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Bigfoot Evidence?


sightings of God have been going on for a lot longer

heres where i strongly disagree.

god was only sighted back in ancient times by a select few who were generaly religious leaders. Funny how one has to be a prominent figure to have seen god except for a odd few.

since ancient times we are not having credibile people seeing god and funny no world wide miracles of ancient times either.

the sighting volume of god is done by biased people

sightings of BF are by everyone.

My uncle strongly did not believe and thought it was a joke until his hunting experience. 2 big men with high powered rifles and both scared to death. neither afraid of bears or mountan lions or any other big game.

I just got in touch with a buddy from humbolt area, im waiting on his message as im asking him about local BF sightings ill keep you posted as to what he says as well. Know anyone who has seen god lately and if they did what did he look like??? all my supposed sightings all describe the same creature.

but not the other?

in my opinion one is a known myth with 3000 year old fiction for its basis and the other has a possibility with 400 years of modern man sightings and legends going back in native americans for thousands of years.

your desire for bigfoot to exist

I would like him to exist, yes ill state that.

the important thing for you to understand is my wanting to believe HURTS no one

religion is guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity slowing the education proccess down AND it isnt finished due to the ignorance behind it. in my opinion.

that a one hell of a difference.


the important thing for you to understand is my wanting to believe HURTS no one

religion is guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity slowing the education proccess down AND it isnt finished due to the ignorance behind it. in my opinion.

that a one hell of a difference.

Niether does almost every religious experience practiced today.

And the non-religious have their genocides too, and they killed far more people in Stalinist Russia and Communist China than all the centuries of religious states combined.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
heres where i strongly disagree.

god was only sighted back in ancient times by a select few who were generaly religious leaders. Funny how one has to be a prominent figure to have seen god except for a odd few.

since ancient times we are not having credibile people seeing god and funny no world wide miracles of ancient times either.

Not true at all. Many, many people have said they've experienced God over the last couple thousand years. You don't have to be a prominent figure to have "experienced God". It's interesting that you inject "credible" into it. That's a judgement call. You might discount them as not credible, but then many people will discount your witnesses of bigfoot as equally not credible.

the sighting volume of god is done by biased people

sightings of BF are by everyone.

Wow. Come on, really? The sightings of each are done by the same kind of people. Generally the people who see God are people who believe, just as generally the people who see bigfoot are people who believe. There are atheists who claim to see God, and there are people who don't believe in bigfoot who claim to have seen one. And in both cases there are people in the middle who claim to have seen them.

My uncle strongly did not believe and thought it was a joke until his hunting experience. 2 big men with high powered rifles and both scared to death. neither afraid of bears or mountan lions or any other big game.

I just got in touch with a buddy from humbolt area, im waiting on his message as im asking him about local BF sightings ill keep you posted as to what he says as well. Know anyone who has seen god lately and if they did what did he look like??? all my supposed sightings all describe the same creature.

They describe the same creature as much as the people who see God describe the same God; that is vaguely the same, but short on exact details. As I said above, there are atheists who have converted to Christianity after "seeing God". You uncle's example is no different than them.

in my opinion one is a known myth with 3000 year old fiction for its basis and the other has a possibility with 400 years of modern man sightings and legends going back in native americans for thousands of years.

Yes, according to you the one is a known myth while the other is not. We've established that. However, both things have the same kind of evidence supporting them. Yet in one case you believe the evidence, and in the other you don't. To me they're both myths, because I understand that both have the same kind of evidence.

I would like him to exist, yes ill state that.

the important thing for you to understand is my wanting to believe HURTS no one

religion is guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity slowing the education proccess down AND it isnt finished due to the ignorance behind it. in my opinion.

that a one hell of a difference.

People believing in religion hurts no one, too. My parents have been religious their whole life, and they haven't committed genocide or even beat up or discriminated against anyone because of it. Religion is not guilty of those things you claim. People are guilty of them.

But regardless of that, this doesn't address the issue at hand. The issue at hand is the fact that you produce the same evidence for bigfoot that people produce for God. Yet you believe this evidence is substantial enough in bigfoot's case to believe it exists, but not substantial enough in God's case. You have a double standard.


You have a double standard.

not at all, one is obvious fiction with mythical ancient tales proven false.

the other has a possibility

Niether does almost every religious experience practiced today
People believing in religion hurts no one

I respect both of your opinions but we all know that faith drives planes into tall buildings and straps bombs aimed at inoccent people.

I still have a problem with the popes stance on conterceptives and the aids death rate in africa as well as death related to overpopulation. Understood its not direct evil and the people themselves are to blame as well. But if the church who does help in the area had a different stance less people would die is what it comes down to in my opinion.

never seen a BF murder a abortion doctor, cheap shot ya i know lol but deserved.


You have a double standard.

funny you mention this

I have one uncle who says he was close to a BF, hes normal and he was scared with a high powered rifle. he id not believe in BF before this, he laughed about it before this. with one other witness involved.

I have another uncle that swears god talks to him, he does a litle preaching as well. Not sure this uncle is all there as he is a little different. If one did talk to god, would he be normal???

one case seems like rare occurance with a unknown creature = reality even if the creature was not killed to identify

the other seems like phycosis or hallucination = not reality

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
not at all, one is obvious fiction with mythical ancient tales proven false.

the other has a possibility

And there's the double standard. To me, when I view the evidence for both, they are both obvious fiction with mythical tales proven false. But that's because I don't particularly care if either one is true like you do with bigfoot.

This is what I'm trying to get across. You're producing the same evidence for bigfoot that people produce for God, and yet you think it's acceptable in the case of bigfoot but not God. You should either accept the evidence for both or neither.

