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Can science prove or disprove the existence of a Spiritual existence? God?

The Wizard

Active Member
I am not sure I understand you.

As long as modern humans have existed they/we have been able to use tools. Not wooden scissors (I don't think they would work very well), more like flint stones that are more than capable of cutting hair.

And what do you mean by "individuality didn't even exist"? The human race consists on individuals which each have a head with hair. The same is true for apes. the same is true for dogs. How long an individuals hair can grow does not depend on whether or not that individual has a sense of individuality. It depends on that individuals genetic makup. Gorillas do not grow long hair. Orangotangs grow fairly long hair. Humans usually grow long hair on their heads (unless they cut it) but not on their arms and legs.

And "realistic depictions created by evolutionists and scientists" are artists impressions of how whatever is depicted is believed to have looked. Knowledge of hair length is probably minimal, so whatever the artist decided was a sensible hair length is the hair length it ended up with.

Could you provide some examples of depictions that you feel ilustrated the problem?
I see, I most likely wasn't precise enough (and semantics). Thanks for the replay. Ok.. perhaps I should reffer to "pre-modern humanoids".. the earlier ancesters before what was called modern human. I don't think we suddenly started sprouting long hair (also, Im only reffering to head hair, not body hair) on our heads when reaching the point of actually managing or cutting it. So, those of previous, well many, probably resembled cousan IT! And, blonds! We're talking beasty obamidable snowman...

If you do not ponder evolution then I can see why there is a problem in our conversation..
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Well-Known Member
What's the difference? "Evolved from" and "descended from" mean basically the same thing. Evolution is just the process that explains how the differences between you and your ancestors occurred.

Yeah, depending on the context. I am saying that evolution contradicts observation so I refuse to use "descended from" in that context.

I asked you. You're the one who is using the classifications.

But my classifications doesn't contradict observation.

Since you have yet to clearly define "kind", I have no idea if that's what I see.

By me saying "dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats"...that is a clear indication of what I mean by "kind". Obviously, there is a dog kind, and a cat kind, and neither one has ever been shown to reproduce outside of their kind. Now, you can believe that they did all you want, but please dont call it science, because observation is a key part of science and it has NEVER been observed, so why do you believe it?

You're not making any sense here. What would animals have to do differently?

Um, huh? :confused:

You said:

"And if you believe in evolution, you have to believe that the animals of yesterday were accomplishing these amazing feats that the animals of today just hasn't been able to do."

What "feats" are you referring to?

Oh, exactly. These "amazing feats" are animals producing different kind of animals. You already said that wolves are not dogs, as dogs evolved from wolves, thus, an animal producing a different kind of animal. You believe that this happened a long time ago. So why aren't animals able to do this today, when people are here to actually observe it occur? Let me guess, it takes time....a long time, right? This is far to convenient..almost perfectly convenient.

This claim is meaningless because you cannot define "kind". What do you think evolution predicts? That dogs can give birth to cats?

Well, you are the one that believe that we all share a common ancestor. That would mean that every animal that ever existed came from something other than what it is. So based on that alone, a dog giving birth to a cat would be right up your alley. If you find that absurd, what do you think the theory of evolution is?? Its basically the same thing, the same concept.

And how do you propose we go so many varieties of dogs? What is that process called?

I like the term "microevolution". I like that term, especially if it distinguishes itself from "macroevolution". I believe that all dogs share a common ancestor....do you know what it was??? A DOG :D

Stop responding to requests with more requests. You're the one using distinctions other than the established scientific ones, so you're the one who has to explain the criteria.

What im saying is there is no reason to distingush a difference between a wolf and a dog.

Then please explain exactly what process is responsible for the subspecies of dogs coming from wolves.

