I just heard this claim on NPR's Sunday weekend edition.
I think this is a REALLY powerful perspective. Big business is running much of healthcare in the U.S. and this fact seems to be "the elephant in the room" as the debates concerning the ACA vs. the AHCA, rage in Washington. Very few of our "leaders" are addressing this truth, that business values and healthcare values are not compatible.
By definition, when all of our leaders ignore this problem, what they debate on the topic will be suspect.
I'm not surprised that NPR would dis business in praise of increased government largesse.
But I remember back in the day when businesses generally provided fantastic medical
benefits far far in excess of what government required. I had whad today might be
called platinum status working for Northrop, Black & Decker, Koppers Co, Knorr Bremse, etc.
(Back before I switched from employee to contractor/consultant status.)
Were business & great bennies incompatible, this would never have been the case.
NPR.....relentless cheerleaders for big government they are.
They trumpet how the deliver unbiased news for us to discover our own perspective.
Nah. They give their own opinions, & cover that which serves their agendas.
Note that the above isn't a severe criticism.....it would describe many news sources.
The economic climate regarding health care has changed much since I was a lowly employee.
Many of the larger companies still offer fancy meical bennies, but I notice that smaller
companies are finding this increasingly difficult.
I offer no explanation or solution.