. They're not confessing that THEY supported the war for oil. If you want to know why people supported the Iraq war, try ASKING instead of TELLING them.

More than 50% of US/Australia supported the war. That's plenty of people available to ask. I'm one of those. You can ASK (not TELL) me what my motives were if you like, although that carries the risk that your entire worldview will be shattered.

I'd point you to this as a start:

Anti-Subjugator: succinct pro-war argument

I was not asking why you supported war in Irak, i was saying why the Us government wanted this war.

If you want to eradicate all the dangerous dictators there's plenty : go in Russia, Cuba or North Korea then.

And after that you say that you are better than Jesus ? lol


I was not asking why you supported war in Irak, i was saying why the Us government wanted this war.
And? Did you bother to listen to the reasons they gave? Were they the same as my reasons?

If you want to eradicate all the dangerous dictators there's plenty : go in Russia, Cuba or North Korea then.
Russia isn't a dictatorship, but the other 2 are, and yes, they need to be toppled.

And after that you say that you are better than Jesus ? lol
Yes, spreading freedom is better than Jesus's "slaves should be obedient to their masters".

lol at you for thinking that slavery-accepters should be held up as eternal examples to mankind.


Sunni muslim
And? Did you bother to listen to the reasons they gave? Were they the same as my reasons?

I don't care, it was against the international law, we know that it was all lies.

Jonathan Schwarz: Lie After Lie After Lie: What Colin Powell Knew Ten Years Ago Today and What He Said

and yes, they need to be toppled.

Wars should always be the last thing to do. It's always the civilians who pay, and it's always the winners who impose their conditions and stole the ressources of the country.

Yes, spreading freedom is better than Jesus's "slaves should be obedient to their masters".

lol at you for thinking that slavery-accepters should be held up as eternal examples to mankind.

This is all that you have against him ?

Did you make yourself the world better ?
You are ready to see today people dying under bombs and you talk about slavery 200 centuries ago ?