I don't believe that dogs are a subspecies of wolves. The scientific concept of a "species" is not as cut and dry as you make it to be. Now me personally, If I am to believe that a "species" of animal is not mutually exclusive from the "kind" of animal the dog is, the "species" would be "Canine/Dog"...and every kind of dog (or different variety of dog) would just be a different breed of the "Dog" kind. This makes perfect sense to me. The species is distinct from the cat kind, horse kind, etc. I believe that all of the complications come from evolutionists that went over and beyond necessity to push their religion of evolution and implemented it in to science. My personal opinion. The theory of evolution has had a history of lies, fabrications, and deceit.

Because there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever of all current species just appearing into existence spontaneously out of nowhere in the geological column, and instead what we see in both the fossil record and genetics is a gradual change and increase of variety in species over time from simpler organisms to a wide variety of contemporary species from common ancestors. This makes absolutely no sense if all life (or "kinds") appeared separately at the same time, but it makes perfect sense if the claim that all life evolved from a common ancestor is true.

A lot of the current dating methods that scientists use to date things are controversial. So controversial, that it is almost impossible to tell which to believe, as there are advocates on both sides of the coin. Thats what it comes down to, can we trust carbon dating? Can we rely on tree rings? Who knows. All we know in this regard is what we see.

Sure, maybe it didn't. But all the available evidence strongly indicates it did.

Well, from my POV, all of the evidence suggest that God exists. *shrugs*

Then you have no clue about science.

Oh, so science is about jumping to conclusions?

If that's what you seriously believe, then I can safely restate that you know nothing about science, how it works and how we use it to determine anything.

I repeat, is science all about jumping to conclusions? That is basically what you are doing when you believe that finding a fossil in the dirt proves it evolved from something else.

After the holiday :D

I'll have to run you through science terminology 101 again, it seems. In science, nothing is ever "proven" beyond a reasonable doubt. None of these things "prove" evolution, but all of them add credibility to evolution theory through the accumulated evidence in all of those fields.

I can dig it.

Do you honestly think that's all they do? Why not go and find out how they reach their conclusions?

That is basically what they did. It was proven to be a hoax. The theory is so absurd that people that believe it have to fabricate its findings.

No matter how many times you say this, it will never be less of a falsehood.

Well, here is some truthhood for you. Dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats, fish produce fish, horses produce horses, bears produce bears. You put a million male dogs in a field, and put a million female dogs in the same field. Wait a billion years, go back to the field, and count how many non-dogs you see.

So you're suggesting that every single species of fossil we find all failed to reproduce for no reason whatsoever?

If I go to a cemetary, am I to assume that every single person that is using this cemetary as a final resting place had reproduced while they were living? Far from taking the remains of one person, and finding the remains of an ape, and saying one evolved from the other.


You just said that having similar genetic makeup is evidence of common design, and now you've just said that having completely different genetic makeup would not evidence against design. You just demonstrated that the claim is unscientific, since either scenario fits with your preconception whether it's true or not, and since your conclusion comes from a baseless preconceived notion, it can freely be dismissed.

Nice try, but the difference is I am admitting that my belief is a faith based religion (along with strong evidence). You are claiming your belief is a science, which I don't believe that it is. I've never claimed that my belief was science, even though I can use science as a platform to draw my conclusion. Second, this goes beyond just evolution, because you can't have evolution without the origin of life, which, as I said before, is completely out of scientific hands right now.

But you are a variation on them, correct? That's all that evolution requires. Nothing has to reproduce "a different kind" (whatever that means), it just has to reproduce with variation and that these variations can add up over time to result in speciation.

Wait a minute, the wolf is not a dog, but yet it produced a dog, and whatever produced the wolf was not a wolf, yet, "nothing has to reproduce a different kind". Sounds shaky to me.

School time...please do not respond to this until i respond to your last few points. Gotta go.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what "kind" means yet, but based on what you've said - no, I don't. That's not what evolution claims.

Dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats, etc. That is about as clear as a definition I can give you of two different "kinds".

Since there was almost certainly a point in time at which life didn't exist, then there came a point at which life did exist, this is a certainty.

