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"Boy, 6, caught playing doctor, is accused of sex assault"


Well-Known Member
The lawsuit states that prior to the play date, D had medical conditions that required rectal examinations

Doctors stick a thing in there, I'm playing doctor, stick a thing in there. Kind of makes sense from a child's logic no?


Doctors stick a thing in there, I'm playing doctor, stick a thing in there. Kind of makes sense from a child's logic no?

Well of course it does, and how could it be traumatizing when they literally can't tell their ***** from their elbows?

I used to look after a pair of preschooler sisters and for a while there every time I left them alone in the older girl's room for five minutes they'd end up naked wrestling. They thought it was hilarious, and streaking around the house with me chasing them around with a pair of discarded sundresses was obviously the highlight of their day. To see anything sexual about that type of behavior you honestly have to be insane, and a hysterical reaction is a surefire way to make sure your kids end up insane too. Really.


Veteran Member
Well the liberals would probably blame the conservative anti-sexuality culture.
Of course, we should think about this some more because apportioning blame is very important.
Good grief, what next; pulling liberal v, conservative crap over the dressing no dressing controversy at Thanksgiving? Give it a rest already.


Wonder Woman
Yeah, I don't get the conservative/liberal thing here at all. I guess no one wants even the idea that they could be associated with stupidity and so they must automatically blame it on the group opposite of the one they consider themselves in. Whether it makes sense or not. :rolleyes: It's pretty much like blaming Obama for my soup being cold.
I don't adhere to either side , liberal or conservative but I had to deal with this crap effecting my own family as stated in a previous post. So who do I blame then?
What policy made the teacher feel it was neccessary to take something so trivial beyond her own classroom?
Weeding out real sexual harrasment is a good thing but it appears , in my experience, that the left has promoted an over-sensitivity in these issues.


I don't adhere to either side , liberal or conservative but I had to deal with this crap effecting my own family as stated in a previous post. So who do I blame then?
What policy made the teacher feel it was neccessary to take something so trivial beyond her own classroom?
Weeding out real sexual harrasment is a good thing but it appears , in my experience, that the left has promoted an over-sensitivity in these issues.

In what way? The left is usually associated with sexual permissiveness. How can they be more accepting and tolerant of sexuality on the one hand and hysterical about it on the other?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
In what way? The left is usually associated with sexual permissiveness. How can they be more accepting and tolerant of sexuality on the one hand and hysterical about it on the other?

Strict adherence to arbitrary ideologies often result in these types of inconsistencies.


Strict adherence to arbitrary ideologies often result in these types of inconsistencies.

I'd still like to see an example of this "liberal" anti-sexual over-sensitivity Majikthise is talking about. Just one. That should be pretty easy to provide, right? It would help me understand his point.
I'd still like to see an example of this "liberal" anti-sexual over-sensitivity Majikthise is talking about. Just one. That should be pretty easy to provide, right? It would help me understand his point.

Sorry to leave you hanging like that, had to go to work.
I'm not linking because I suck at it and and it just leads to dismissal of the info due to the source. So, I'll put it all in my own words.
Have you heard the term "nanny state"?
Mass. is a nanny state.
We have been run by liberal democrats for a long time, Barney Frank,John Kerry,Ted Kennedy,Duvall Patrick to name just a few of the wonders of Beacon Hill........sorry, just threw up in my mouth a little after writing that list. I'm not even going to go into the rampant democratic corruption in this state.
I live in one of the most liberal states (maybe the most) in the Union. Everyone calls us Taxachuesetts, and with good reason.
You can't toss a quahog without hitting an illegal, you can't smoke in a private bar or restaraunt, private citizens have to pay for a liscence to fish in the open ocean (the kings forest), which is a moot point because all the decent fishing spots from when I was a kid are private or off limits now, and if you do find a place it's crammed with persons of questionable legal status and the wardens don't even want to deal with them. The DNC pretty much annointed Liz Warren as their senate candidate in this state blowing off all the other candidates (alot of dems are furious about this).
Doctored fish stock levels, poorly conducted scientific research on fish poulations, arbitrary fines and coruption in NOAA have led to the failure of the private fishing fleets only to have corporate fleet owners move in and send the whole industry into the dumper.
My best friend from childhood is a progressive tree hugging liberal (he says as much), we still hang out but stay away from discussing politics. I think I know a little bit of how American liberals think and work.
The schools.
I work in a school and have one kid in elementary and one in high school. My daughter got yelled at by a teacher for high-fiving her friend during passing period because the kide are not even supposed to touch each other. Some schools in western Mass. tried to ban dodge ball and tag on the play ground. Nobody officially keeps score at kids sporting events because it would hurt the losers feelings (one of my favorites). Some dem pol. actually tried to pass legislation to ban marshmallow spread in schools, just how we want our elected officials using their time.
They literally tell you what your kid can and can't eat in their own lunch from home or your kid will be sent home with a warning. No Halloween costumes that are too scary on costume day, no fun. The dem state rep who just ran for mayor of my city (thank goodness he lost) tried to put forth a bill that would allow any student to cross examine a teacher who repremanded them. The things that the pols. waste their time and effort on in this state is criminal IMO.
None of this stuff is conservative policy, because we have no conservatives. Not even Scott Brown. All the republicans around here spend their breath putting him down for being too far to the center.