I respect both of your opinions but we all know that faith drives planes into tall buildings and straps bombs aimed at inoccent people.

I still have a problem with the popes stance on conterceptives and the aids death rate in africa as well as death related to overpopulation. Understood its not direct evil and the people themselves are to blame as well. But if the church who does help in the area had a different stance less people would die is what it comes down to in my opinion.

never seen a BF murder a abortion doctor, cheap shot ya i know lol but deserved.

But people don't need religion to do those horrible things. They just need anything that's "us vs. them". That could be nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation or many other things. It's not religion that causes those things, but that mentality. I agree that the world would be better off without Christianity and Islam, but they're not the root cause of all of those problems.

And anyway, again, this doesn't serve to prove the truth of the bigfoot claims.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
funny you mention this

I have one uncle who says he was close to a BF, hes normal and he was scared with a high powered rifle. he id not believe in BF before this, he laughed about it before this. with one other witness involved.

I have another uncle that swears god talks to him, he does a litle preaching as well. Not sure this uncle is all there as he is a little different. If one did talk to god, would he be normal???

one case seems like rare occurance with a unknown creature = reality even if the creature was not killed to identify

the other seems like phycosis or hallucination = not reality

In other words, you like personal anecdotes as evidence. Look, there are plenty of normal, rational people who claim to have experienced God. There are more of them than there are normal, rational people who claim to have sen bigfoot.

Again, there is no difference in the eye-witnesses for each. There are some atheists who convert because they claim to have experienced God, just like there are people like your uncle who didn't believe in bigfoot before supposedly witnessing one.


experienced God

is baloney, hey ive got a headache god muct be angry, oh the earthquake, what did i do to make him mad wa wa wa wa.

Come on thats not the same as being witness to a animal you cannot identify

not all the pictures and vids are fraud of BF, you got no photos, vids or tracks and your full up on crazy and phycosis

theres no comparison to a nut job that experiences something and claims god OH heavens beezlebub!!! LOL give me a break

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
is baloney, hey ive got a headache god muct be angry, oh the earthquake, what did i do to make him mad wa wa wa wa.

Come on thats not the same as being witness to a animal you cannot identify

not all the pictures and vids are fraud of BF, you got no photos, vids or tracks and your full up on crazy and phycosis

theres no comparison to a nut job that experiences something and claims god OH heavens beezlebub!!! LOL give me a break

Look, I agree that the people aren't actually experiencing God, but you're missing the point. You can't just say "Well, yeah, but those people are obviously crazy". It doesn't work like that. They are going on the same thing you are.

The fact is there's no difference between saying you saw a bigfoot and saying you experienced God. You might trust the one group more, but you have no real good reason to do so. Hence the double standard.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
yeah, those modern myths like bigfoot and nessie were needed to replace the older ones that had become less fashionable. Instead of monsters like dragons and goblins we have "unknown animals" and instead of demons we have aliens and chupa-thingy.

How big were the tracks from the Patterson bigfoot?

Have you ever compared the length of the tracks to the size of the feet of the critter in the film?
The footprints were about 14.5 inches long yeah...

Now look at the size of the foot in the critter

There are a little more than four foot-lengths compared to the total height of the critter....
do the math... and you have a critter that is in the 6 foot range.


Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
yes there is, one is a myth

Yes, we know you think it's a myth. I think bigfoot is a myth. You don't seem to be grasping what I'm saying. There is no difference between the two things. They both have the same kind of evidence to support them. I know you think one is a myth and the other is not, but that's not supported by the evidence. If you accept the evidence for one, then it would be consistent to accept the evidence for the other. Your acceptance of one but not the other is a double standard.

thats your opinion

No, that's a fact. You choose to trust one group more, but there is no objective reason to do so.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Bigfoot: 2009- An Analysis of the Patterson Film by Noah David Hensen.....

heres another decent overview [because its positive] lol :) and there some measurement stuff for ya.

im still looking for any explanation and see what kind of bull comes up

patterson first claimed it to be 6' - 6' 2" I believe

im glad you brought this up
Gah! This is another one that mentions the mysterious "figure 6"!
It's the exact same methodology that I already talked about... cut and pasted in.


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Bigfoot: The abridged "NASI Report" 1998... (analysis of the Patterson-Gimlin film of 1967

fig 12 i get x 5

not sure if this way of measurement is valid enough but im still looking

and still glad you found it.

anyway here is some better measurements you were asking for a few pages back
Ah finally the mysterious "figure 6"!
I wonder why they use two different pictures of the man and then not use the scale bar held by him?

Also the figures are too small to be useful to me... sadly. :(

Their hip joint in the leg mechanics is too low, shortening the length of the thigh.

If this is a real creature, I'd love to dissect it to find out how it manages with such a chimeric mosaic of human and gorilla features. Like how it manages to walk and support it's purported weight with arch-less feet and bent knees. (We need strait knees and arched feet and we sometimes have problems with supporting our weight.)
The only other non-hominid ape that walked upright (and had archless feet) was an island dweller that didn't need to flee predators, which was good as it was a slow mover at best.



Gah! This is another one that mentions the mysterious "figure 6"!
It's the exact same methodology that I already talked about... cut and pasted in.


ya that one puts typical porportions one wants to believe, key word "wants" lol

anyway i was just searching and stumbled onto that sight, that fellow seems to do a little more indepth study then most, I have no seen a pro-hoax person put up a better fight or even half close.


but there is no objective reason to do so

thats your opinion only

There is no difference between the two things

actually there is. were talking right now about a vid and its possibilities. Last I heard theres no footage of god lol :) no god tracks, no god hair samples that dont match other animals and no god scat. Nor the sightings.

NOW if you said that ghost were the same, I would buy that..