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Can science disprove the existence of God?


Veteran Member
By your logic scientists cannot disprove the existence of the Tooth Fairy either....but I'm pretty sure she doesn't exist.

Side note: A man followed a little girl into a public restroom.
The father went in after the man who said that he identified with being a woman.
The father then punched the man in his teeth, and the father said that he identified himself with being the tooth fairy.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I believe in gods. I don't worry about any of the concepts. I also don't worry about any of the concepts of unicorns.
If I do not believe gods exist, it does not matter what gods people conceptualize.
You now say you believe in 'gods'.....but as it turns out, the word 'god/s'is a concept....and to you it represents the reality you believe 'god/s' to represent.. Now how do you know what another person who believes in 'god' is actually believing unless they define it or describe it? So what is a fair description of the 'god/s' you believe in....I am curious?


Science can not disprove the existence of god, it can only find that the likelihood of god's existence is passing small. There are an infinite number of rocks out there that god could be hiding under and no matter how many you turn over and fail to find god hiding under ... there is always, at least, one more rock that needs to be lifted.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Science can not disprove the existence of god, it can only find that the likelihood of god's existence is passing small. There are an infinite number of rocks out there that god could be hiding under and no matter how many you turn over and fail to find god hiding under ... there is always, at least, one more rock that needs to be lifted.
Haha....."hiding under rocks"...science admits it only can detect about 2.5% of the manifested universe.....and that's only the manifested universe...science can't discount the possibility of there being even finer energy than dark energy that does not possess mass and so it would never in eternity be detectable by physical science.
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There is no God but Allah
The question was: "If God isn't actually inside the universe how could he manage to hand out commandments and show Moses his backparts as he does in the Bible?" Answer the question.

I already did. God decreed for those commandments and signs that were sent to Moses, hence God knowing everything all humans will do, including His messengers.


Haha....."hiding under rocks"...science admits it only can detect about 2.5% of the manifested universe.....and that's only the manifested universe...science can't discount the possibility of there being even finer energy than dark energy that does not possess mass and so it would never in eternity be detectable by physical science.
That's manifestly absurd. If I can not detect 97.5% of something, how am I to know that I'm only seeing 2.5% of it? Must be a good guess?

Regular matter, only makes up about 5% of the universe (or maybe 2.5%, or maybe 10%). The rest is dark energy and dark matter, theoretical substances that we can’t detect, perhaps because it is only theoretical. We predict that it has to exist, because it is at the moment, based on otherwise inexplicable things, like the accelerating expansion of the universe, the best (but not only) theory. I trust that in time there will be even clearer theories that may well be entirely different and that "dark matter and energy" will be laughed at as just so much primitive ignorance.


There is no God but Allah

God is not susceptible to scientific or empirical studies, because the belief in God and that any scripture is true, reside solely on blind faith of primitive superstitions.

Science required people to acquired knowledge objectively, by dispensing with preconceptions, such as believe, faith and superstition. But religion required such blind belief, faith and superstition to be pinnacle of their existence.

That's why religion and science don't mix well, because religion require people to ignore evidences in favour of what they believe in...and in this case the superstitious belief in a deity, without verifiable evidences.

That people are still superstitious today, only demonstrate the absurd fear and ignorance still persisted among the theists and believers.

This "God did it" mentality that God created EVERYTHING is nothing more than make-believe or wishful thinking, since you cannot prove it beyond your proclamation of "I believe" is not credible in the least.

It has no more credibility than a child who believe in leprechaun is hoarding gold coins in cauldron on the other side of the rainbow.

If you truly believe that God created everything, then you are contradicting yourself if you deny that God is not ultimately responsible for creating evil. If you believe in God is everything and created everything then he is also the source for all evil.

You can't say that he created everything, and only believe in that he created good, without creating evil. Either God created everything, including evil, or otherwise he didn't create everything.

This is why abrahamic religions are bull####, because the religions they call people believe and follow is a contrdiction to their own set of belief, and they want people to follow it on blind faith alone.

God is not susceptible to scientific or empirical studies, because the belief in God and that any scripture is true, reside solely on blind faith of primitive superstitions.

True belief in God comes through revelation, not blind faith.

Science required people to acquired knowledge objectively, by dispensing with preconceptions, such as believe, faith and superstition. But religion required such blind belief, faith and superstition to be pinnacle of their existence.

Religion is not even a thing really. It's just a systemized belief system and of practices. Anything could become a religion. There is no contradiction with science unless the religion directly contradicts with it.

You can't say that he created everything, and only believe in that he created good, without creating evil. Either God created everything, including evil, or otherwise he didn't create everything.