I hope this helps to inform you where I'm coming from. :)


Sorry to leave you hanging like that, had to go to work.
I'm not linking because I suck at it and and it just leads to dismissal of the info due to the source. So, I'll put it all in my own words.
Have you heard the term "nanny state"?
Mass. is a nanny state.
We have been run by liberal democrats for a long time, Barney Frank,John Kerry,Ted Kennedy,Duvall Patrick to name just a few of the wonders of Beacon Hill........sorry, just threw up in my mouth a little after writing that list. I'm not even going to go into the rampant democratic corruption in this state.
I live in one of the most liberal states (maybe the most) in the Union. Everyone calls us Taxachuesetts, and with good reason.
You can't toss a quahog without hitting an illegal, you can't smoke in a private bar or restaraunt, private citizens have to pay for a liscence to fish in the open ocean (the kings forest), which is a moot point because all the decent fishing spots from when I was a kid are private or off limits now, and if you do find a place it's crammed with persons of questionable legal status and the wardens don't even want to deal with them. The DNC pretty much annointed Liz Warren as their senate candidate in this state blowing off all the other candidates (alot of dems are furious about this).
Doctored fish stock levels, poorly conducted scientific research on fish poulations, arbitrary fines and coruption in NOAA have led to the failure of the private fishing fleets only to have corporate fleet owners move in and send the whole industry into the dumper.
My best friend from childhood is a progressive tree hugging liberal (he says as much), we still hang out but stay away from discussing politics. I think I know a little bit of how American liberals think and work.
The schools.
I work in a school and have one kid in elementary and one in high school. My daughter got yelled at by a teacher for high-fiving her friend during passing period because the kide are not even supposed to touch each other. Some schools in western Mass. tried to ban dodge ball and tag on the play ground. Nobody officially keeps score at kids sporting events because it would hurt the losers feelings (one of my favorites). Some dem pol. actually tried to pass legislation to ban marshmallow spread in schools, just how we want our elected officials using their time.
They literally tell you what your kid can and can't eat in their own lunch from home or your kid will be sent home with a warning. No Halloween costumes that are too scary on costume day, no fun. The dem state rep who just ran for mayor of my city (thank goodness he lost) tried to put forth a bill that would allow any student to cross examine a teacher who repremanded them. The things that the pols. waste their time and effort on in this state is criminal IMO.
None of this stuff is conservative policy, because we have no conservatives. Not even Scott Brown. All the republicans around here spend their breath putting him down for being too far to the center.

I hope this helps to inform you where I'm coming from. :)

Kind of, but Mass. still seems far to the right of any place in Canada. I've been there myself.
And here we don't call the police when or kids stick things in each other unwisely.

The UK is the worst nanny state I've lived in but none of their goading and haranguing and surveilling has anything to do with liberalism. In fact they're also far to the right of any place in Canada, except maybe Alberta.

Authoritarianism is best considered a problem that can afflict people of any political stripe.
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Oldest Heretic
I caught my 5 year old girl playing doctor with a little boy in my living room. She didn't even seem to think that she had done something wrong. Turns out the whole thing was caused by a trip to the doctor she took to diagnose a yeast infection/allergy to soap. She wasn't even embarassed to tell me what happened. It makes me wonder if Dr. exams are more traumatizing than we realize though.

Kid have to learn to be embarrassed.
embarrassment is a reflection of adult behaviour.


Perhaps the boy saw it on TV, or worse, saw it somewhere else. They should gently explain to the boy why what he did was unacceptable, and also explain to the girl how she needs to refuse some kinds of games that invade her privacy.
If they botch it up, those tow kids are going to get scarred for the rest of their lives.


Perhaps the boy saw it on TV, or worse, somewhere else. They should gently explain to the boy why what he did was unacceptable and hurts others, and gently explain to the girl as well why she should refuse 'games' like this that invade her privacy.
If they botch this, those two kids are going to get scarred and confused for life.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
My god! Five year olds have no conception of sex at all. Sexual assault? Sexual harassment? What the hell!

I'm quite sure all the adults in these kids lives pitching a massive hysterical fit at the suspicion some kindergardener stuck something into another consenting kindergartener is going to do WAY more psychological damage in the long run than an amateur rectal exam.

What's wrong with just saying "Timmy, it's not polite to stick your finger in other people's bums"? And "Nellie, you shouldn't let boys stick their fingers in your bum." Point out they can make each other sick that way and call it a day.

Totally agree. :yes: