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Buddha believed in the Creator God

the article is from an islamic website, not a reliable source ...
When Almighty Creator God made Adam and Eve, there were perfectly holy (i.e., perfect without any wrong doing). Yet they fell into sin while being perfectly holy. So, thinking that mankind could ever be holy and without fault is like thinking that a lion will never kill a lamb, or a cat will never kill a mouse. The Holy Bible states that mankind will always sin and each person will continue sinning until thier death.

Secret Chief

An assertion claiming to be a teaching of the Buddha can be confirmed by reference to the Tipitaka. Please provide a Sutta reference or it will be seen that any assertion is empty and not expounded by the Buddha.
Buddhism is Buddhism, you are free to reject it. Buddhism is not Andywelikandyism.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think I will continue to get my sources about Buddhism from Buddhist resources, Islamic sources from Islamic resources, and I shan't mix to the two or things will get messy.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I think I will continue to get my sources about Buddhism from Buddhist resources, Islamic sources from Islamic resources, and I shan't mix to the two or things will get messy.
Likewise, I would never consult a Buddhist site to get information on Islam. Getting an Islamic opinion on Buddhism is about as loopy as thinking gets.
My point is that founders of all revealed religions were truthful in origin; they played a great part in development of humanity ; human society evolved to greater heights of morality and spirituality under their guidance; they always supported peace and co-existence among human beings; they never opposed reason, rationality, seeking of knowledge and sciences. All of them are icons of religion and should be respected and honored without exception.
We should be thankful to them; and for the message the Creator sent through them. Thanks to the Creator God.

Buddha was one such great human.
The Holy Bible clearly states that mankind should NOT honor or respect idols. No one should ever bow to an idol or icon because it amounts to demon worship as given in the Bible. Btw, the Creator-God has only one message and it's in the Holy Bible the "Manufacturer's Hand Book."


Bodhisattva in Recovery
The Holy Bible clearly states that mankind should NOT honor or respect idols. No one should ever bow to an idol or icon because it amounts to demon worship as given in the Bible. Btw, the Creator-God has only one message and it's in the Holy Bible the "Manufacturer's Hand Book."
The Manufacturer's Hand Book?

*Falls off chair... laughing uproariously...*
The Holy Bible clearly states that mankind should NOT honor or respect idols. No one should ever bow to an idol or icon because it amounts to demon worship as given in the Bible. Btw, the Creator-God has only one message and it's in the Holy Bible the "Manufacturer's Hand Book."

You find God in your heart ... not in any book.
With regards to the false idol, the writings refer to the body / flesh .... and that we should not bow down / worship the body because we are Spiritual Beings......Created in Gods Image .... Formless Infinite Spirit.
As for there being only one message ... your correct there is only ONE message ... written in many thousands of books all through time......... Shakespeare, Buddha, Bible........... Horus...... Shamanism........Bahai.............. and then we could get into music and films all containing the message ......

A book can become a false idol for some...... made more important than the brothers they were supposed to Love and judge not ......A book made into a god


aged ecumenical anthropologist
As for Buddha, he, with his highly ENLIGHTENED mind had to know that there had to be a Creator in order to have created things. He may not have spoken about a creator, but he had to know that there was a creator. Buddha came out of Hinduism and Hinduism teaches about a creator. Once when he was asked a difficult question to answer he said that there is no point in asking such questions because the knowledge he has is so little that it could be compared to a handful of leaves plucked from a tree in comparison to all the leaves of all the trees in the world. And btw Buddha was only a human being after all and not a god of Hinduism or other ...ism.
When asked if there was a creator-god, he basically said that the question was irrelevant. It was until many years later that various sages gave their opinions as to why he wouldn't answer the question, and the short of it goes like this:

What difference does it make if there was or was not a creator-god or gods? Either way, we exist.

Our experiences tell us that everything seemingly is wrapped up in interlocking chains of cause and effect, so an uncaused cause doesn't seemingly make much sense based on our experiences. IOW, violates "dependency arising".

Who was here at "creation" who can confirm or deny a creator-god?

Why is it necessary to speculate one way or the other?

We live in the here and now, and the past has passed.