Did I ever say God didn't create good? The Qur'an clearly states that God created evil. And what exactly is evil? Evil is when you turn away from God, so the only way to turn away from God is through free will. God has created free will for humans, so when humans turn away from God and what God has made good, then that is considered evil. Animals cannot be evil, trees cannot be evil, all of these things do not possess any free will of their own.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
That's manifestly absurd. If I can not detect 97.5% of something, how am I to know that I'm only seeing 2.5% of it? Must be a good guess?

Regular matter, only makes up about 5% of the universe (or maybe 2.5%, or maybe 10%). The rest is dark energy and dark matter, theoretical substances that we can’t detect, perhaps because it is only theoretical. We predict that it has to exist, because it is at the moment, based on otherwise inexplicable things, like the accelerating expansion of the universe, the best (but not only) theory. I trust that in time there will be even clearer theories that may well be entirely different and that "dark matter and energy" will be laughed at as just so much primitive ignorance.
You are attacking the science in this context....I am not unsympathetic with your position... In pantheism...the concept of God represents all that is...so whatever the universal substances and their proportions, it doesn't matter....what's to deny? ... :)


I already did. God decreed for those commandments and signs that were sent to Moses, hence God knowing everything all humans will do, including His messengers.
... and then God went and erased all the evidence of the Exodus having occurred, right?


Then where did it all go if God did not "poof" it out of existence? Could it be that it never happened? Oh, and neither did that thing with the bush and the tablets and the backparts?

Segev Moran

Well-Known Member
Not holding.. I Assume that encounters with alien intelligent will occur far far in the future...
But your statement about Jesus is very arrogant...
Do you really believe (I assume you do ;)) that out of 1 billion trillion!!! (can you even grasp this number?) only 1... tiny.. star.. happened to be our own... is occupied by intelligent life?
Are you familiar with the Drake equation? its used to calculate the number of possible intelligent life planet in our universe...

even if you put a very small fraction in each component.. still , assuming there are no other planets with intelligent life in the universe is conceited!

And please... Once and for all.. Explain me the "Sin"...
What is our Sin that religious keeps talking about?

Is it the Tree of Knowledge thingy?

Lets try to have some (just a bit) reason about this issue...

God is our Father.. making us his kids...
Lets work with that analogue...

So you have a Parent...
Smart, Wise, All mighty, Know all, Intelligent and All powerful..
He creates two kids...
They are very young and curious...

And then It (GOD) sends them the snake... representing (I assume )the Natural need of human for knowledge.. of understanding.
And being the creature they were created, They can't resist this urge to learn.. to understand, to find answers (Hmmm.. Science?)
And after that.. the Father.. after doing everything to make sure that Adam and Eve will take the bait and taste to holy fruit..
Is angry with them for doing exactly what they were "Designed" to do...
Not only that... He punishes them so greatly that the impact follows them for ages upon ages upon generations of generations...

Please please, Explain me this Sin issue cause I'm struggling to understand it.


The Lost One
True belief in God comes through revelation, not blind faith.
Sorry, but the acceptance of any revelation is based on faith, and on faith alone.

If faith is not a factor in revelation then what you are following is not a religion.

The scriptures are supposed to be a book of revelations, whether it is written by man or it is supposedly written by a deity. (Of course, I don't accept any book was ever written by a god.) And it is faith alone that you accept it is written by God or by a man supposedly speaking for God.


Can't Genesis 1:24-25 cover dinosaurs ?______ Just because they are Not named does Not mean they did Not exist.
Didn't dinosaurs only reproduce dinosaurs according to their kind ?

Why do you think Isaiah and Jeremiah needed to know the age of the Earth/Universe ?
There is Nothing out of harmony with CMBR and Scripture is there ?
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation dating has proven their was a beginning. Genesis 1:1 says there was a beginning.
According to Isaiah 40:26 God supplied the needed ' power and strength ' ( His energy ) to start the material creation of the Universe.

Which Bible verses do you have in mind that the world was flat and the center of the universe ?
According to Job 26:7 the Earth hangs upon nothing.
According to Job 22:14 the circuit of the heavens is Not flat. A circle does Not have to be flat. The Hebrew word chug/hhug does Not mean flat - Isaiah 40:22 as translated in KJV English.
Job 38:31-33 does Not sound as it the Earth is the center of the universe. Laws do govern the heavens - Job 9:8-10
I have been viewing all the discussions on religious debates on this website and some very smart people are twisting themselves into pretzels trying to explain their version of god or religion or lack thereof. I have looked at a thread that has been going back and forth between two people mainly for over a year and they are still ongoing. How can someone argue with different religions, different sects and people within those groups that believe different parts of those religions. There are people that have strict interpretations and others believe it is just a guideline or allegory. There are people that only believe certain parts of the bible that suits them. There are people that use the Bible only because it gives them an advantage. Take for example Trump, who decides that to get votes he needs to bring a Bible to a rally. The man doesn't even know how to say Second Corinthians. And there are very good reasons for people within those groups to maintain those beliefs as they are very lucrative and I might say, tax free. Once you begin to see that each person decides what he or she wants to believe it starts to become clear that it is we that invented religion and it is we that invented God, not the other way around. If it makes people comfortable to believe in the Bible so be it. But I would say this. Rather than just reading and re-reading the Bible until you have it all memorized, why not read some other non-fiction books?


