You said Will of God and Plan. So he has a Plan and Desire for our lives? Are we abiding by these plans?
If we are not abiding by his plans then he is not omnipotent and powerless over his creation.
Subscribing to Deism I believe that he has a plan and whatever we do on this earth is his plan and will. He permits murder to occur so that is his will as he has let it occur. I do not understand it but I also know it has no relevancy to us as we are spiritual beings as well. I do not believe god must intervene to fulfill his mandates nor does he make mistakes about his creation. He has given us the capabilities of peace, love, hatred and violence and anything we do or intend to do is inescapable from his will so the belief in free will under this dynamic does not exist. Truly my comparison to god can be summarized in a brief study of the Left Hand Path or dualism.
But if you say that god has a plan for us such as to believe in him or live in supposed peace then he is powerless because we do neither of these things. We reject his plans and he obviously would not desire something knowing we cannot fulfill it. So not only is your got not omniscience nor omnipotent he is also illogical.
Why would you believe Khuda created something only to reject him then state that he has a plan for that creation and called him omniscience and omnipotent.
Yes I said I believe God has a Will and Plan for us. But by 'us' I do not mean each one of us, as individuals. I mean us as in the whole mankind.
His Will is that this Mankind as a whole make progress. Have more capacity to understand. Now if we look at passed several thousands years till now, did we not progress?
Now, think of evolution. An Atheist says, it happened on its own. I believe the Will of God was behind it.
In the same way, humanity made progress in the last 6000 years ago in terms of science, social and economical systems, technology, capacity to understand and etc.... Many can say, we did it on our own. I believe it was the Will of God behind it, as He sent Prophets progressively and inspired mankind.
So, I believe That the Universal peace and Unity of Mankind shall be establish, because God has willed it. In this sense, His Will is above everyone else and is unfailing. He 'enlightens' everyone, regardless if people believe He is the Source or not.
It is like growing plants. This Sun light makes them grow and be green, even though the plants are unaware of the Sun. Likewise God's Will Shall be surely fulfilled in its due time. He prescribes a time for His Will to be fulfilled. Now, with regards to His Will and Plans, Mankind has no choice. He does what He Wills. He makes them better and grow even if they don't know, He does it.
Then, in addition to the concept above, I believe God expresses His Will for people through His Divine Prophets in every Age. In this sense He asks what each person must do and what not to do, however each one of us has a choice to submit to the Will of God or not. For example He says do not backbite or He asks us say daily prayer to help with spiritual progress and happiness. He does not force anyone. But there is a benefit for us if we abide by His Will.