Fine, you can get away with that "oh you were never really a christian" crap, but I was, and I studied the bible. I was baptized, went to church, I believed. I'm not sure what your talking about when you say reading something when your dead(spiritually dead). I'm not sure I know what spiritually means. Is it something that can be observed?
I preceive you want the truth, and you talk with reason and passion. I thank you for that, and not just bashing someone around.
To understand being spiritually dead, is to understand the whole bible. When we sinned we were lost our relationship with God, or so the bible teaches right? However what exactly happened then?
1)We wnet from having eternal life to death
2)While we didn't physically die yet, we were dying
3)We were spiritually seperated from God at that time, so that we would never want to know God anymore.
Now as children especially those growingup in a church we are taugh (man docrtine) that Jesus loves everyone and that we can get baptised and so forth and become saved.
The problem with all that is evident in your life. Did it work? Obviously no. Why not? So we go back into the bible and we read passages like in romans 3:10&11. We see verses that no one will ver choose God. How come we didn't here about thee verses in church? You see when a church is formed they create by laws and creeds, and once they are set, they stick to them. IF anyone questions the creeds, they are warned and eventually ex-communicated. So who is in charge the church or the bible?
So in your case, you were taught all you had to do was repent and say you accept Jesus. In other words, you dictate to God, that God will save you this day. That flies in the face of what the rest of the bible teaches.
Pastors use passages that say" repenet and be baptized" or "call upon the name of the Lord and you will be saved". But the fact is we are a spritual COARPSE! How can we call on him? Yes we are alive and have a concience, but we do not have eternal life so that we cna communicate with God. In fact we don't want anything to do with the real God. At the most we want a God that we can imagine to be our friend, etc etc.
The story of Lazarus was put into the bible by God to demonstrate what I am saying. Lazarus died, and wasunable to do ANYTHING to arise. So when Jesus called him Lazarus listened. After that yes it is true Lazarus now loved God, but God had to love him first.
There are SO MANY passages inthe bible that support this, I hope this helps you understand what being spiritual dead is. If not I can expound more.