Hello people , I've done some more on my paper and added some maths . What do you think please?
2. Micro bang theory ( Virtual particles popping into and out of existence ).
We've already discussed the absolute of space and in a sense , space is an infinite volume of nothingness that has always existed and will always exist . It would seem quite impossible that a fundamental energy that powered the Universe could manifest itself from nothingness . Any given point of space would have no force or pressure acting on it , it would seem a miracle would be required for zero point energy (ZPE) , to be created at any given point of space . The notion of how energy first manifested if imperceivable , we can only make our best guess's , using our knowledge , logic and intuition of how this manifestation event could of possibly happened .
The present model , The Big Bang Theory , suggests the universe expanded from a very high-density and high-temperature state but gives no origin reason(s) of how this high-density , high -temperature state manifested . Micro bang theory is my proposal and best guess of how this high-density , high -temperature state manifested, explaining opposite polarity electrostatic point charges (mono-poles) , popping into and out of existence .
The Micro bang theory considers the aspects of a very high-density and high-temperature state , recognising and proposing , that for any form of energy to exist or any event to take place , that energy or event would with a certainty need a pre-existing space to exist in or occur in , thus concluding pre-existing absolute space as explained prior . In consideration of ZPE , the micro bang theory considers the physics involved and what would happen to a manifested mono-pole point charge that manifested at any given point of space.
It would be seemingly apparent that surrounding spatial points of the ZPE point would be a lesser state energy than the higher state energy point . In consideration of thermal dynamics and spectral emissions , the high energy state points energy , traverses to lower energy state points . To assume that a manifested mono-pole point charge simply self annihilates by dispersing into space , by the self drive mechanism of high energy transition to lower energy state points , would seem a ''true'' assumption based on existing facts of thermal dynamics and spectral emissions .
The Micro bang theory proposes that from the instant of manifestation of the mono-pole electrostatic point charge , it is instantly attracted to all the surrounding lesser energy space in an isotropic manner . Thus causing self annihilation of the mono-pole electrostatic point charge . Additionally , the Micro Bang theory proposes that because the manifested charge is instantly in a state of self annihilation , the density is instantly weakened beyond the magnitude needed to create an electrostatic strong force , to create a binary existence with an opposite pole electrostatic charge . There can be no doubt , that a mono-poles individualism has no binary bond to retain form without an opposite charged mono-pole , thus explaining the self annihilation of the manifesting energy , namely Micro bangs , the rudiment of energy that powers the Universe !
It's difficult to express the Micro bang process mathematically in terms of units and values , the infinity of space having no representation in terms of dimensions or values , XYZt and entropy being irrelevant . To gain mutual understanding the Micro bang theory requests that you'll preliminary accept the value k to represent infinite absolute space . Additionally the Micro bang theory requests the preliminary acceptance of Q- to represent a negative charged mono-pole and Q+ to represent a positive charged mono-pole .
In preliminary acceptance of these values , the Micro bang theory expresses :
1) Q- / k = 0 to express a negative charged mono-pole divided by absolute space and annihilated out of negligible existence
2) Q+ / k = 0 to express a positive charged mono-pole divided by absolute space and annihilated out of negligible existence