And your point is?

Prove it. If you can prove that the last hundred years of research, testing and conclusions in the fields of evolutionary biology were the result of confirmation bias, I'm sure there will be a Nobel prize waiting for you.

Notice that the word "observation" is not used in there. All of the research and testing are interpreted to concluded what the researchers already believe to have occurred.

Why do you assume it's that simple? Do you honestly believe scientists are that stupid and sloppy? They don't used complex methodologies, tests and observations to reach their conclusions? Do some research into it!

Here is what I believe. I believe that there is this thing called religion, and it is used by theists as a explanation to explain the origin of life and purpose. With that being said, there are some scientists that believe if you resort to using the supernatural as an explanation, that this takes the fun out of science. Also, people don't like the idea of being told what to do, and how to do it. So, you will negate both of these things by postulating a natural cause of how things got to be the way that they are. That is what I believe.

That's not what evolution predicts.

But when the wolf produced the dog, which, on your view, IS an example of an animal producing a different kind of animal. So how is that not what evolution predict when you have been arguing in favor of this exact same phenomenon.

Examples already given above.



Woke gremlin
Yeah, depending on the context. I am saying that evolution contradicts observation so I refuse to use "descended from" in that context.
Well, evolution simply means "change in allele frequency over time through mutation and natural selection", which is something we have directly observed. What you disagree with is that evolution accounts for the descent of all life from a common ancestor. You've already said yourself that you accept new species and breeds that arise, you just don't believe that this can occur outside of the classification of "kinds".

But my classifications doesn't contradict observation.
But you haven't yet explained how you use your classification and what applies to it. Please answer the question.

By me saying "dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats"...that is a clear indication of what I mean by "kind".

"Dogs" and "cats" are the names of species. Are you saying that "kind" and "species" mean the same thing? If not, then please define what specifically distinguishes a "kind" from a "species".

Oh, exactly. These "amazing feats" are animals producing different kind of animals.
Animals reproduce with variation all the time. What's the problem?

You already said that wolves are not dogs, as dogs evolved from wolves, thus, an animal producing a different kind of animal.
So are "dogs" and "wolves" different "kinds" or not? I've already said that dogs are a subspecies of wolves.

You believe that this happened a long time ago. So why aren't animals able to do this today, when people are here to actually observe it occur? Let me guess, it takes time....a long time, right? This is far to convenient..almost perfectly convenient.

We've seen lots of speciation occur and lots of subspecies that never previously exist evolve in our lifetimes. Also, your insinuation that it is "convenient" is laughably absurd. Do you honestly believe that the only reason people say "evolution takes a long time to occur" is because we don't then have to demonstrate it? That's insane.

Well, you are the one that believe that we all share a common ancestor. That would mean that every animal that ever existed came from something other than what it is.
Another meaningless phrase. My mother and father are something "other than what I am", so precisely how different does something need to be from it's ancestors to qualify as a significant enough change? You have yet to define any parameters whatsoever.

So based on that alone, a dog giving birth to a cat would be right up your alley.
How would it be "right up my alley"? Do you honestly think this is what evolution would predict? Do you not understand what "reproduction with variation" means?

If you find that absurd, what do you think the theory of evolution is?? Its basically the same thing, the same concept.
You apparently don't know the first thing about the theory of evolution or genetics if you think "we all evolved from a common ancestor" means the same thing as "a dog could give birth to a cat". Nowhere has anyone here, or in any field of evolutionary study, made any such claim.

I like the term "microevolution". I like that term, especially if it distinguishes itself from "macroevolution". I believe that all dogs share a common ancestor....do you know what it was??? A DOG :D
Can you demonstrate where that dog came from?

What im saying is there is no reason to distingush a difference between a wolf and a dog.
So, to steal your pet store analogy, if you asked for a dog and were brought a wolf, you'd be hunky dory? What about a lion and a tiger?

