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Breaking of Bones


Jihad Against Terrorism

This is a continuation of Death on the Cross (or lack thereof) - Religious Education Forum

Christ was crucified on Friday. Since the Jewish Holy Day of Sabbath (Saturday) was approaching it was normal custom to take down the body from the cross before the evening. This was Jewish custom and they believed in dire consequences if it was not followed. So, Jews knew that Jesus' body would have to be taken down. In order to make up for the lack of time since six hours on the cross was not enough the legs of the crucified were broken. For death on the cross occurs by suffocation due to the pressure on the lungs. This process may be slowed down by a victim who can use his legs to lend some support to the rest of the body. If the legs are broken, however, then this support ceases and this, in turn, quickens death on the cross. So, on Jesus' both sides there were convicts whose legs were cut off as they were deemed alive. However, Jesus' bones were not broken. The pretense being that as he was already dead there was no need. But had it not been established by the gushing of blood and water that the man had not died? In fact, even if he had stopped breathing it is an established medical fact (and the gushing of blood and water showed) that blood circulation could still continue for minutes. Why, then, were Jesus' legs not cut off. Furthermore, the oncoming of a violent storm had already assured at least one centurion that Jesus truly was the son of God. The point being that Jesus' legs not being broken is more evidence for the theory that he had not died.

In fact, the lack of breaking of the bones fulfilled a prophecy in the Bible. Do Chrisitians not bother reading the whole prophecy? Or do they not see that the prophecy speaks not of death and resurrection but clearly of rescue!

Was the rescue of the one whose bones will not be broken not prophesized (Psalm 22:16-22):

16 Dogs have surrounded me;
a band of evil men has encircled me,
they have pierced [a] my hands and my feet.
17 I can count all my bones;
people stare and gloat over me.
18 They divide my garments among them
and cast lots for my clothing.
19 But you, O LORD, be not far off;
O my Strength, come quickly to help me.
20 Deliver my life from the sword,
my precious life from the power of the dogs.
21 Rescue me from the mouth of the lions;
save me from the horns of the wild oxen.

Do these cries not sound like those of one who will be saved? Are these verses not prophecy of rescue from impending death like so many Prophets before Jesus? Does the prophecy speak of resurrection from dead or survival under severe circumstances? Take this prophecy and apply it to Jesus. How can any sane person apply it to resurrection.

The prophecy clearly talks about dogs who had surrounded Jesus. In verse 16 it talks about the dogs. And then the person in the prophecy pleads to God that he is rescued from the dogs. Would a Christian say the dogs who crucified Jesus were the same ones who tortured him while death cursed him? Did they perform some sort of immediate transportation Jutsu to hell? For the dogs had surrounded Jesus on the cross as they tore up his cloths. And upon his death, lo! the dogs are now in hell torturing Jesus. And while in that cursed state Jesus was begging to be rescued. Is this the religion Christians pride upon? Why is this man praying for rescue from the dogs? Why is he begging to be saved? If Jesus' death was by his design then what or whom does this prophecy refer to? Is it not also written elsewhere in Psalm 34:19-20 that

19 A righteous man may have many troubles,
but the LORD delivers him from them all;
20 he protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.

Why do Christians (especially their priests) skip over these obvious references. They all claim that these prophecies referred to Jesus. Yet they completely ignore the obvious relation that the one being talked about will be saved and rescued and delivered from death as it stared him in the face. They speak not at all of resurrection. And on this point of mine Christians might take out (as is their habit) a collection of verses that supposedly talk about Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Fine then that only creates a contradiction in the Bible. Can those verses be reconciled with these where "rescue" and "delivers" have been used?

If I make two statements that apparently contradict each other then I am either a liar or some sort of reconciliation between the two statements might have to be sought. So, in the same way Christians must reconcile the apparent contradiction whereby on one hand Jesus prophecy's his death and on the other hand two prophecies as shown above state that he will not die. Furthermore, evidence from the events of crucifixion strongly support Jesus' survival and any evidence to the contrary can not stand. Then, the obvious conclusion one would have to make is that Jesus was a liar (God forbid). Or that when he said he was going to die he meant something else. Is that a possibility?