A good source to check out is Buddhanet.net on this.
Buddha was wise enough to know men make up pictures of "God" ..... which can actually block the experience......
Jesus didnt have that luxury...... so stuck with a simple and obscure statement ........ "God is Love".

When You do come to the awareness of Nirvana .... Heaven .... call it what you will ..... the books will be left far behind....along with you.
When asked if there was a creator-god, he basically said that the question was irrelevant. It was until many years later that various sages gave their opinions as to why he wouldn't answer the question, and the short of it goes like this:

What difference does it make if there was or was not a creator-god or gods? Either way, we exist.

Our experiences tell us that everything seemingly is wrapped up in interlocking chains of cause and effect, so an uncaused cause doesn't seemingly make much sense based on our experiences. IOW, violates "dependency arising".

Who was here at "creation" who can confirm or deny a creator-god?

Why is it necessary to speculate one way or the other?

We live in the here and now, and the past has passed.

A good source to check out is Buddhanet.net on this.

Sure, the past is past. Is the future past also? One can forget the past but who can forget that there is a future? The Holy Bible tells mankind about the future in all the prophetic Books. Because there was no one to watch the creation, the Creator WROTE the events down by using His chosen writers and the first one to do so was PROPHET Moses. The Bible is 75% prophecy and 90% of the prophecies have already been fulfilled. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (as He promised in John ch. 14) is the next earth-shaking event yet to be fulfilled.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Sure, the past is past. Is the future past also? One can forget the past but who can forget that there is a future? The Holy Bible tells mankind about the future in all the prophetic Books. Because there was no one to watch the creation, the Creator WROTE the events down by using His chosen writers and the first one to do so was PROPHET Moses. The Bible is 75% prophecy and 90% of the prophecies have already been fulfilled. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (as He promised in John ch. 14) is the next earth-shaking event yet to be fulfilled.
Are you aware of the fact that some people do not adhere to your religion nor your belief even within your religion?
Are you aware of the fact that some people do not adhere to your religion nor your belief even within your religion?

Who cares about what I believe? Nobody but me! That's not the point. The Point is what does the Creator God care about? For number one He cares about the Zenith of His Creation which is the human race. So He WROTE a Manual of Instruction called the Holy Bible. Study it and if the Holy Spirit is willing that you understand it, then He will let you into ALL TRUTH just as He did to me, with your consent of course!


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Who cares about what I believe? Nobody but me! That's not the point. The Point is what does the Creator God care about? For number one He cares about the Zenith of His Creation which is the human race. So He WROTE a Manual of Instruction called the Holy Bible. Study it and if the Holy Spirit is willing that you understand it, then He will let you into ALL TRUTH just as He did to me, with your consent of course!

I studied it and taught it.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
You keep bringing up the Buddha believe in the creator god, and yet you haven't once supply sources to your claim, other than a link from Islamic website.

I've read the Buddhist suttas extensively and I haven't come across anything to support this claim. It seems like an odd claim to make actually.
I studied it and taught it.

I had a teacher who studied the Bible so he could teach it. He got paid for it. He did not BELIEVE it so he did not apply the teachings to himself. So he lived like an atheist.

Here's what the Bible teaches James 1:
Hearing and Obeying
19 My dear friends, you should be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. 20 If you are angry, you cannot do any of the good things that God wants done. 21 You must stop doing anything immoral or evil. Instead be humble and accept the message that is planted in you to save you.

22 Obey God’s message! Don’t fool yourselves by just listening to it. 23 If you hear the message and don’t obey it, you are like people who stare at themselves in a mirror 24 and forget what they look like as soon as they leave. 25 But you must never stop looking at the perfect law that sets you free. God will bless you in everything you do, if you listen and obey, and don’t just hear and forget.

26 If you think you are being religious, but can’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and everything you do is useless. 27 Religion that pleases God the Father must be pure and spotless. You must help needy orphans and widows and not let this world make you evil.
the article is from an islamic website, not a reliable source ...

Are you advocating that parents throw away truth and not teach their children that truth matters in life.?
Lies need more lies in order to cover up the first lie. So, down the road you get caught. That's how even some very clever lawyers end up in jail for their frauds.

The Bible says this:
John 8:32 [Full Chapter]
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

The above verse teaches us that lies make you a slave.