OK, I'm out. I'm tired of trying to make sense of nonsense.
I'm trying so hard to get you to understand . I've done an edit for anyone interested !
2. Micro bang theory ( Virtual particles popping into and out of existence ).
We've already discussed the absolute of space and in a sense , space is an infinite volume of nothingness that has always existed and will always exist . It would seem quite impossible that a fundamental energy that powered the Universe could manifest itself from nothingness . Any given point of space would have no force or pressure acting on it , it would seem a miracle would be required for zero point energy (ZPE) to form at any given point of space . The notion of how energy first manifested is seemingly imperceivable , we can only make our best guess's , using our knowledge , logic and intuition of how this manifestation event could of possibly occurred.
The present model , The Big Bang Theory , suggests the universe expanded from a very high-density and high-temperature state but gives no origin reason(s) of how this high-density , high -temperature state manifested . Micro bang theory is my proposal and best ''guess'' of how this high-density , high -temperature state manifested, proposing opposite polarity electrostatic point charges (mono-poles) , popping into and out of existence .
The Universe inside and out considers the conditions of a very high-density and high-temperature state , firstly recognising and proposing , that for any form of energy to exist or any event to take place , that energy or event would with a certainty need a pre-existing spatial volume to exist in or occur in . Thus concluding a pre-existing absolute space as explained prior in section 1 .
The Universe inside and out now explores the physics involved and what would happen to a manifested mono-pole point charge that manifested at any given point of space. In conceptual thought of a point charge namely zero point energy , it would be seemingly apparent that the surrounding spatial points of the ZPE point would be a lesser energy , less dense state , than the higher density , higher energy state of the point charge .
In consideration of thermal dynamics and spectral emissions , a higher energy state points energy , traverses to lower energy state points . In the second law of thermodynamics ,heat flows naturally from an object at a higher temperature to an object at a lower temperature. To assume a point charge does not function the same way would seem unrealistic ! To propose that a manifested mono-pole point charge undergoes a temporal transition changing from one state or condition to another over a period of time , would seem realistic and an evidental proposal based on thermal dynamics and spectral emissions .
One could suggest that the point charge simply self annihilates by dispersing into space , by the natural self drive mechanism of higher energy temporal transition to lower energy state points . This would seem a ''true'' assumption and for our understanding the Universe inside and out proposes and requests you accept the self annihilation to be namely , The Micro bang process .
The proposed micro bang process , from the instant of manifestation of a mono-pole electrostatic point charge , ZPE ! It is instantly attracted to all the surrounding lesser energy space in an isotropic manner , a conditional and natural transitional state , causality of self annihilation .
Additionally , because the manifested charge is instantly in a state of self annihilation , the density is instantly weakened beyond the magnitude needed to create a strong binary force , which we'll be discussing in section 3.
It's difficult to express the temporal transition of energy changing from one state or condition to another mathematically in terms of units and values. The infinitive of space having no representation in terms of dimensions or values , XYZt and entropy being irrelevant .
To gain mutual understanding the Micro bang process requests that you'll preliminary accept the value
k to represent infinite absolute space . Additionally the Micro bang process requests the preliminary acceptance of Q- to represent a negative charged mono-pole (traditionally an electron charge) and Q+ to represent a positive charged mono-pole (traditionally a Proton charge).
In preliminary acceptance of these values , the Micro bang process expresses :
1) Q- / k = 0
A mono-pole point negative charge divided by an infinite volume of absolute space , annihilated out of negligible existence to zero magnitude and zero density .
2) Q+ / k = 0
A mono-pole point positive charge divided by lesser energy state of absolute space , annihilated out of negligible existence zero magnitude and zero density .