Active Member
I wreckommend this one.



Veteran Member
In Antony Flew's obituary ( 04/08/2010 ) didn't it quote from Flew, Not as a sign off on a book.

It was an argument from the book authorized to be written by a Christian apologist. It is found in the opening of chapter 7.

Which book did Flew quote when he said, " There are evils in abundance which could Not be put down to a consequence of human sin."

This was not a quote used by you, in the comment nor one I responded to. It is irrelevant to what I am posting about thus requires no answer.


Well-Known Member
I already did. God decreed for those commandments and signs that were sent to Moses, hence God knowing everything all humans will do, including His messengers.
That doesn't answer my question. If God wasn't inside the universe how could he give Moses the ten commandments and even talk directly to Moses and show him his backparts?


Veteran Member
I have been viewing all the discussions on religious debates on this website and some very smart people are twisting themselves into pretzels trying to explain their version of god or religion or lack thereof. I have looked at a thread that has been going back and forth between two people mainly for over a year and they are still ongoing. How can someone argue with different religions, different sects and people within those groups that believe different parts of those religions. There are people that have strict interpretations and others believe it is just a guideline or allegory. There are people that only believe certain parts of the bible that suits them. There are people that use the Bible only because it gives them an advantage. Take for example Trump, who decides that to get votes he needs to bring a Bible to a rally. The man doesn't even know how to say Second Corinthians. And there are very good reasons for people within those groups to maintain those beliefs as they are very lucrative and I might say, tax free. Once you begin to see that each person decides what he or she wants to believe it starts to become clear that it is we that invented religion and it is we that invented God, not the other way around. If it makes people comfortable to believe in the Bible so be it. But I would say this. Rather than just reading and re-reading the Bible until you have it all memorized, why not read some other non-fiction books?

Then, with viewing or reviewing then you see how the political and others use religion. Pres. Reagan endorsed the fundamental movement and moved it into the center of debate.
By bringing their beliefs to the public square, so to speak, they heard his voice even though Reagan was just giving them lip service.

The world's religions think she sits as some sort of ' religious queen ' - Revelation 18:7- being in bed, so to speak, with the political in attempting to bend others to do her will.
So, it will come as quite a shock to her when the political ' kings ' - Revelation 17:1-2; Revelation 17:15 - will suddenly turn on her.- Revelation 18:9-10

Jesus did Not pick and choose as if his beliefs were cafeteria style. Jesus based his beliefs by his logical reasoning on the old Hebrew Scriptures.
Jesus was Not reading and re-reading to memorize the Scriptures, but was well educated in them so that he could explain them to us.
Jesus forewarned us that MANY would come ' in his name ' but prove false - Matthew 7:21-23
That does Not make the teachings of Jesus as wrong, but makes the false clergy teachings as wrong.


Active Member
Science can not disprove the existence of god, it can only find that the likelihood of god's existence is passing small. There are an infinite number of rocks out there that god could be hiding under and no matter how many you turn over and fail to find god hiding under ... there is always, at least, one more rock that needs to be lifted.

No. Science cannot tell us anything about the probability of God's existence because probabilities are ultimately based on observations and there isn't a single observation disproving the existence of God. It is not as if you could lift a rock and say: "Aha, God is not here" because God may well be there (actually he is), but we fail to detect him because our observations are limited to the natural plane of existence, whereas God is not.

What's the difference between God and the Tooth Fairy? The difference between the Christian God and the Tooth Fairy is that the Christian God has actually given plenty of evidence for his existence. For example, Jesus' resurrection is the only way to explain the creation and growth of the early church, especially in Jerusalem. We have plenty of biblical and extra-biblical evidence for Jesus' crucifixion and burial (see the Talmud, the four Gospels, Tacitus's writings, Pliny's writings, Suetonious's writings, Josephus's writings, etc.). If Jesus' corpse was buried in the rather small town of Jerusalem, why didn't his opponents prevent the rise of Christianity by simply producing his body? Furthermore, Jerusalem was full of people who had seen Jesus alive. Why didn't they contradict the apostles when the latter publicly talked about the miracles performed by Jesus? Why would the apostles and early Christians start a movement based on something that they knew it was a lie, considering that they knew that their only reward would be persecutions, torture, and death?