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can God exist in imagination?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If God is real, unlike other things, he cannot be imagined to exist but only seen to exist. That it is impossible to imagine him as possibly not existing if God is real.

I can imagine myself existing or not existing, but God if real, cannot be imagined not to exist if he is real.

Now the question is when you remember God - what do you see, an impossible thing to exist or the Necessary being that lives and exists. Because there is no between that as proven by Anselm and Descartes.

God if he exists, would a be a proof of himself existing, because he would be the necessary being.

We cannot see God as impossible, in my view, which means he definitely exists and is the Necessary being and we are looking at the Living One.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
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If God is real, unlike other things, he cannot be imagined to exist but only seen to exist. That it is impossible to imagine him as possibly not existing if God is real.

I can imagine myself existing or not existing, but God if real, cannot be imagined not to exist if he is real.

Now the question is when you remember God - what do you see, an impossible thing to exist or the Necessary being that lives and exists. Because there is no between that as proven by Anselm and Descartes.

God if he exists, would a be a proof of himself existing, because he would be the necessary being.

We cannot see God as impossible, in my view, which means he definitely exists and is the Necessary being and we are looking at the Living One.
Is not imagining God the same as never imagining God?

We know that there are people that are raised in beliefs that do not believe in God. Those people may just consider God does not exist in the same way that most people don't think about the existence of giant, purple, flying ping pong balls roaming the skies.

It could also be that a person exists that has never heard of the concepts of God or gods.

Is imagining the non-existence of God the same as never imagining God at all?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
If God is real, unlike other things, he cannot be imagined to exist but only seen to exist. That it is impossible to imagine him as possibly not existing if God is real.

I'm genuinely curious. What physical characteristics of god would let us know-everyone on earth-know it is real?

I'd say god is real in people's experiences, perceptions, dreams, and maybe imaginations, but if he is real, what does that mean?

I can imagine myself existing or not existing, but God if real, cannot be imagined not to exist if he is real.

I would assume you can imagine yourself because you are flesh and blood. You have a physical sense of what you are to imagine yourself existing or not. If god doesn't have characteristics like that, then yes, you can put pretty much any characteristic on god and because god is vague and complex, I can't see how one could imagine he exist or not exist.

Now the question is when you remember God - what do you see, an impossible thing to exist or the Necessary being that lives and exists. Because there is no between that as proven by Anselm and Descartes.

From what I observe, it's not what you see, it's what you experience.

I would assume that god can't be conceived because he has no definition outside the mind and subjective perspectives of the individual who experiences it. Whether to see it greater or not depends on the person. A lot of people say it's greater because they can't understand and define god. I don't see it that way, but I don't see Anselm's conclusion as proof that god is real just that maybe the majority of people tend to feel they are small in a huge universe. Finding their place in the "greater scheme" of things.

Both arguments are based on assumptions and logical deductions not facts.

God if he exists, would a be a proof of himself existing, because he would be the necessary being.

"Necessary" being? Something being necessary doesn't prove its existence. It's necessary that if I want to call someone I would need a phone. However, if I don't have a phone, regardless how much I need it doesn't mean it exists in front of me. Unless god is thought into existence?

We cannot see God as impossible, in my view, which means he definitely exists and is the Necessary being and we are looking at the Living One.

This may be what you want to see and what's true in your view of course, but not what is true of what is unless, maybe, peer reviewed.

I wouldn't say imagination. Though, I do believe concepts of god are shaped into existence and change throughout the years via culture and people's biases and perspectives. Take away scripture, language, symbols, and so forth, what is left?

If it is god, how do you define it? (Not everyone believes god is something greater)


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Necessary not in as need to exist for others, but in the sense, it's impossible for it to not exist (that definition of necessary).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is not imagining God the same as never imagining God?

We know that there are people that are raised in beliefs that do not believe in God. Those people may just consider God does not exist in the same way that most people don't think about the existence of giant, purple, flying ping pong balls roaming the skies.

It could also be that a person exists that has never heard of the concepts of God or gods.

Is imagining the non-existence of God the same as never imagining God at all?

You can imagine a god not existing, but if God is remembered as sheer absolute existence, I believe it's impossible to mathematically comprehend this, and not see he exists for certain.


