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Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
Over the last few years, we've seen a huge heap of allegations thrown against Bush, Cheney, and the Republicans in general. It is at this point that I'm supposed to get all riled up and cry bully, foul, or whatever. But even though I have the right to do that, this time, I am going to give in. I'm going to press for "both sides of the story to be told"; whatever the heck that means, I now support it, on one condition: that the very same thing be done when studying history.

History must be more impartial in its coverage of Adolf Hitler. We should stop slandering Nazis as Jew-killers, racists, and war-mongers. We must present the alternative point-of-view that they brought a demoralized nation together, brought unity to a fractionalized region of the world, and had the courage to stand up to those of inferior races.

History must be more impartial in its discussion of Tiananmen Square. We must stop simply talking about the protesters as defenders of democracy, peaceful protestors, and heroes for the cause. Instead, we should deal with another, equally valid perception of this story: these people were dangerous rebels whose actions threatened the fundamental stability of the world's most populous nation, and whatever actions were taken against them were necessary to get the job done and more than justifiable.

History must be more impartial in its coverage of slavery. We need to cease branding the drivers of the slave industry as exploiters, racists, and just plain sick people. People need to understand that they could also be considered intelligent, hard-working contributers to society whose extremely intelligent business practices has application to this day.

History must be more impartial in its coverage of the American Revolution. We need to eliminate this blatant propaganda that our Founding Fathers were heroic, selfless, brilliant people. We have to realize that they were terrorists, rebels against their God-given kings, traitors to the core.

And all of this must be taught in our public schools.

Think it's far-fetched? If you're conservative, and you wonder why on earth talking to liberals feels like running a race designed to make you lose, you might wanna take a hard look at the point I'm getting at: Cries of "bias" mean absolutely nothing. Nada. Jack. Crying "bias" at a news story that you don't like is like the child who cries "Cheater!" when he loses fair-and-square. Well folks, the game is over, and it's time to stop crying "cheater." It's time to accept the cold hard truths that we, the big bad liberals, have been trying to bring to the table for nearly six years now.

I await all the responses stating or implying that this post is biased.


Well-Known Member
History is only telling the truth when it is written at least 100 years after the event. Only when all interested parties have departed from the stage, then only will the history written be the impartial version.

There are exception in the case of some Chinese history written by contemparary historians, but those poor historians suffered tremendous torture by the emperor during that time, typically being castraded and usually wrote the history in jail.

:clapThanks for posting a very good sensible discussion on various contamparary events which current MSM will never be covering and telling the whole truth.
Good work. Frubals to you.:clap


Well-Known Member
I might add that Japanese current government will never write a neutral historical account of the second world war, not on their own aggression and ruthlessness and cruelty, but also not on anything objectionable related to US atomic bomb since Japan is currently heavily dependent on US for her own imperislist expansion program carrying out in secrecy.


Veteran Member
Are you simply taking the opportunity to sink the boot in to our conservative members?


Well-Known Member
Personally I think the thread is pointless for it does not truly address anything.


Oldest Heretic
I always look at both sides of a coin before it is tossed.
Sometimes they are both the same.

The long term results of any political action is never known at the time.
Some time a very bad action has the oposite effect in the long term,
But that does not make it right.
Ends do not Justify means.


Well-Known Member
I think it's actually true you ought to present more than the simplest story in things. Idealizing or demonizing people utterly is foolish...not all Nazis were evil, and some revolutionaries were ********. The trick is just to find a way to point out that people are still people without losing sight of the big picture.

But you're right in that either side dismissing things simply with "bias!" is foolish, since it doesn't actually prove anything or bring much to the discussion...


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Mercy Not Sacrifice said:
History must be more impartial in its coverage of slavery. People need to understand that they could also be considered intelligent, hard-working contributers to society whose extremely intelligent business practices has application to this day.

History must be more impartial in its coverage of the American Revolution. We need to eliminate this blatant propaganda that our Founding Fathers were heroic, selfless, brilliant people. We have to realize that they were terrorists, rebels against their God-given kings, traitors to the core.
What "highly intelligent buisness practices" are you talking about? Not paying for your labor? If you think that slavery has its applications for today, I suggest you come work for me for no pay. As for the founding fathers, just who exactly said they are God given kings, the kings themselves? Sorry, but I'd be a traitor in that case myself. I will never have a lord or master on this earth, but you are more than welcome to submit if you like.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
Jaiket said:
Are you simply taking the opportunity to sink the boot in to our conservative members?

Dammit, you just ruined another irony meter.... :p

spacemonkey said:
Mercy Not Sacrifice said:
History must be more impartial in its coverage of slavery. People need to understand that they could also be considered intelligent, hard-working contributers to society whose extremely intelligent business practices has application to this day.

History must be more impartial in its coverage of the American Revolution. We need to eliminate this blatant propaganda that our Founding Fathers were heroic, selfless, brilliant people. We have to realize that they were terrorists, rebels against their God-given kings, traitors to the core.

What "highly intelligent buisness practices" are you talking about? Not paying for your labor? If you think that slavery has its applications for today, I suggest you come work for me for no pay. As for the founding fathers, just who exactly said they are God given kings, the kings themselves? Sorry, but I'd be a traitor in that case myself. I will never have a lord or master on this earth, but you are more than welcome to submit if you like.

I totally agree with what you're saying. Which is why the OP was satirical. :)