Because if there is no possibility then the Christians would have to admit contradictions in the Bible. There are prophecies that speak of survival. There are also prophecies that apparently refer to his death and subsequent resurrection. But in light of the actual events is it not clear which prophecy came to pass and which requires reconciliation? It has been explained repeatedly now that in no way was six hours sufficient to ensure death by crucifixion. Especially since the legs of Jesus were not broken. The gushing forth of blood and water further strengthens the survival hypothesis. So is the case with the use of medicine. In fact the proof from the books of medicine spread all over the world is so great that no honest person can reject it. But that is for later. It is not the way of the righteous to go bolder in unreasonable statements. For that is a deception of Christianity. Is it fair to insist on unreasonable extraordinary conclusions when very reasonable ones exist?


Fool for Wisdom
Tarhiqkhwaja - I want to begin by saying that I am not a 'christian' , but I do believe that Jesus was an actual person and had a great message for all humanity. It seems apparent to me that you are a person of great belief in your religion of choice, but why are you determined to attack and undermine other's belief and faith? No one knows what God is, all religions are humanities futile attempt to understand and somehow 'capture' the unknowable, that which is beyond our understanding and comprehension. You have ever right to dispute and question the myths of the Gospels, but do you have the courage to question the myths of your own professed religion? Jesus said said remove the log from yuour own eye before you attmpt to remove the speck of dust from anothers' eye.


Jihad Against Terrorism
Yes I should question whether they are myths. And so do you ... you are most welcome to discuss the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community with me.

In any case your post is a digression from the topic at hand.


would you like it if we went into your holy book and started wripping it to shreds with logic and reason??

Or what if we stated your holy book is just a later copy of the original hebrew text with a spin added to it to reflect the people of a different geological location??????

most all of your questions can be answered correctly if one had knowledge of the subject he was asking about.

If you want answers it would help if you didnt talk down to a religion and or call its deity a liar


Fool for Wisdom
Actually, my post is not a digression, but an exposition that you have an agenga to discredit beliefs and religions other than your own.

As a person of faith, I will agree thatr there may be problems with the gospels, but why do you focus on other's beliefs instead of proclaiming and supporting your own beliefs?? ALL religions, including Islam, are MAN MADE constructions to help deal with the issues of day to day life and the unknown.


Jihad Against Terrorism
would you like it if we went into your holy book and started wripping it to shreds with logic and reason??
According to the Quran that would be like trying to find a flaw in the laws of Physics. So go ahead and try. Would be happy to discuss what agitates you about Islam.
Or what if we stated your holy book is just a later copy of the original hebrew text with a spin added to it to reflect the people of a different geological location??????
Sure ... you can say that. I can try to disprove it though.
most all of your questions can be answered correctly if one had knowledge of the subject he was asking about.
Hmm ... no harm in making a claim as long as you can back it up.
If you want answers it would help if you didnt talk down to a religion and or call its deity a liar
I neither called Jesus a liar (I dare not do that). Rather I suggested his words were misconstrued to mean something other than what he meant. That in languages all over the world we often refer to near-death experiences as giving us a new life. But still I take your point that I can tone down the aggressiveness. Thank you for your advice.
Actually, my post is not a digression, but an exposition that you have an agenga to discredit beliefs and religions other than your own.

As a person of faith, I will agree thatr there may be problems with the gospels, but why do you focus on other's beliefs instead of proclaiming and supporting your own beliefs?? ALL religions, including Islam, are MAN MADE constructions to help deal with the issues of day to day life and the unknown.
There have been number of posts and threads written by this author defending Islam and trying to show no religion can come close. And that no man-made religion could have attained the success of Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, or Islam had they not been true in their origin.

Gentlemen/Ladies this is a religious debate forum. I firmly believe in dialogue in the world today as a very important component of the world's problems. In religion things get aggressive but we are all adults here. We are passionate because we love our fellow human beings. I mean doesn't the fact that it is my footnote sufficient evidence *sarcasm*?


