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Can every sin be forgiven?

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
As a target of what Saw and the orich dude are speaking of, I can say that "forgiveness"
is absent in this point. If someone accuses you, or slanders you. Do not forgive them. Slander ruins lives.The "turn the other cheek" is the fool's way out.


High Priestess

cute . . . cute


Well-Known Member
orichalcum said:
Not just by a God ( if there is one ), but by man?
Is there any sin you couldn't forgive?
If you can't forgive you only hurt yourself. We are told to forgive all, regardless of their attitudes toward the act. I would like to think that I could forgive anything, but I have yet to be put in an overly difficult situation, so I can't say for sure.


Active Member
the big ones for me that are unforgivable are killing for the heck of it, and the sexual assult of anyone or anything. as far as i am concerned, if one does any of the things i mentioned, then i feel they have lost the right to live.


Hare Krishna

Interesting discussion. I hope you don't mind some Vedic thoughts. But first of all, I think it's very relevant to ask the question what is the greatest sin. In the Vedas there are different types of sins that are considered to be great sins e.g:

Illicit sex
One of the greatest sin is illicit sex that destroys all good qualities of the living entity. If somebody murders someone, the person is easily purified simply by being killed by the authorities in retribution. But nothing purifies illicit sex except much suffering for many lives, and even that doesn't work most of the time. Factually, unless one is highly advanced in devotional life, he cannot overcome the desire for illicit sex.
Sex is meant to allow a soul to enter into a body in the womb of the mother. When you stop that, such as in the contraception of modern age, you are preventing that soul from taking birth. That is worse than murder.

Violence to humans is the greatest sin. The amount of reaction will be according to the elevated qualities of the victim. Thus greater sin is respectively incurred against the following: brahmana, a relative or parent, a woman, a vaisnava (a person who worships Vishnu or Krishna, God), a guru or spiritual master.

Offending a devotee
Offending a devotee of the Supreme Lord is such a great sin that not even the Lord Himself will forgive the offense of such a miscreant. But the person will certainly attain the forgiveness of the Lord when the devotee forgives the offense of the offender. Devotees are naturally very forgiving and they show their mercy to the sincerely repenting soul.

Not speaking the truth
One should not enter an assembly of men who practice injustice. But if one should enter such a place one must speak only the truth. To remain silent there, or to speak falsely is the greatest sin.

Now, the next question is how one can be forgiven or purified

The best atonement
The chanting of the Lord’s holy names can uproot even the greatest sin like the sin of killing a brahmana, and it is therefore the most auspicious activity in the entire universe. One should try to understand this so that others will take it seriously.

However one should be careful to not committing sin on the strength of chanting the holy name. It is said: "Although the power of the holy name destroys sins, nevertheless, a person who strives to attain the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and who then commits sins, thinking the holy name will purify him and will certainly grant forgiveness, commits the greatest sin. The holy name will not help such a person and so, he will get into great troubles because of his sins. Actually an offense to the holy name is equal to many millions of other sins."

Please chant Hare Krishna and be happy.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Ive never really considered if the gods can forgive sins, but im sure they can.
As for me, there are some that I will not forgive.
And since NetDoc broght it up, niether can the marines.
To err is human: To Forgive is Divine - Neither is Marine Corpse policy.


Not your average Mormon
Ori said:
Not just by a God ( if there is one ), but by man?
Is there any sin you couldn't forgive?
It's hard to say which sins I would not be able to forgive if perpetrated against someone I love. I'm thinking I probably would not be able to forgive murder, rape, etc. even though I know I should. I am generally a pretty forgiving person, provided the person who sinned against me feels remorseful for what he did. I'm not absolutely sure what mainstream Christians believe, but we Latter-day Saints believe that God requires us to forgive everyone, including the unrepentant and unremorseful. That has always proven pretty difficult for me.


Well-Known Member
I have always thought that if one could not forgive another anything then one could not oneself be forgiven anything. If it were otherwise, Redemption for all would lose its universal meaning surely.


The Devil's Advocate
Godlike said:
I have always thought that if one could not forgive another anything then one could not oneself be forgiven anything. If it were otherwise, Redemption for all would lose its universal meaning surely.
Yom Kippur just passed in Judaism, the holiest of holy days. In the days leading from Rosh Hashana up to Yom Kippur, Jews are called to 1) Ask forgiveness from those they have sinned against; 2) Forgive those who have sinned against them; and 3) Forgive themselves. And I'm pretty sure that forgiving yourself only comes after making amends with others. As you say, they are tied with each other.


