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Born Again or Not?

Mustard Seed

Jack of all trades... :)
I have been "born again" twice in my life....as in I have accepted Jesus into my life on two occasions. I remember going through the ceremonial functions and feeling this sensation reverberate throughout my body. I can't explain the feeling... it was just "different." Sometimes I still get this same feeling when I contemplate on God. Sometimes I am brought to tears. I believe at both times when I professed myself to the Lord, I really meant it....I remember there still being doubts as I was saying the prayer but I really tried to feel God's love. I have seen other people become "born-again", and its like a transformation has taken place. Sometimes I wonder if its genuine because I never went through the same thing. On the contrary...I was still the same. Maybe its my upbringing...

My questions are these:
1) Has anyone experienced these same feelings and if so what is your take on it.
2) Was I actually "born again" and if so, am I still born again having not followed
the christian path.

In closing let me say that I truly do believe there's a God. It is just doubts that are constantly getting in my way....any help would be much apreciated, thanks-darnell


Jesus loves you
I will say one thing my friend, as I was growing up I asked Jesus into my heart innumerable times, everytime i swore, or any kind of sin broke out. I was in a bondage to this ritual. I thought I was a Christian because I had raised my hand to accept Jesus into my heart when I was 10 and was taken through a prayer and hey -presto you're one of us. But something was not right in my heart and I knew it, I used to pray every night before sleep and I read all of the new testament. For years this went on with me, every time i commited a sin, if I swore to look cool in front of my friends I would have instant conviction for it and say a quick breathed out prayer saying sorry.
Sometimes I had been so bad I would try to bargain with God for my salvation. I would promise not to do it (whatever it was) again if He would just forgive me this one last time.
You see I never truly understood the gospel and I had not been brought to an end of my self righteousness though I was so blind I couldn't see it. I was continually trying to please God by my own lifestyle and thought that I could be good enough if I really tried to be to live a Christian life up to the standards the bible sets down and I continually failed to do it, eventually I gave up trying and fell into a life a promiscuity, drunkeness, drug use and generally living for my own pleasure. I would continually justify this to myself by saying quick prayers to God to say sorry and promises to try to change but they were half hearted at best.
Then when I was about 21 my eyes were being opened to what I was like inside (it must have been the invisible working of the Spirit drawing me to Jesus), who I really was. I remember walking out of my house one day and seeing a blanket of snow and a scripture echoed in the back of my mind which was an offer to make me white as snow, I asked God for this. I became more and more aware of my sinfulness and someone was leaving gospel tracts on the bus I was getting to work, I kept picking them up and taking them home and reading them, one particulary spoke to me was describing how Jesus did for us what we could not do for ourselves towards our neighbour and God everything finally everything just clicked that very minute at a bus stop I layed it all out to God, I told Him that I wanted to please Him, I had made a real mess of my life because I had lived for self all this time, I acknowledged that His moral demands were righteous and the fact that I could not live up to them was because I was a captive to sin not because they were unreasonable. I trusted and handed over my life to Him and asked Him to do with me as He wills no matter how hard. I surrendered and handed over every aspect of my life to Him as my Lord and asked Him to take away any part of my life that was unpleasing to Him and I meant it. I trusted that though His shed blood I was made clean.

There was a change in me from that day, I was trusting in God from then on and not myself, God gently set me apart from the life I was living and opened my eyes to all the things in my life that were wrong and one by one they were taken away, some were painful to lose and some were absolute joys to be rid of (smoking for example). There was no instant quick fix, I wasn't all of a sudden this a perfect Christian either but I knew and recongnised these new desires and this new nature inside of me that definatly was not there previously and as I surrendered (took up my cross) to the will of this nature it brought such joy and blessing to my life and I was overflowing with a joy unspeakable and the bible that I previously could not truly get to grips with spoke to me from every page and I read it front to back every single word of it.

Asking keep on asking and it shall be giving to you.

Mustard Seed

Jack of all trades... :)
There was a change in me from that day, I was trusting in God from then on and not myself, God gently set me apart from the life I was living and opened my eyes to all the things in my life that were wrong and one by one they were taken away, some were painful to lose and some were absolute joys to be rid of (smoking for example). There was no instant quick fix, I wasn't all of a sudden this a perfect Christian either but I knew and recongnised these new desires and this new nature inside of me that definatly was not there previously and as I surrendered (took up my cross) to the will of this nature it brought such joy and blessing to my life and I was overflowing with a joy unspeakable and the bible that I previously could not truly get to grips with spoke to me from every page and I read it front to back every single word of it.

Asking keep on asking and it shall be giving to you.

First of all, thank you for your post and you answered my questions beatifully. Maybe it was a quick fix that I was expecting too much of. I do remember being more concious of the wrongs in my life....so now that I am thinking about it, maybe it was this transformation that I was fighting. Thank you for replying...It has opened my eyes to a new possibility. Even though I have strayed far off the path....God has always been there but I must act on his words and stop looking for a quick fix. Thanks again...this gives me new hope!:)


Well-Known Member
I have been "born again" twice in my life....as in I have accepted Jesus into my life on two occasions. I remember going through the ceremonial functions and feeling this sensation reverberate throughout my body. I can't explain the feeling... it was just "different." Sometimes I still get this same feeling when I contemplate on God. Sometimes I am brought to tears. I believe at both times when I professed myself to the Lord, I really meant it....I remember there still being doubts as I was saying the prayer but I really tried to feel God's love. I have seen other people become "born-again", and its like a transformation has taken place. Sometimes I wonder if its genuine because I never went through the same thing. On the contrary...I was still the same. Maybe its my upbringing...

