Isabella Lecour
amor aeternus est
Can a god be insane? Why or why not?
Absolutely some of the Gods are surely inane and insane. There are a few who claim that there are no other gods....come on now, they can't see the countless other gods all around them?
Then there's the ones who keep trying to save humans. Even when the humans don't want to be saved, now that's insane! What about the one who likes to like in wait and show just how much folly we humans really have? Besides can you imagine what's it's like to have a Godly job and be answering all those prayers forever? That's enough to drive me insane so I know it more likely knocked over the Older Gods.
I'm being a bit tongue in cheek here as I'm polytheistic. With all these Gods and all their different claims with each one really believing and acting as if they have the one and only truth; many of them I'd consider insane. Maybe insane like the happy but crazy person or insane and dangerous but insane either way.