Active Member
Seeing that there are eight pages I do not know if your question has been answered, but here are Christian Biblical Answers:

Mark 3:[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]28 Verily(Truly) I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men...

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]Col 2:13 - And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses.

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]1Jo 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

The only sin that shall not be forgiven is the blasphemeing of the Holy Ghost, that is the Denial of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of mankind.
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Ori said:
So do you believe that Hitler could have been forgiven had he asked sincerely?
absolutely, but there is a condition for repentance. It must truly be felt in the heart and you must refrain from that sin again.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Fluffy said:
Justice should be about prevention. I cannot see a gain in revenge. Nor can I see gain in punishment unless it leads to prevention which can be brought about in more civilised ways.
Justice is not prevention when you are speaking in terms of free will. People can choose to do evil. the Justice comes in when you know it is wrong and you are held to account for injustice or rights you took from someone. do you not feel the children who have been raped, molested and killed not deserve justice for the crimes of the commiter.


Actually, when Christianity talks about SIN that we all have SINS, which is closely to about past lives....of course, christian don't believe in reincarnation, but in the early Chritianity, there was teachings of past lives and since it doesn't work out at all, they deleted from it. There is a book about in the early teachings of Christianity which talks about reincarnation in Christianity.

Meaning that we are born with SINS means we carry the SINS from past lives and born again in present life with that SINS to pay back off.


Well-Known Member
syoonsh said:
Actually, when Christianity talks about SIN that we all have SINS, which is closely to about past lives....of course, christian don't believe in reincarnation, but in the early Chritianity, there was teachings of past lives and since it doesn't work out at all, they deleted from it. There is a book about in the early teachings of Christianity which talks about reincarnation in Christianity.

Meaning that we are born with SINS means we carry the SINS from past lives and born again in present life with that SINS to pay back off.
Frubals!:monkey: Yes the book was called "Reincarnation, the Missing Link In Christianity." Is that the one your referring to?


Well-Known Member

>Can every sin be forgiven?

According to the Bible (with which the Baha'i scriptures agree), everything can be forgiven except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

And the Baha'i scriptures explain what this refers to:

The Divine Messengers (and the Messages They bring to humanity) can be regarded as lights.

Opposition to a given Messenger and His light is forgiveable.

That which is not forgiveable (the blasphemy against the Spirit) refers to general hatred of the light itself (the Holy Spirit) being the source of this light).




Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Greetings. Although there are many wonderful views already expressed in this thread with which my thoughts agree, let me offer a slightly different perspective. According to my belief, there is no need for one to forgive anyone else because such forgiveness presupposes a judgement as to the other's right-or-wrong action or guilt. This means one tries not to judge others in the first place, tries to accept each person as they are, and basically believes each person receives the just reward from their action without one's involvement. However, if someone desires my forgiveness for their own concern, they have it unconditionally and universally even before doing or asking; and more importantly, if there is anything wished from me that can help them forgive themselves - that too. Forgiving oneself sometimes is the hard part; and often is not even realized to be needed. This might be forgiving oneself for hating someone else or for not forgiving someone else. I do agree with Lilithu that forgiveness is important for the forgiver as well as the forgiven.

Let me add 'in the same breath' that this is my ideal. Although tested in some way many times, it has not been tested as close as possible in any major horrible way. Concerning Hitler, I knew people that went through the war that hated Hitler, and others that fought in the war and taught me not to hate the person for anything, only the actions.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
BruceDLimber said:

>Can every sin be forgiven?

According to the Bible (with which the Baha'i scriptures agree), everything can be forgiven except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

And the Baha'i scriptures explain what this refers to:

The Divine Messengers (and the Messages They bring to humanity) can be regarded as lights.

Opposition to a given Messenger and His light is forgiveable.

That which is not forgiveable (the blasphemy against the Spirit) refers to general hatred of the light itself (the Holy Spirit) being the source of this light).



Just for clarity the Holy Spirit is quite accurately described as having the attributes of a person,so in the christian circle the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force,as some profess to believe,but a feeling ,speaking, listening person in spirit form.
If you want reference to the Holy Spirit 's attributes ,no problem