My questions are these:
1) Has anyone experienced these same feelings and if so what is your take on it.
2) Was I actually "born again" and if so, am I still born again having not followed
the christian path.

In closing let me say that I truly do believe there's a God. It is just doubts that are constantly getting in my way....any help would be much apreciated, thanks-darnell

everyday in prayer a Christians is born anew when he gets up, and gives his heart, mind and will to Jesus and ask for his guidence , grace, and mercy to get through the day. At least for me and alot of Catholics that is a daily thing.:)

God Bless,



Jesus loves you
First of all, thank you for your post and you answered my questions beatifully. Maybe it was a quick fix that I was expecting too much of. I do remember being more concious of the wrongs in my life....so now that I am thinking about it, maybe it was this transformation that I was fighting. Thank you for replying...It has opened my eyes to a new possibility. Even though I have strayed far off the path....God has always been there but I must act on his words and stop looking for a quick fix. Thanks again...this gives me new hope!:)

Truthfully, I believe God led you to write this and me to respond, for whatever good it has done you it has done me good also, to remember my first love and from what condition I was saved from, it can be easy to forget sometimes.

God bless you for asking such an honest and important question and I love your signature too. :)

bible truth

Active Member
I have been "born again" twice in my life....as in I have accepted Jesus into my life on two occasions. I remember going through the ceremonial functions and feeling this sensation reverberate throughout my body. I can't explain the feeling... it was just "different." Sometimes I still get this same feeling when I contemplate on God. Sometimes I am brought to tears. I believe at both times when I professed myself to the Lord, I really meant it....I remember there still being doubts as I was saying the prayer but I really tried to feel God's love. I have seen other people become "born-again", and its like a transformation has taken place. Sometimes I wonder if its genuine because I never went through the same thing. On the contrary...I was still the same. Maybe its my upbringing...

My questions are these:
1) Has anyone experienced these same feelings and if so what is your take on it.
2) Was I actually "born again" and if so, am I still born again having not followed
the christian path.

In closing let me say that I truly do believe there's a God. It is just doubts that are constantly getting in my way....any help would be much apreciated, thanks-darnell

Thanks for the great questions. These issues are very common in contemporary Christianity. I did an altar call and a sinner's prayer as an 18 year old. I believe God did not grant me a spiritual birth until I was 28 years old or so. There is only one physical birth and only one spiritual birth.

1. Did we determine our physical birth? Therefore, did we determine our spiritual birth? My answer is no to both questions. Search the Scriptures to see if you can support an "accepting Jesus into my heart" conversion. I believe the Biblical answers will help you understand. Look at the conversion of Saul (Paul), Lydia, and everyone else that God granted salvation. Did the disciples choose and accept Christ? Or, did Christ choose the disciples. Study Ephesians chapters 1, 2, and 4; Romans chapter 8 and 9; John chapters 6 and 17 as a start to find answers to your questions. - BT


New Member
The New birth takes place at resurrestion.
Yahshua Messiah is the ONLY PERSON BORN AGAIN at this time.
You have been deceived by your religion.


Mustard Seed

Jack of all trades... :)
The New birth takes place at resurrestion.
Yahshua Messiah is the ONLY PERSON BORN AGAIN at this time.
You have been deceived by your religion.


Firstly, are you Christian?
Secondly, my question was made, so that I may learn something in return....all you have done is make some sort of accusation. Would you care to elaborate on your statement? I am all ears, as they say....or eyes, in this case! :)


Resident Heritic
I applaud you on your search for meaning but I only wish to offer you one note fo caution. To many people seek a constant emotional lift from their conversion. Being born-again does not mean that you will never do another bad thing in your life nor does it mean you will always feel as you did the moment you knelt before God. I think that it is important also to develop an intelectual faith. One person alone cannot build a faith. We all depend on the wisdom and learning of those who have come before us. As faithful and honest in your study of the bible as you may be there are scholars who have devoted their whole life to the book, its' languages and the history surronding it. Do not feel that your reading alone is sufficient go out and learn more. Message bords like this are a good place to start but keep looking. In my opionon this search for truth can carry you farther and longer then the fading emotion of a spiritual experience. Good luck.

On a lighter note I think if you are born again you should get a second birthday. If there were double presents I would sign up in an instant


Jesus loves you
The New birth takes place at resurrestion.
Yahshua Messiah is the ONLY PERSON BORN AGAIN at this time.
You have been deceived by your religion.


1Pt 1v22: Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:
1Pt 1v23: Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

:confused: What do you think that this means? Who is Peter saying is born again here?


Veteran Member
My questions are these:
1) Has anyone experienced these same feelings and if so what is your take on it.

I am not sure if I experiened exactly what you have, but I have felt similar renewals and 'rebirths' at tcertain times in my life. I have always accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Saviour, but I have felt that rebirth and renewal.