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Bush makes me mad


Well-Known Member
Bush is quoted below talking from his rear, on Thursday he signed a bill that will improve/rebuild 700 miles of fencing along the mexican/us border.

He says

"Unfortunately the United States has not been in complete control of its borders for decades and therefore illegal immigration has been on the rise," Bush said at a signing ceremony.

"We have a responsibility to enforce our laws," he said. "We have a responsibility to secure our borders. We take this responsibility serious."

Well Bush you've been in office for how many years now? And how many years have you NOT taken this seriously....well up until now....election time.


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Well, the anti-gay marriage angle isn't working so well for him anymore, I guess he had to move on to other issues to "rally the base."


I heard that this morning, too. It's dissappointing to see that people are this stupid. I wonder if folks along our side of the border support it... perhaps it will provide them jobs, but it may force illegals to risk more and cause more deaths...

The more depressing thing to me is that as long as he's in office, we'll be at war... and if another Republican is elected, we'll be at war as long as the next person is in office. The Republican political machine is gaining too much power and their supporters (and some politicians themselves) are making too much money on it to bring it to any kind of conclusion.


Well-Known Member
Maize said:
I don't think a wall is going to resolve the issue.

It won't. Now a wall with machine gun nests........THAT will help. ;)

I was just so annoyed that this is being done at a time when it's so obvious it's only being done for the Republican party which is getting ready for election time.

Then he has the nerve to say that "we" take this very seriously. Puleaze. :rolleyes:


Active Member
The US has never been in full control of it's borders.... NEVER! I hate this propoganda crude.

I do wonder what's the point when the majority of voters are idiots.


Proud to be a Sinner.
I think it's time for a siggy change...

"You can't con an honest man!"

If people would stop putting up with lies, even from themselves, people like bush would have no chance to control the world.


Veteran Member
The republican party's wealthy cronies and patrons aren't going to ever allow them to do anything real about illegal immigration because THEY WANT THE CHEAP LABOR. The fence will never work, and Bush knows it. But some of their more xenophobic base supporters want the republicans to stop illegal immigration, so the republican solution is this useless fence. That way they can pretend for their xenophobic supporters that they're doing something, while their wealthy patrons know that the fence won't work and there will continue to be a stream of illegal aliens to do their dirty work, cheap. Meanwhile, Halliberton will make more millions building the useless fence. This is how the Bush republicans do things.


Well-Known Member
PureX said:
The republican party's wealthy cronies and patrons aren't going to ever allow them to do anything real about illegal immigration because THEY WANT THE CHEAP LABOR. The fence will never work, and Bush knows it. But some of their more xenophobic base supporters want the republicans to stop illegal immigration, so the republican solution is this useless fence. That way they can pretend for their xenophobic supporters that they're doing something, while their wealthy patrons know that the fence won't work and there will continue to be a stream of illegal aliens to do their dirty work, cheap. Meanwhile, Halliberton will make more millions building the useless fence. This is how the Bush republicans do things.

I want illegal immigration to stop and I'm not Xenophobic. I'm a realist...our country can only help and take in so many people.

You want to see if I'm full of hot air...open the borders for any soul on this planet that hates where they live.....let them move here and explain to me how our societal infrastructure is supposed to take care of them all.


Proud to be a Sinner.
Ciscokid said:
explain to me how our societal infrastructure is supposed to take care of them all.

Explain to me how increasing the population will affect your economics.

The only thing i can see is that the holes in your system will become canyons.

Therefore more people will make the problems more apparent, giving you a chance to fix them.


Well-Known Member
Pardus said:
Explain to me how increasing the population will affect your economics.

The only thing i can see is that the holes in your system will become canyons.

Therefore more people will make the problems more apparent, giving you a chance to fix them.

Well, then announce to the world that anyone who is unhappy, just move over here. Now, do these immigrants pay for their own needs, their own housing and medical etc or do the taxpayers?


Veteran Member
Ciscokid said:
I want illegal immigration to stop and I'm not Xenophobic. I'm a realist...our country can only help and take in so many people.

You want to see if I'm full of hot air...open the borders for any soul on this planet that hates where they live.....let them move here and explain to me how our societal infrastructure is supposed to take care of them all.
I agree. I also believe we should close the borders. There are too many of us here, already. But I'm not one of the Bush supporters that I was referring to.


Well-Known Member
Pardus said:
Wouldn't these imigrants get jobs? therefore become taxpayers?

What kind of jobs do the mexican immigrants get now? Low skill jobs. How many low skill jobs do we have.....there is a finite number. Low skill jobs don't come with great medical benefits. Who pays for medical?


Proud to be a Sinner.
So open your borders to anyone with a qualification, the ability to fluently speak english, etc.

How about that?


Through the Looking Glass
Ciscokid said:
I want illegal immigration to stop and I'm not Xenophobic. I'm a realist...our country can only help and take in so many people.

The money men in the Republican party looooooooove, I mean absolutely loooooooooove illegal immigration. Cheap labor, limited ability to protect their legal and basic human rights and the public picks up the tab for the differences.

That's why the GOP hasn't done anything before now (when they need it as a pretext for a "wedge" issue), and it's also why they decided on such a retarded idea for "solving" it that won't work and will take at least 10-20 YEARS to implement (at which point it will be proven not to work).



Well-Known Member
Pardus said:
So open your borders to anyone with a qualification, the ability to fluently speak english, etc.

How about that?

Speaking english is a good start but if that's the only skill you have, grab a spatula and make me a burger.


Well-Known Member
doppelgänger said:
The money men in the Republican party looooooooove, I mean absolutely loooooooooove illegal immigration. Cheap labor, limited ability to protect their legal and basic human rights and the public picks up the tab for the differences.

That's why the GOP hasn't done anything before now (when they need it as a pretext for a "wedge" issue), and it's also why they decided on such a retarded idea for "solving" it that won't work and will take at least 10-20 YEARS to implement (at which point it will be proven not to work).


Which is why I am no longer a Republican. They've make a mess and I don't care what party the next president is, as long as he can put a turniquet on the situation.


Well-Known Member
you see? this is one of the reason im gettin the hell out of the USA, its great and all but it has to solve its plethora of problems first, THEN it can focus on the worlds problems...by the way, who was the last decent president we have had? Regan?


Veteran Member
No, it wasn't Reagan. He made us all feel good about ourselves while we went down the tubes. He was the real "architect" of this American epidemic of the willful denial of reality. He also was the sponsor of the republican ideal of worshipping corporate greed and profitteering as the cure for all social ills, when in fact it's the cause of many of them. And as a result, America's own greed running amok is destroying us.