امام باقر علیه السلام 1300 سال قبل فرمودند:
کانّي بقوم قد خرجوا من اقصي بلاد المشرق من بلدة يقال لها شيلا يطلبون حقّهم من اهل الصين فلايعطون ثم يطلبونه فلا يعطون فاذا رأوا ذلک وضعوا سيوفهم علي عواتقهم فقاتلوهم فرضوا باعطاء ما سئلوه فلم بقبلو و قتلوا منهم خلقاً کثيراً ثم يسخرون بلاد الترک و الهند کلها و يتوجّهون الي خراسان و يطلبونها من اهلها فلا يعطون فيأخذونها قهراً و يريدون ان لا يدفعون الملک الا الي صاحبکم فاذا خرج السفياني فجاهدوه و قتلوا جميعاً و رجعوا الي الدنيا بدعاء صاحبکم مع الذين قتلوهم وانتقموا منهم و تعيشوا في سلطانه الي آخر الدنيا
Shi'a Hadiths:
Imam Baqer[S.A.A] 1300years ago said:
...I'm seeing that from the easternmost lands of the world where is called "Shilla" some people ask their own rights from people of China and they don't give them.. again ask and again don't give.. the third time carry their own swords and the Chinese people accept but this time they[Sillans] won't agree! And attack and murder so many of them then conquer lands of Turk and India completely then look at Khorasan[Xinkiyang/Uzbekistan/Tajikistan/Afghanistan/Iran/Turkmenistan/...] and ask them that and they[owners of Khorasan] don't give! Then force them and get that also.
And give the flag[black flag] to nobody but your owner[Al-Mahdi S.A.A] then they attack to army of the Sufiyani and all will be martyred and after coming of Al-Mahdi[S.A.A] by his prayer they[black flags owners] will be resurrected and also Al-Sufiyani's army too and they revenge them
گویا می بینم که از دورترین سرزمینهای مشرق جاییکه او را شیلا گویند عده ای حق خود را از اهل چین طلب کنند و به ایشان ندهند، دوباره طلب کنند و پاسخی نبینند، بار سوم شمشیر ها را بر دوش نهند و اهل چین بپذیرند ولی اینبار اهل شیلا نپذیرند و کشتار عظیمی برپا کنند و بلاد چین وترک وهند وخراسان را بزور از اهلش تصرف کنند و پرچم را تسلیم نکنند جز به صاحب شما. و هنگامیکه سفیانی آخرالزمان قیام کند با آنها جنگ کنند و همگی شهید شوند و به دعای حضرت منجی علیه السلام هر دو گروه به دنیا رستاخیز شوند و از آنها انتقام بگیرند در ملک موعود
Forst of all the poster of this post is a Sunni Muslim
And the Shi'a's ahadith except the above are:
Ar the AkhiruzZaman[End of times] there will be these 4 flags at the same period!
1. The Second coming of Abbassid Caliphate
That are liar[about supporting AhlulBayit] and overwhelmed in wealth and at all false government
Maybe government of Iran[that salary of them are so much more than a simple worker! Exactly 180 degree against ruling of Ali[S.A.A] whom they claim are following] or Iraq
2. The most satanic enemy of the Saviour's team means Al-Sufiyani
That is from generation of AbuSufiyan and rises from Shaam[Syria/Ordon/Israel/Lebanon/Palestine/..] and massacre people that the history hasn't ever experienced[worse than Genghis Khan!]
3. Sayyid Al-Yemani[pbuh] from Yemen that is the closest flag to the flag of Al-Mahdi[S.A.A]
4. Black flags of Khorasan that Sayyid Al-Khorasani[pbuh] creates
And many hadiths mention these places about his army:
Silla, Samarqand, Taluqan, Multan, China,
They have no any powerful weapons! But they have powerful hearts! And the same makes them conquer of many lands!!
I invite you to watch one of the best series i've ever seen means "Emperor of the Sea" and May God Bless Jang Bogo and Yum Mum etc.. also creators of the 51 episode the series