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Can a Marriage or Partnership...?


Premium Member
I know this must have been discussed before, but I don't recall seeing as long as I have been here.

My question:
Do you think it is possible for two people of two different religions or two people one of whom believes in God while the other does not to have a successful marriage or partnership? Why or why not?

I think it is possible, although sometimes it may cause problems, particularly when it comes to what should taught to the kids (if they have them).

It seems to me that most people stick to people of their own faith when they get together, but one never knows when "Cupid's Arrow" is going to strike. When I was younger before I was married, I had a year long relationship with an atheist (he was raised Catholic). We got along very well together and we never discussed religion or faith. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if we had gotten married.


It depends how much import they place on religion. For many people, religion is like an accessory they pull out on sundays. If this is the case, then sure, it would probably be as easy as marrying somebody with different tastes in food or clothing. But for many others, religion is the most integral and important part of their identity. In this case, it would be very difficult to marry somebody that disagreed so much with things so fundamentally tied to your concept of self that I don't think it would work.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
I know this must have been discussed before, but I don't recall seeing as long as I have been here.

My question:
Do you think it is possible for two people of two different religions or two people one of whom believes in God while the other does not to have a successful marriage or partnership? Why or why not?



I'm not one to say with any authority nor expertise...but the responses I have read on this subject within RF lend me to accept that such a possibility not only exists, but even manages to survive and thrive despite such differences...

I think it is possible, although sometimes it may cause problems, particularly when it comes to what should taught to the kids (if they have them).
I suppose that depends on whether such parents value free thought over adherent piety and ingrained beliefs...

It seems to me that most people stick to people of their own faith when they get together, but one never knows when "Cupid's Arrow" is going to strike. When I was younger before I was married, I had a year long relationship with an atheist (he was raised Catholic). We got along very well together and we never discussed religion or faith. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if we had gotten married.
I dunno...I had only one girlfriend (years ago...) that could ever be qualified as a "believing" [non-Catholic] Christian (of a sort)...and, it didn't end well (I wouldn't "convert"). To be fair tho', she did help instigate (perhaps "bolster" is a better term) my longstanding interest in religiosity in general...and to formulate my continued inquiry of all faith-based adherents...

"Why do you believe--of whatever you believe--could/should be considered as being undeniably true?"

I'll offer this much...

...love is an emotional bond that defies reason (or adequate definition/description).

Religion is (simply enough) an emotional appeal that seeks to defy reason for it's own purposes.

If you can separate individualistic reason from emotional appeals to religious (faith-based) beliefs (in/of/for "something"), then perhaps a long term "understanding" betwixt emotionally attached lovers might prevail...but I'd wager against it....


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
My question:
Do you think it is possible for two people of two different religions or two people one of whom believes in God while the other does not to have a successful marriage or partnership? Why or why not?

I think it is possible, although sometimes it may cause problems, particularly when it comes to what should taught to the kids (if they have them).

I'm an atheist married to a Catholic. I'd say that our marriage has been "successful".

We talk about religion every now and then; sometimes it can be frustrating for her (mainly because I'm actually trying to understand Catholicism and Christianity, and certain things just don't make sense to me), but tolerably so (I hope! :) ).

I imagine that we may have some issues once we have kids, but I think we'll cope fine.

It depends how much import they place on religion. For many people, religion is like an accessory they pull out on sundays. If this is the case, then sure, it would probably be as easy as marrying somebody with different tastes in food or clothing.
Depending on the attitude of the religious person, I'm not so sure.

I think that if religion is something that a person just puts on and takes off like a Sunday jacket, having a non-religious person around who is an exact reflection of them might be a reminder to the Emperor that he has no clothes, so to speak.

But for many others, religion is the most integral and important part of their identity. In this case, it would be very difficult to marry somebody that disagreed so much with things so fundamentally tied to your concept of self that I don't think it would work.
Again, I think it depends on the attitude of the people involved. I know my wife's beliefs are not a part of my concept of self. I think as long as the two people appreciate each other, even if they don't necessarily agree with their beliefs, then things can work out.


Obstructor of justice
I don't see why it wouldn't work. My husband is an atheist, and I'm a Pagan and we make it work pretty well. There's a very simple solution: I believe what I want to believe in, do my spiritual activities in and out of the home by myself, we generally don't talk about it.

When it comes to kids, he will either be uninvolved in any religious teaching I give them, or we'll both join a UU church and take the kids together in addition to my teaching them about Paganism. We're a ways off from kids, so no decision yet on that.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I suppose that depends on whether such parents value free thought over adherent piety and ingrained beliefs...

My husband and I have differing beliefs, and this is exactly how our marriage works, and how we are raising our children: to have the freedom to be skeptics.



Depending on the attitude of the religious person, I'm not so sure.

I think that if religion is something that a person just puts on and takes off like a Sunday jacket, having a non-religious person around who is an exact reflection of them might be a reminder to the Emperor that he has no clothes, so to speak.
That's a good point. I hadn't thought about that.


Flaming Queer
two of my friends have been in a strong relationship for about 3 years now, one is Pagan the other is Christian. their respective religions are very important to each other and they certainly don't shy away from expressing their religious morals and values - but they also both believe the other is a fundamentally good person which is a belief that has held their relationship together. yes it is possible, but it requires a lot of effort.
It might work with the two people but the families can get involved and cause major issues for the couple. I think sometimes its not worth it to get involved with someone that has huge differences in belief because it has caused me alot of nonsense -- the family can cause so much grief that it makes it too difficult -- I will never live a lie or pretend for someones family -- and you know they knew how I felt about it before we started dating -- silly christian guys always thinking they can change and convert people -- wassup with that?


Citizen Mod
GOD and someones faith in GOD has nothing to do with the life partner one choose. Especially when this partner is clipping their toes at the breakfast table and that first toenail flies into your morning coffee.


My wife and i are happily marriedm she is Catholic, and i am Mormon, we respect eachothers beliefs and as a result we work very well together.


Glass half Panda'd
GOD and someones faith in GOD has nothing to do with the life partner one choose. Especially when this partner is clipping their toes at the breakfast table and that first toenail flies into your morning coffee.

*eeeeeew* :p