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Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit


New Member
The bible memtions a sin in which there is no pardon for. This is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. What exactly is this sin, and how can I prevent myself from commiting it?

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
By my understanding, the sin against the Holy Spirit is essentially a refusal to accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. It is a rejection of the Godly Spirit that enfuses all Christians and reconnects them with the Divine Creator of our universe. Although, one time when I was insanely drunk in a VFW somewhere near Beaumont, Texas, I once heard someone say that it was 'Blashphemy against the Holy Spirit' to pay for Pabst Blue Ribbon; apparently, according to local legend, Pabst should only be consumed if tendered as a gift or stolen from an alcoholic uncle who would be better off without it. Ehh, who knows, luckily there were some churches nearby where I could get Pabst beer and the Holy Spirit, so everything's all good.


Is not going to save you.
It's being saved, then falling so far from grace that you don't realize or don't care enough to grabbed onto grace again.


Premium Member
It is my honest opinion that one could not commit blasphemy without meaning to. I was told in the Baptist Church the same was said earlier: that you fail to be saved. I am not sure if that is truly the blasphemy Jesus spoke of.

Green Kepi

Active Member
The bible memtions a sin in which there is no pardon for. This is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. What exactly is this sin, and how can I prevent myself from commiting it?

(Mark 3:28-29): This is the last opportunity of salvation...'to reject' Jesus' words insults the Holy Spirit. In Matthew 12...the Pharisees would not admit sin & so God could not forgive them...they weren't aware they'd sinned, so how could they repent? They couldn't. The Pharisees had blasphemed against the Spirit by attributing the power by which Jesus did miracles to Satan instead of the Holy Spirit. The unpardonable sin is the deliberate refusal to acknowledge God's power in Christ. It indicates a deliberate and irreversible hardness of heart. Avoid being like this...and you will not commit it....


Two Tears In a Bucket
The bible memtions a sin in which there is no pardon for. This is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. What exactly is this sin, and how can I prevent myself from commiting it?

I believe that the only reason blasphemy of the holy Spirit is unforgivable is because without it we cannot know life as it was meant to be lived. If God is love, then the holy Spirit consists of love also, no? If we view love to be of Satan, and we reject it then we won't be able to embrace this life giving Spirit. Love lends to us comfort, and peace; it also grants to us great power over our natural selves. It allows us to grow past our destructive natures, and it helps us develop a newness of mind. The more we allow love to grow within, the more we become free from our carnal ways. To walk in love is to walk as Christ did, and doing so enables us to fulfill God’s will for mankind. It is grace, truth, and a light for all mankind to receive. Love is a tree of life, that if nurtured as a seed, will produce its fruit both in self and in those we encounter. We do this by sharing and extending this wellspring of life towards others.

Stop and consider the time, effort, and patience it takes to grow a garden. Love is no different; if it is neglected, even the love a person does have will slowly wither away. When we neglect love, we become naturally calloused. Our hearts become dull and void of God‘s grace. We end up following all that opposes God, being thrown about by spirits of anger, fear, bitterness, resentment, deceit, greed, pride, lust, envy, jealousy and every other spirit in opposition to our well being. God’s love however is a seed which is freely available to all. If nurtured, His love will grow within us, and will eventually enable us to live in the fullness of his grace.

Born of God’s Spirit
Christ showed us the light.
He overcame death,
and to the blind he gave sight.
He sows the good seed;
he plants it in heart.
The seed is God’s word
that Christ did impart.
He walked with such grace;
His guidance is true.
This seed he gives freely
to me and to you.
The seed is a gift
from our father above.
The seed is God‘s Spirit;
the seed is God’s Love

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New Member
The word blaspheme in Hebrew is blasph'emos and means to slander someone.

To slander someone, I would have to know who that person is and deliberately try to destroy his reputation and his influence with lies about his character.

Blaspheming the Holy Spirit can happen only if the offender knows the Holy Spirit is genuinely the Spirit of God.

Justin Thyme

Child of God
I don't believe the HS exists, is that blasphemy?

Considering your lack of belief, does it matter? Seriously, if you do not believe in the Holy Spirit then how could you possibly be concerned with a possible blasphemy toward the Holy Spirit? How could you be concerned with what any one else believed about your possible blasphemy?


Well-Known Member
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the sin of final impenitence.

Catechism of the Catholic Church said:
1864 "Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven." There are no limits to the mercy of God, but anyone who deliberately refuses to accept his mercy by repenting, rejects the forgiveness of his sins and the salvation offered by the Holy Spirit. Such hardness of heart can lead to final impenitence and eternal loss.