I question whether sadism is healthy. Acting out the fantasy could be pouring gasoline on an unhealthy flame of sinister passion. People have actually died during rough sex. People have also strangled them self to death while masturbating... and this was not an intentional suicide. It has actually claimed the lives of some famous people in history.
One thing leads to another, and people want to get more deviant.
What if a woman is about to die, and she wants her husband to keep her corpse in the house, and make love to her deceased body, as some sort of a spiritual ritual, for communing with her disembodied spirit.
Weirder religious practices have been done to commune with the spirits of the dead.
Should we say, "it's not hurting anyone, it's consensual, it has a religious basis , it's completely harmless, therefore it should be legal?"
or should we listen to our gut and conscience, draw a line in the sand, and say that's f***** up?
Where do you draw the line?
I could die tomorrow cooking chickens at work. So why not ban giant ovens used by multi billion dollar retail companies who use them to cook hot food and roast chickens? I could potentially lose my hand slicing deli meats, quick! Ban the giant blade we use constantly to cut people's leg hams!
I could die tomorrow driving to work! Quick let's make cars illegal. Best we make walking illegal as you could potentially slip and fall over, injuring yourself.
Truth is, life is dangerous. Sex is dangerous. Food is dangerous. Hell water can be dangerous.
The potential for harm is not really a sound enough justification for making things legal or illegal. Otherwise cooking appliances would be illegal.
If it's irreversible inevitable damage, then sure. Like the ineviatable harm caused by rape or child sexual assault. Or murder. The harm is not just potential, it's nigh inescapable. Potential damage is far more.....tricky to define. Eating raw fish has the potential to cause people harm. So do we have to now make sushi illegal?
By the same token, it's also not always a sound judgement on one's personal activities. Being addicted to adrenaline can get one killed. But to jump out of a plane is still optional all the same.
Our laws are much more nuanced than simply "it can cause harm therefore let's make it illegal."
And yes if it doesn't cause harm and involves consenting adults, it's none of anyone else's business to be frank. Let alone law makers. So one's personal opinions are ultimately irrelevant unless they are specifically participating. Honestly busybody much?
As to lines drawn in the sand, that's entirely personal. And no, it shouldn't alway be on your gut or conscious. Unless that's how you personally choose to live. No one else should be obligated to, nor should laws necessarily reflect your conscious. I mean you are quite familiar with the Aghoris by now. They do very illegal things not generally tolerated in polite society. Didn't you also call them liberated in another thread?
So if that old woman did consent to neceophilia being performed after her death, then that's her personal choice. You or I don't get the right to interfere with her personal freedoms. Even if she dies. Do I find that icky? Sure, but I'm not the one involved so my opinion is irrelevant.
Point is, society is not always the best judge of what is and isn't moral. It never really has been. It's lines are a combination of arbitrarily making innocuous things illegal *ahem like homosexuality at one point simply due to religion.* But also allowing horribly unspeakable acts. Like for example it was once perfectly okay to lynch a black person. And a few genuine logical laws. Still is arguably. Though thankfully minus the killing of innocent people. At least legally.