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By the Power of "Jesus'" Name!


Let me ask you,

If your name (birth/given/legal/preferred) was Bob
and people started calling you Percival,
even lots of people,
almost EVERYONE,
would that (somehow) make your name Percival?

would you feel you should even respond (to said name)?

Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Hmm...a bit of an odd question, but I would say no and to then get yourself new friends. To respond, that's up to you. If you could look deeper at your question, how would you now say it?


Aparantely I'm making too much
from the christian perspective,
over the use of the word "name".
It is not really the name so to speak
that holds any power
but the intended holder of the given name
who holds the power.

I suppose you could also posit
that the belief of the person resonating in
the name they are most connected to
gives them (at least a sense of) power.
or, empowers them.
(through their own associations with the name)

I remember reading a few times that
Ya(h)Shua points to the meaning GodSaves
or God is Salvation.
I know no Hebrew mySelf
so have no way of knowing if this is true or not.
But still, I can see it there.
And that was how I understood
or experienced, the power of that name.

Scholarly Translation, simply, is lost on me.
I cannot verify or see into the art of translation
from one world language to another.
It is not what I know.
So for the most part,
I spell and cast words to power for my own intents,
by my own instincts,
according to what I SEE (and hear) in them.
This, is useful, and powerful for me.
For my own purposes and psyche.

I should realize that I am somewhat of an anomoly
finding intrinsic power in words themselves.
It's no wonder so very few understand me,
and I understand so very few.

Now I personally find nothing compelling about the name/word "Jesus".
Yet, I ADORE the Name of Set!
It holds great meaning and power for me.
Because the Name of Set,
ie, the Word "Set" embodies PAGES AND PAGES
of meanings and usages that I find Powerfully useful
in the transformation of my Being.
There is INTRINSIC Power in "The Name of Set".

It may look like I'm just nit picking
and you may feel my considerations are silly,
but it's something deeper with me,
in that I truly DO feel there is 'hidden' power
IN the constructs of words themselves
waiting to be realized and activated
by those who would speak word to power.

At any rate,
the WORD 'Jesus' certainly carries with it a great charge.
(in christians eyes, by at least two definitions. ;) )

Coming from someone who believes
Spelling rules are made to be broken,
I certainly do not personally care
what form/s of what names hold power and meaning for people.
If I were still a christian
I'd still stick with (the sound resonance of) Y'shua.
YahShua was my favorite spelling.
Aparantly I'm still me,
no matter what "religion" I am. :)

Perhaps I should have made the thread
"The Power of Word".

It seems that in the end,
all of my threads just wind up as little exercises for me/for my sake.

Thanks to all who made the effort to reply.
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Well-Known Member
No more than someone who speaks Spanish can understand Portuguese. Which is odd because the Portuguese can understand Spanish.

Some Spanish can understand Portuguese but not all words/expressions, I am told. Brazillian Portuguese is harder I have been told.