Active Member

This is a continuation of Death on the Cross (or lack thereof) - Religious Education Forum

Christ was crucified on Friday. Since the Jewish Holy Day of Sabbath (Saturday) was approaching it was normal custom to take down the body from the cross before the evening. This was Jewish custom and they believed in dire consequences if it was not followed.

There would be dire consequences had the Roman soldiers failed to do their duty.

So, Jews knew that Jesus' body would have to be taken down. In order to make up for the lack of time since six hours on the cross was not enough the legs of the crucified were broken. For death on the cross occurs by suffocation due to the pressure on the lungs.

Scourging was so severee that death often followed before crucifixion.

This process may be slowed down by a victim who can use his legs to lend some support to the rest of the body. If the legs are broken, however, then this support ceases and this, in turn, quickens death on the cross. So, on Jesus' both sides there were convicts whose legs were cut off as they were deemed alive. However, Jesus' bones were not broken. The pretense being that as he was already dead there was no need. But had it not been established by the gushing of blood and water that the man had not died?

Roman soldiers--professional executioners whose own lives would be at stake if they let a condemned criminal escape--mistakenly judged Jesus to be dead???

In fact, even if he had stopped breathing it is an established medical fact (and the gushing of blood and water showed) that blood circulation could still continue for minutes. Why, then, were Jesus' legs not cut off.

Are you suggesting that the Roman soldiers, exposed to a lifetime of death, would not know if a person was dead? Jesus' legs were not broken because the Pascal Lamb (Jesus) must not have its bones broken. God didn't want it that way. Exodus 12:47; Num. 9:12 - the paschal lamb's (foreshadow of Jesus) bones could not be broken. It's a no brainer.

Furthermore, the oncoming of a violent storm had already assured at least one centurion that Jesus truly was the son of God. The point being that Jesus' legs not being broken is more evidence for the theory that he had not died.

The centurian had never seen a storm before? It wasn't just the storm that made the centurian believe, it was everything, a cumulation of events, and the grace of the cross.

In fact, the lack of breaking of the bones fulfilled a prophecy in the Bible. Do Chrisitians not bother reading the whole prophecy? Or do they not see that the prophecy speaks not of death and resurrection but clearly of rescue!

Where? Jesus quoted Psalm 22 but could not complete it because he was dying. Read the whole Psalm. It hints at a sacrificial banquet.

Was the rescue of the one whose bones will not be broken not prophesized (Psalm 22:16-22):

16 Dogs have surrounded me;
a band of evil men has encircled me,
they have pierced [a] my hands and my feet.
17 I can count all my bones;
people stare and gloat over me.
18 They divide my garments among them
and cast lots for my clothing.
19 But you, O LORD, be not far off;
O my Strength, come quickly to help me.
20 Deliver my life from the sword,
my precious life from the power of the dogs.
21 Rescue me from the mouth of the lions;
save me from the horns of the wild oxen.
Like I said, read the whole Psalm. You are reading the Bible from a literalist fundamentalist viewpoint. Christians, especially Catholics, do not read the Bible the same way as a Muslem reads the Qu'ran.

Do these cries not sound like those of one who will be saved?
God cannot die, so yes.

Are these verses not prophecy of rescue from impending death like so many Prophets before Jesus?
None of the prophets rose from the dead.

Does the prophecy speak of resurrection from dead or survival under severe circumstances? Take this prophecy and apply it to Jesus. How can any sane person apply it to resurrection.
How can any sane person deny it?

The prophecy clearly talks about dogs who had surrounded Jesus. In verse 16 it talks about the dogs. And then the person in the prophecy pleads to God that he is rescued from the dogs. Would a Christian say the dogs who crucified Jesus were the same ones who tortured him while death cursed him? Did they perform some sort of immediate transportation Jutsu to hell? For the dogs had surrounded Jesus on the cross as they tore up his cloths. And upon his death, lo! the dogs are now in hell torturing Jesus. And while in that cursed state Jesus was begging to be rescued. Is this the religion Christians pride upon? Why is this man praying for rescue from the dogs? Why is he begging to be saved? If Jesus' death was by his design then what or whom does this prophecy refer to? Is it not also written elsewhere in Psalm 34:19-20 that

19 A righteous man may have many troubles,
but the LORD delivers him from them all;
20 he protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.