I don't believe that dogs are a subspecies of wolves.
Then you are demonstrably wrong.

The scientific concept of a "species" is not as cut and dry as you make it to be.
I never said it was "cut and dry", I've said that it's at least practical and testable.

The theory of evolution has had a history of lies, fabrications, and deceit.
Prove it.

A lot of the current dating methods that scientists use to date things are controversial. So controversial, that it is almost impossible to tell which to believe, as there are advocates on both sides of the coin. Thats what it comes down to, can we trust carbon dating? Can we rely on tree rings? Who knows.
The scientists, apparently. Because, believe it or not, they know more about it than you.

Oh, so science is about jumping to conclusions?
Well, according to you it's about not making conclusions about anything ever unless they happen to appease you.

I repeat, is science all about jumping to conclusions? That is basically what you are doing when you believe that finding a fossil in the dirt proves it evolved from something else.
If that's what you honestly believe, I cannot help you. That is obscenely ignorant.

That is basically what they did. It was proven to be a hoax. The theory is so absurd that people that believe it have to fabricate its findings.
What are you talking about? What hoax?

If I go to a cemetary, am I to assume that every single person that is using this cemetary as a final resting place had reproduced while they were living?
Are you going to say that every single one of them didn't. Because that's what you're saying.

Nice try, but the difference is I am admitting that my belief is a faith based religion (along with strong evidence). You are claiming your belief is a science, which I don't believe that it is.
Then you believe wrong, and only your ignorance of science and your stubborn inability to accept facts are what is preventing you from realizing that.

Wait a minute, the wolf is not a dog, but yet it produced a dog, and whatever produced the wolf was not a wolf, yet, "nothing has to reproduce a different kind". Sounds shaky to me.
Because a dog is a subspecies of wolf. I've explained this so many times.


Woke gremlin
Dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats, etc. That is about as clear as a definition I can give you of two different "kinds".
Then you definition is meaningless and therefore can be discarded as untestable.

And your point is?
Life obviously can arise from non-life. We're just not sure by what means.

Notice that the word "observation" is not used in there. All of the research and testing are interpreted to concluded what the researchers already believe to have occurred.
I asked you to prove it. Can you or can you not?

Here is what I believe. I believe that there is this thing called religion, and it is used by theists as a explanation to explain the origin of life and purpose. With that being said, there are some scientists that believe if you resort to using the supernatural as an explanation, that this takes the fun out of science.
No, that takes the "science" out of science. Science is the study of the natural world, and since the supernatural is supernatural it cannot be studied and quantified by the scientific method. Ergo, any explanation for any given phenomenon that requires supernatural causation is unscientific.

Also, people don't like the idea of being told what to do, and how to do it. So, you will negate both of these things by postulating a natural cause of how things got to be the way that they are. That is what I believe.
In other words: "vast conspiracy of atheists". I don't know about you, but to me that sounds more than a little unlikely.

But when the wolf produced the dog, which, on your view, IS an example of an animal producing a different kind of animal.
So "kind" means "subspecies", then?

So how is that not what evolution predict when you have been arguing in favor of this exact same phenomenon.
This is why you have to clearly define what a "kind" is. Dogs are a subspecies of wolf - they are dogs AND THEY ARE ALSO WOLVES. Thus your entire argument about "kinds" falls down completely. This is what I've been explaining to you from the beginning.


Active Member
Freedomelf reads a few posts, shakes head and exits, with only one comment...carry on, everyone. If you can make sense of this thread, then you are smarter than I am. :)


Well-Known Member
Well, evolution simply means "change in allele frequency over time through mutation and natural selection", which is something we have directly observed. What you disagree with is that evolution accounts for the descent of all life from a common ancestor. You've already said yourself that you accept new species and breeds that arise, you just don't believe that this can occur outside of the classification of "kinds".

Perfect. That is why the working definitions of "macroevolution" and "microevolution" works wonders from where im sitting.

