Consider this as the answer. There are no gods. There is no such thing as magic. Supernatural things do not actually exist except in the minds of believers. People can believe what ever they want, but believing doesn't make it real or true.
The fact is, we live in a material world governed by the laws of chemistry and physics. All the supernatural stuff that people believe exists only in their minds since there is no objective way to demonstrate otherwise.
Even some who were godless such as Prof. Antony Flew concluded that " There are evils in abundance which could Not be put down to a consequence of human sin."
Flew also concluded that " DNA research has shown by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangement which are needed to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved."
So, where there is intelligence isn't there is a mind ?______ Where there is a mind there is a person. Where there is a person there is a personality. Does science say our material world, the universe, had a start or a beginning?________
According to Scripture, God used His ' power and strength ' - His abundant energy - to create the visible realm - Isaiah 40:26