Why do Christians (especially their priests) skip over these obvious references.
We skip nothing. We (especially my priests) don't do violence to the Bible and ignore the historical record.

They all claim that these prophecies referred to Jesus. Yet they completely ignore the obvious relation that the one being talked about will be saved and rescued and delivered from death as it stared him in the face.
Your argument bears no logic, but is founded on faulty literalist interpretation.

They speak not at all of resurrection. And on this point of mine Christians might take out (as is their habit) a collection of verses that supposedly talk about Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Fine then that only creates a contradiction in the Bible. Can those verses be reconciled with these where "rescue" and "delivers" have been used?

If I make two statements that apparently (...message truncated...) ns when very reasonable ones exist?
Jesus, without any supernatural assistance, would have had to revive so totally and rapidly from his ordeal as to convince his disciples that a stunning miracle, rather than a mere remarkable recovery, had taken place. Is that what you are saying?

According to your hypothesis, this was a return to normal life, Jesus would have really died and remained dead sooner or later. Show me your proof of this "burial" of the greatest Teacher the world has ever seen, the one that no one can find.

As you may say, the writer of the fourth Gospel, who on this hypothesis believed Jesus to have risen from the dead, had the uncommon medical knowledge and the motive (what motive?) for inventing a conscious falsehood that the spear which pierced Jesus' side brought forth blood and water (John 19:34-35), without making it clear to his medically unsophisticated readers that such a phenomenon is medical evidence of death. This is not a probability from a sane person.

"ONCE AGAIN, let us consider the unlikely string of events which this theory has to invent:

1. Contrary to the available evidence, there was no guard at the tomb, so the disciples were able to rob it unnoticed. But this is unlikely on the basis of the hypothesis itself. If Jesus had made predictions of rising from the dead after three days, and if excited expectations to that effect were being spread abroad, then we would expect the chief priests and Pharisees to take the precautions which Matthew says they did in fact take (Matt. 27:62-66).

On the other hand, if Jesus never made any such predictions, and if there were no rumors going around that he would rise again in a few days (and hence no guard posted), it seems most unlikely that the idea even would have occurred to the disciples to plan such a bizarre hoax. To have any hope of success in such an intrinsically outlandish venture, they would have needed something to build on, at least the excited credulity of a reasonable number of Jesus' admirers who were expecting a miraculous resurrection.

2. This theory requires 500 conspirators. The oldest testimony to the Christian proclamation of the Resurrection is Paul's obviously sincere affirmation to the Corinthians, written about A.D. 57, of what he had been taught on becoming a Christian 20 to 25 years previously (1 Cor. 15:3).

Scholars say this is the most ancient "creed" available to us and represents the core of apostolic preaching in the 30s. Among the testimonies which Paul insists on is that of "five hundred of the brothers, most of whom are still alive," who saw the risen Jesus simultaneously (1 Cor. 15:6). This seems impossible to reconcile with the hypothesis of sheer fraud.

No hoaxers would ever try to get 500 persons to perjure themselves with a story about having seen a man appear to them alive after his death. The number is far more than would be necessary to persuade the intended victims of the hoax, and there would be a very serious danger that, out of such a large number, one or more would repent and expose the fraud. "

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Jihad Against Terrorism
Thank you for your response. kepha31's primary argument is that the Roman soldiers were not stupid. My primary reply to that hinted at in above was that Pilate was in on it all along. That though he feared popular dissent he secretly saved Jesus Christ. Still though it was a miracle Jesus survived but yes there is more evidence to suggest he survived. I should expand on this claim in the last part.


Active Member
Actually, my primary argument is the witness of 500 people, + the Apostles, were supposedly engaged in a deceitful conspiracy that has no evidence, that no one noticed until the 18th century.:facepalm:


Jihad Against Terrorism
500 + apostles witnessed him die? Please read your Bible. Most apostles did not accompany Jesus as they did not wish to be suspected. A few women stayed behind. And the general populace ran away due to the storm. There is only one recorded witness of Jesus' death and that is John ... one wonders whether even he was a witness.
If Pilate was in on it as I should show later one does not have much room to believe in Jesus' death.


