Civil Shephard
Active Member
Maybe insert, "Experience" for "Paradigm"
(in my previous post)
for a better sense of what I was trying to say.
I of course meant paradigm/or paradigm shift in personal terms.
ie, how you experience, relate to, understand, view, your own reality/existence/surroundings.
The Carlos Casteneda books refer to this as the Shifting of one's Assemblage point.
Or, a major Shift in the way one assembles, experiences and views their reality.
It is an actual experience. A total shift of life perspective.
It's like the freefall, when the rug of your reality, gets pulled out from under your feet.
If I come up with a better term (for the sake of clear communication)
I will happily insert it. Perhaps simply "Major Reality Shift",
would be clearer. I don't know.
Paradigm Shift, to me, seems to capture it best though.
Of course this would be a subjective paradigm shift,
and not a scientific one.
Not a "community" thing, but a personal one.
I speak of this all from personal experience BTW.
Sorry if I wasn't clear.
My experiences always seem to be redefined in relation to Christ Teachings so it may be that I'm in a sort of constant paradigm shift. I think that the more we learn about ourselves through science and Internet and the world getting smaller then the more we learn why the poor in spirit are so happy and blessed. And I do believe it's a community thing cause without the influence of community that happiness is never fully realized... I think. I mean... who really has their own personal Jesus?
Carlos Castaneda has a quote that helped me express my opinion about this beatitude that I read just last year though I've not read him extensively.
you know UltraViolet I have to ask how familiar are you with the Sermon on the Mount? My focus in this thread is of course the applied teachings of Christ and how specific teachings make you feel and experience. Can you see clearly to remove the speck from your brother or sisters eye so to speak? Do you store your treasures in heaven and seek first the Kingdom of God? Does the beauty and majesty of King Solomon stop you from seeing the simple beauty in the Lillies of the Field?
and lastly... did Sidney Portier make you crack up when he sang "Amen" to those German Nuns?