Very good! And perhaps what is ethical may vary from situation to situation, as well. Consider flooded downtown New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. What if a man is stranded with his daughter, who has serious diabetes, and desperately needs insulin. The drug store owner, being better off, has closed up and escaped. There's nobody around to help. What should he consider himself, in this situation, justified in doing? Notice I didn't say "ethical" in doing, merely justified.
Absolutely, and then again, we can add to the story. If Katrina was an obvious flood and the drug store owner, being wiser, knew that there will probably be no drug store to help anyway and thought of saving his family vs the man who had the daughter and didn't consider the daughter and the reality of the storm making no provision for her diabetes, was he justified in being stranded with the need of insulin? Was he justified in not getting a greyhound or moving to a more secure location provided by the government?
I can't answer for God, obviously, and neither can you, though our reasons are radically different. But as always, I contend that if there were a deity such as you seem to propose, there is no reason that any of us should not know what that deity needs us to know. Again, notice that doesn't interfere with "free will." Knowing, and deciding to act on that knowledge, are quite different things.
True. And perhaps He has. Then we have the free-will. Most likely God has told people not to commit murder... then again, if someone murders, is it because God didn't tell them? Or the problem of free will?
Then there is a deeper question, if we all understand and agree on ethics, who put that in man? Was it an evolution or was it a DNA put in by God Himself?
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