Active Member
500 + apostles witnessed him die? Please read your Bible.
Oops! I wasn't clear. 500 witness + the Apostles witnesses His resurrected body. God can't resurrect anything unless it is first DEAD. :facepalm:
Most apostles did not accompany Jesus as they did not wish to be suspected.
They did not wish to be crucifed. One of them was suspected and he was so scared he lied to save his butt. Redemptive suffering is a concept that when Peter failed to grasp it he was called "Satan" for it. When you run away from suffering you run away from God. Matt. 10:38 - Jesus said, "he who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Peter got it when he embraced his cross, and united his crucifxion with His. That is what Christians are supposed to do with their sufferings. United them with the Crucifixion. We unite our joys with the Resurrection when we say "Thank God", but I digress.

A few women stayed behind. And the general populace ran away due to the storm. There is only one recorded witness of Jesus' death and that is John ... one wonders whether even he was a witness.
One can wonder all they like. Besides, I don't need the Bible or the Magisterium to prove the Resurrection...to an open minded enquiror that is.
If Pilate was in on it as I should show later one does not have much room to believe in Jesus' death.
Pilate offered a bribed crowd a surrogate: Barabas. If Pilate was "in on it" he wouldn't have bothered, or he knew the crowd was bribed, and was putting on a show for Ceasar (in a far away city) who hated visionaries.:facepalm:
Pilate did not want to crucify Jesus. He sent him to be scourged to appease the mob. The rest is history.

I will digress once more. Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet, yet you deny His prophecies about His Death and Resurrection. You can't have it both ways.
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Jihad Against Terrorism
Oops! I wasn't clear. 500 witness + the Apostles witnesses His resurrected body. God can't resurrect anything unless it is first DEAD. :facepalm:
They did not wish to be crucifed. One of them was suspected and he was so scared he lied to save his butt. Redemptive suffering is a concept that when Peter failed to grasp it he was called "Satan" for it. When you run away from suffering you run away from God. Matt. 10:38 - Jesus said, "he who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Peter got it when he embraced his cross, and united his crucifxion with His. That is what Christians are supposed to do with their sufferings. United them with the Crucifixion. We unite our joys with the Resurrection when we say "Thank God", but I digress.

A few women stayed behind. And the general populace ran away due to the storm. There is only one recorded witness of Jesus' death and that is John ... one wonders whether even he was a witness.
One can wonder all they like. Besides, I don't need the Bible or the Magisterium to prove the Resurrection...to an open minded enquiror that is.
Pilate offered a bribed crowd a surrogate: Barabas. If Pilate was "in on it" he wouldn't have bothered, or he knew the crowd was bribed, and was putting on a show for Ceasar (in a far away city) who hated visionaries.:facepalm:
Pilate did not want to crucify Jesus. He sent him to be scourged to appease the mob. The rest is history.

I will digress once more. Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet, yet you deny His prophecies about His Death and Resurrection. You can't have it both ways.

I understood what you said. And still my question remains the same. They saw his resurrected body. I say they saw his revived body. Your argument does not go either way. Furthermore the fact that his body still showed signs of wounds really detracts from the idea that it was resurrected and further supports the idea that it was revival. Doesn't matter if a million people saw his body. His resurrection can only be proven if those million had also witnessed his death. Is it clearer now why the argument that 500 witnesses and apostles saw him does not lend credibility to death. Those witnesses only prove that he was still alive. And that is what I believe as well. Whether he died or not still hinges on the distant witness of one John the Baptist. Roman soldiers as I hypothesized earlier (along with the very short time of crucifixion and no broken bones) were in on it all along. A hypothesis that I agree I still need to support properly.

I have already stated that Jesus' prophecies referred to a near-death experience and not death per se. He stated he would show the miracle of Jonah and Jonah did not die rather survived death. Jesus did state his death in some instances but again as I stated the meaning of those prophecies is open to interpretation given other prophecies whereby his rescue is prophesied (such as Breaking bones prophecy).