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In other words God's Sheer Size with respect to life, proves he exists.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God's Sheer size proves he exists and he is a proof for himself existing.

His size is that he is so big, that, he has to exist. There is no possible life that can exist outside of him and he is so big that it happens to be that when you recall his sheer size, you know not only does he exist, but he cannot but exist and cannot be imagined to not exist.

This means God can't exist as an idea in imagination but only in reality, and when we recall God unlike recalling abstract bike or something, which has many versions of it, God can only be looked at and there can't be more then one version and there is no abstract concept of God and real thing, there is but real thing and we look at it when we recall it.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
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I suppose it depends upon what one considers "real" and what one is referring to by "God."

As I understand it, anything I can "see" with my sense organs is illusory.

Are you able to experience God with your sense organs? Can you see, hear, touch, smell, or taste God? If not, then how can God be anything but imaginary from that perspective?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I suppose it depends upon what one considers "real" and what one is referring to by "God."

As I understand it, anything I can "see" with my sense organs is illusory.

Are you able to experience God with your sense organs? Can you see, hear, touch, smell, or taste God? If not, then how can God be anything but imaginary from that perspective?

God is seen through vision of the soul.


Veteran Member
If God is real, unlike other things, he cannot be imagined to exist but only seen to exist. That it is impossible to imagine him as possibly not existing if God is real.

I can imagine myself existing or not existing, but God if real, cannot be imagined not to exist if he is real.

Now the question is when you remember God - what do you see, an impossible thing to exist or the Necessary being that lives and exists. Because there is no between that as proven by Anselm and Descartes.

God if he exists, would a be a proof of himself existing, because he would be the necessary being.

We cannot see God as impossible, in my view, which means he definitely exists and is the Necessary being and we are looking at the Living One.
"Existence" is mostly imaginary. "Reality" is an imagined conceptual construct/framework that connects our experiences into an ideological "whole".

So the question: "does God exist" is logically incoherent. God exists as an idea. But then everything exists as an idea. Including existence, itself.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
God's Sheer size proves he exists and he is a proof for himself existing.

His size is that he is so big, that, he has to exist. There is no possible life that can exist outside of him and he is so big that it happens to be that when you recall his sheer size, you know not only does he exist, but he cannot but exist and cannot be imagined to not exist.

How are you measuring God? How have you determined that God is a he?

This means God can't exist as an idea in imagination but only in reality, and when we recall God unlike recalling abstract bike or something, which has many versions of it, God can only be looked at and there can't be more then one version and there is no abstract concept of God and real thing, there is but real thing and we look at it when we recall it.

Again, with what are you looking at God?

What is "real?"


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Seen? Visually? How does one accomplish this without use of eyes? Or do souls have eyes?

Souls have eyes, and if you look away from God, you look towards falsehood and deception, and if look at God with the eyes of love, you will see he/she/it definitely exists and cannot but exist when we mathematically remember it's sheer size.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Souls have eyes, and if you look away from God, you look towards falsehood and deception, and if look at God with eyes of love, you will see he/she/it definitely exists and cannot but exist when we mathematically remember it's sheer size.

So if souls have eyes, they must have a brain to process the images. If they have a brain, then they must have a circulatory system to supply oxygen to the brain. If they have a circulatory system, they must have a pulmonary system to supply oxygen to the blood and to cast off carbon dioxide.

So what is the difference between a human being and a soul?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Existence" is mostly imaginary. "Reality" is an imagined conceptual construct/framework that connects our experiences into an ideological "whole".

So the question: "does God exist" is logically incoherent. God exists as an idea. But then everything exists as an idea. Including existence, itself.

Existence is in the imagination in all cases except the following:

(1) Seeing ourselves exist.
(2) connecting telepathy wise to other souls is a connection of seeing reality and knowing it to be real (the other souls and sensing them to a degree).
(3) Seeing God exists.

But while we can know we are real and other souls can be seen to be real telepathy wise, we can imagine ourselves not existing and we can even change our characteristics and we don't have to exist or be the way we are, nor any soul for that matter, is unchanging in states. God happens by his sheer size to be a reality that has to exist, cannot but exist, and doesn't change in essence.