I think it's a perfect story composed by God Almighty.This is exactly what I was wondering after watching the video and then thinking of the OP in that context. There are plenty of foolish things that happen in The Bible that the video highlights... like people being tricked with ridiculously inept ploys that even a complete dolt couldn't find himself tricked by. It's basically a very, very badly written soap opera for ancient times.
In my interpretation, Isaac was fooled because Jacob and Rebecca were more intelligent.
Please note that beforehand, Jacob already bought the first-born blessing that Isaac was going to share out, see Genesis 25:33.
The second ploy is stunning indeed: Jacob accidentally slept with Leah instead of Rachel when it was dark (dark! - here the video is either plain wrong or being sarcastic).
Actually, I pondered a lot about how it is possible to have sex with someone that you aren't sure who that is.
This again is a surprisingly big mistake that God did not prevent Jacob from making.
In my opinion God let this happen because he disliked the way, the moment and the circumstances in which they had sex with each other to begin with.
My interpetation: if God is against a certain endeavor, you will make mistakes - even mistakes of this size.
However, in general Jacob is a big heroe. For anyone to notice, he is even mentioned in the "gallery of heroes" as I would call Hebrews 11. So he's one of the biggest heroes of faith that ever lived!
Are there any other ploys I did not notice?
edited (spelling)
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