Active Member
I understood what you said. And still my question remains the same.
You understand what I said, you just refuse to believe.
They saw his resurrected body. I say they saw his revived body. Your argument does not go either way.
Yes it does. We don't to the Resurrection without going first to the Crucifixion. What you don't understand is how this applies in the here and now. John 12:24 - unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone and bears no fruit. Jesus is teaching that suffering and death are part of every human life, and it is only through suffering and death that we obtain the glory of resurrection. Your arguement, that has not gone anywhere, rests on faulty literalist interpretation and separates His teachings from the events.

Jesus (God) is mysteriously united with all humanity. He died for the Muslems too, not just for Christians. If you are going to deny His Sacrificial Death, then you have to reject the fact that suffering and death are part of every human life, which Jesus taught in the light of his glory on the cross. It is only through suffering and death that we obtain the glory of resurrection. Sacrifice is what distinguishes Christianity from Islam. The blood of the martyrs is the seedbed of the Church. Sacrifice worked and pagan Rome opened to the Gospel (after 300 years of brutal persecution.) The more we are killed the more numerous we become. Maybe you have heard of a case where large numbers of people go to their deaths over a hoax.

Furthermore the fact that his body still showed signs of wounds really detracts from the idea that it was resurrected and further supports the idea that it was revival.
No, it just proves that His suffering and death extends through time, in both directions. Jesus was glorified on the cross, and so were his 5 wounds. David selected 5 smooth stones and flattened Goliath.

Doesn't matter if a million people saw his body. His resurrection can only be proven if those million had also witnessed his death. Is it clearer now why the argument that 500 witnesses and apostles saw him does not lend credibility to death. Those witnesses only prove that he was still alive. And that is what I believe as well.
Funny how history fails to record the time or place of the natural death of this "elderly Jesus", who had more impact on humanity than any person who ever lived. Maybe he was abducted by aliens.
Whether he died or not still hinges on the distant witness of one John the Baptist. Roman soldiers as I hypothesized earlier (along with the very short time of crucifixion and no broken bones) were in on it all along. A hypothesis that I agree I still need to support properly.
While yer at it, find out the penalty for a Roman soldier who fails to obey orders.
I have already stated that Jesus' prophecies referred to a near-death experience and not death per se
You may have stated it but you haven't proved anything. Anyone can state eisegesis. Crucifixion is among the most brutal forms of execution, and you call it a "near death experience"? They got out the shock paddles and yelled "CLEAR!" and performed immediate heart surgery.:facepalm:
He stated he would show the miracle of Jonah and Jonah did not die rather survived death.
Jonah is one of the Prophets. The Book of Jonah is unique in the prophetic literature because it is a narrative story rather than a collection of oracles or sermons. In the Hebrew canon, narrative books like Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings were included in the prophetic corpus because they told stories of important Hebrew Prophets.

Some say it is a parable, some say it is historical. Two things the story is meant to teach, is that God's compassion extends to all nations, and Ancient Israel was the vehicle by which that compassion was made. While Catholic and other biblical scholars may hold differing opinions on this, the Church herself has no official postion one way or the other. That gives us an immense amount of freedom, doncha think?
Jesus did state his death in some instances but again as I stated the meaning of those prophecies is open to interpretation given other prophecies whereby his rescue is prophesied (such as Breaking bones prophecy).
Are you the first one with this interpretation?
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Well-Known Member
Ha Bebe -
I do not interpret the passage like you do.
Just F.Y.I.
With all sincereity!!!!!!!!!!


Jihad Against Terrorism
Thanks for your comments and engaging discussion. This would be appropriate time to close this thread me thinks but I am not an admin so ...


New Member
Jews were the only nation to have a mass revelation, christianity and Islam could easily have been fabricated but not Judaism


Jihad Against Terrorism
Thanks for the clarification. I do believe that Jesus died later on and that he is dead like all the Prophets before him. And unlike what many Muslims believe.