This is exactly why I first used the example of "if you lived 3,000 years ago", so you wouldnt be able to say "I would know because it resembles other things which I know have been built". Guess what, 3,000 years ago, the space ship of today wouldnt have resembled ANYTHING. If you are honest with yourself, you will draw the conclusion that even if you were alive at that time, and you saw what we now call a space ship, you would still conclude intelligent design, even if you never saw one before.
Of course not, because if you believe it was built, this would give supernatural implications, so we must avoid this at all cost.
Of course it isn't
I am trying to figure out how can you get a brain from something that doesn't have a brain. Also, you did the typical thing evolutionists do, try to give the "billions of years" thing, as if that solves the problem. Oh yeah, billions of years ago, when no one was around to see it happen, it happned. No one has ever saw it since, but billions of years ago, it occured. Voo Doo science.
It is more than usable, it is so usable that we would die without it. So if we need blood to live, what were we using before we evovled to have blood?? If we evovled eyes, how were we moving around before we evovled eyes. If we evovled a reproductive system, how were we reproducing with the opposite sex before we evovled a reproductive system (not to mention the fact that no one has ever been able to provide an adequate answer as to how/why the male evovled the penis, which just happen to be compatible with the females vagina, which is absurd in all aspects). I know you may not be well rounded on the subject of evolution, and neither am I, these are questions I want to ask any evolutionist or biologist.
They have to be fine funed before they even get to the point where they reach an enviorment. Living orgasms have to have the right celluar make-up to adapt to anything, and this goes back to abiogensis, which there currently is no answer for at the moment, and I dont think ever will.
You have to provide the answer of how it started out in the first place. "It probably started out" did it get there to start anything???
You are saying "no design needed" before you provided a naturalistic explanation of how every thing started, and before you do that I dont see how you can logically say that no design was needed.