But you haven't yet explained how you use your classification and what applies to it. Please answer the question.


"Dogs" and "cats" are the names of species. Are you saying that "kind" and "species" mean the same thing? If not, then please define what specifically distinguishes a "kind" from a "species".

My point is, as I said before, whether we use "kind" or "species" interchangeably,the concept will remain the same. No animal will produce a species other than its own kind (of species). Then you will say, "well wait a minute, a dog is a subspecies of the wolf".....and I will say, well, either a wolf is a dog, or it isn't a dog. If the wolf isn't a dog, then that would be an example of an animal producing a different kind of animal. Either they are the same, or different. My personal belief is, we can cut the "subspecies" crap out altogether, and call a wolf what it is, a dog. The definition of a dog in any dictionary fits the wolf perfectly so there is no reason or justification to why they are different in any way other than a different breed of the same kind.

Animals reproduce with variation all the time. What's the problem?

No problems here. I agree that animals reproduce with variation. My only beef is that there is no indication that the variation exceeds the kind. You can call it species if you want. It doesn't matter what you call it, the fact of the matter is, dogs will always produce dogs, cats/cats, etc. No exceptions to the rule.

So are "dogs" and "wolves" different "kinds" or not? I've already said that dogs are a subspecies of wolves.

Once again...from my personal perspective, there is a DOG KIND..AND THERE IS A CAT KIND...the dog kind will be: the wolf, the coyote, the german shepard, the dingo, the jackal, the fox...the cat kind would be: the lion, the tiger, the leopard, the cheetah, the jaguar, the ocelot, the domestic cat. There is no need to NOT include the wolf in the dog kind unless you have a presupposed religion you are trying to spread. Absolutely none whatsoever.


We've seen lots of speciation occur and lots of subspecies that never previously exist evolve in our lifetimes. Also, your insinuation that it is "convenient" is laughably absurd. Do you honestly believe that the only reason people say "evolution takes a long time to occur" is because we don't then have to demonstrate it? That's insane.

Show me speciation that has occurred with animals. I've looked it up and seen a lot of hog wash. Nothing was clear cut, but a dazzlement of "big words" lol. Show me an example of speciation with ANIMALS. Not plants..but ANIMALS. Show me speciation that we have observed with animals. Please do. As far as the convience is concerned, thats exactly what it is. Millions of years, right? far to convenient.

Another meaningless phrase. My mother and father are something "other than what I am", so precisely how different does something need to be from it's ancestors to qualify as a significant enough change? You have yet to define any parameters whatsoever.

Did your mother and father create a non-human?? If the answer is no, then you obviously still dont get it.

How would it be "right up my alley"? Do you honestly think this is what evolution would predict? Do you not understand what "reproduction with variation" means?

You keep asking questions that I already gave answers to. "Reproduction with variation" means...a kind..lets say..the dog kind (not like we used that one before), there are many different breeds of dog right? There is one kind (dog), with many different breeds within the kind (jackals, dingos, foxes, coyotes, german shepard, labrador, mastiff, and yes, wolves. All of these animals are within the dog "kind". They are all dogs. They are different variations within the dog kind.

You apparently don't know the first thing about the theory of evolution or genetics if you think "we all evolved from a common ancestor" means the same thing as "a dog could give birth to a cat". Nowhere has anyone here, or in any field of evolutionary study, made any such claim.

This is silly. If the originator of the first cat wasn't a cat, thus, the cat coming from a non-cat, how is that any different from a dog giving birth to a cat, or "evolving" to a cat. In both cases, the thing that arose was different than its originator. So what is the difference. If you believe that what I said was absurd, how could you believe in evolution, when the whole theory consist of animals that produce different kinds of animals. Not only that, you think that a cat and dog is a different species, right? So, if a dog was to give birth to a cat, that would be "speciation", right? *shrugs*...your theory, not mines.

Can you demonstrate where that dog came from?

I believe that the first dog came from God, a God that doesn't need the trial and error of a false theory to get the job done. I admit that my belief is in fact A RELIGION, as I believe that it is not possible for ANY life to come from non-living material. So I believe that all living things came from a transcendent supernatural being :yes:

So, to steal your pet store analogy, if you asked for a dog and were brought a wolf, you'd be hunky dory? What about a lion and a tiger?

If I asked for the biggest dog in the pet store, and out comes a wolf, I got what I asked for, the biggest dog in the pet store.

Then you are demonstrably wrong.

Sure I'm not.

I never said it was "cut and dry", I've said that it's at least practical and testable.

It sure isn't.

Prove it.

Archaeoraptor, Archaeopterxy, whales having legs, Haeskels hoax, etc...theory is crawling with elaborate hoaxes.

The scientists, apparently. Because, believe it or not, they know more about it than you.

I didn't know that false presuppositions were considered "knowledge". If that is the case then I guess they do know more than me.

Well, according to you it's about not making conclusions about anything ever unless they happen to appease you.

No because there are some Christians that believe in evolution, but they believe that God was the orchestrator of the process (which I disagree with wholeheartedly, but it still is more plausible to me than evolution without I.D). So it is possible to believe in God and evolution, but for you, evolution is the only game in town. You have to believe it, as there is no way to account for the variations. So far from appeasing myself, I go with logic and reason.

If that's what you honestly believe, I cannot help you. That is obscenely ignorant.

Of course it is. Finding a fossil and only concluding that something has died is completely ignorant. Yup, sure is.

What are you talking about? What hoax?

Are you going to say that every single one of them didn't. Because that's what you're saying.

You dont know which ones did and which ones didn't. So to just choose any random one and conclude that it is the ancestor of another set of bones millions of years later is about as speculative as it gets.


Hammer of Reason
The basic meaning of “species” is “a sort; kind; variety.” In biologic terminology, however, it applies to any group of interfertile animals or plants mutually possessing one or more distinctive characteristics. Thus, there could be many such species or varieties within a single division of the Genesis “kinds.” Specific created “kinds” may number only in the hundreds, there are many more varieties of animals and plants on the earth. Modern research has indicated that hundreds of thousands of different plants are members of the same family. Similarly, in the animal kingdom, there may be many varieties of cats, all belonging to one cat family or feline “kind.” The same is true of men, of cattle, and of dogs, allowing for great diversity within each “kind.” But the fact remains that no matter how many varieties occur in each family, none of these “kinds” can commingle genetically.
You are not quite correct here. The 'biological species concept,' introduced by Ernst Mayer in the early 20th century, is only one of quite a few different ways to define what a species is. It's important to realize that 'species' is a concept, an artificial grouping or ordering of individuals to be used as a tool to study and discuss biological entities. The biological species concept has never been a universally useful concept. It has no bearing whatsoever on asexually producing organisims, and has limited use in discussing many plants that while capable of reproducing sexually can also reproduce asexually.

It is a rather useful, though not perfect, concept in discussing most animals. But even here it is not universally accepted. It does not address the numerous examples, contrary to your supposed statement of fact (incorrect), where animals of obviously different species do in fact comingle their genetic material. Hybrids occurr in nature on a rare, but regular and predictable rate. There are examples of polor bears and grizzly bears producing offspring, numerous other species form hybrids all the time.

"What is a species?" is a question that is studied by every post-graduate student of evolution, and most students of ecology and other organismal based biological disciplines.


Hammer of Reason
I want to ask a question to evolutionists. I know someone can explain this. And, do understand that I don't have a problem with evolution or religion. Anyway, note that everyone grows long hair. By time they are 10 they have hair down to their feet if not cut. Now, why don't the depictions of our supposed species ancesters show very long haired humanoids?. Almost all show them as having short hair. But, that cannot be completely accurate if true. Right?

Wouldn't many of us of looked more like cousan IT on Adam's family due to previous fact? Also, wouldn't the blondes look more like an abominal snowman. Think long unmanaged hair and certain questions arrise, yes? Maybe its just me...
LOL, this is not really a question about evolution. But... everyone has different hair characteristics (genetic variation, and the way each person cares for or abuses their hair). Any particular hair has a lifetime, generally 2 to 6 years, then the follicle it grew from will basically die off, and be replaced by a new one. Each persons hair grows at a different rate. I believe the average is 6" a year or so. Some people may have stronger more durable hair, while some people have hair of a more brittle nature. I know people who have not cut their hair in 30 years and it is only a little past the shoulder. The average person, if they never cut their hair, will have hairs averaging around 2 feet long. Somone who's hair grows 8" or 10" a year, is durable, and each hair lasts 6 years. Could concievable have individual hairs almost 5' long when stretched out.


Hammer of Reason
I see, I most likely wasn't precise enough (and semantics). Thanks for the replay. Ok.. perhaps I should reffer to "pre-modern humanoids".. the earlier ancesters before what was called modern human. I don't think we suddenly started sprouting long hair (also, Im only reffering to head hair, not body hair) on our heads when reaching the point of actually managing or cutting it. So, those of previous, well many, probably resembled cousan IT! And, blonds! We're talking beasty obamidable snowman...

If you do not ponder evolution then I can see why there is a problem in our conversation..

I think you are probably just looking at it from bad angle. So hair, on the head, at one time was not much longer than other body hair. (And body hair was much thicker and longer at one time.) Any hair no matter where still has a limited lifetime, and a rate of growing. So hair on the head either started growing a little faster, or lasting a little longer, or a little of both. It got a little longer over time. It never got to the point where it would drag the ground because there was no advantage to that.

Think of a lion's main. It is much longer than the rest of his hair. Why doesn't it drag the ground and keep growing forever?

The Wizard

Active Member
LOL, this is not really a question about evolution. But... everyone has different hair characteristics (genetic variation, and the way each person cares for or abuses their hair). Any particular hair has a lifetime, generally 2 to 6 years, then the follicle it grew from will basically die off, and be replaced by a new one. Each persons hair grows at a different rate. I believe the average is 6" a year or so. Some people may have stronger more durable hair, while some people have hair of a more brittle nature. I know people who have not cut their hair in 30 years and it is only a little past the shoulder. The average person, if they never cut their hair, will have hairs averaging around 2 feet long. Somone who's hair grows 8" or 10" a year, is durable, and each hair lasts 6 years. Could concievable have individual hairs almost 5' long when stretched out.
It is a question pertaining to the "realistic" depictions of early ancesters by evolutionists and scientists. Thanks for the reply over hair, but it didn't answer or apply to anything that I am referring to. Where are the long hair depictions? Do they even make them? 90% of everyone I know would have hair down to their waist or knees if they never cut it. So then, where is THAT trait accounted for when the most earliest of the ancesters were so primitive they didn't maintain hair yet? There was a point when they, or at least many, appeared to have real long hair and not just 2 inches long. All I ever see is like 2 inch, ape like, short head hair depictions.

It puzzles me...
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The Wizard

Active Member
I think you are probably just looking at it from bad angle. So hair, on the head, at one time was not much longer than other body hair. (And body hair was much thicker and longer at one time.) Any hair no matter where still has a limited lifetime, and a rate of growing. So hair on the head either started growing a little faster, or lasting a little longer, or a little of both. It got a little longer over time. It never got to the point where it would drag the ground because there was no advantage to that.

Think of a lion's main. It is much longer than the rest of his hair. Why doesn't it drag the ground and keep growing forever?
Ok... Good reply, thanks. Your explaination was all I could come up with for myself, also. Perhaps, the less hair on the body the more hair would grow longer on the head, due to extra spare "hair nutrients" ... thanks again. I still believe some of us, at some point had real long head hair, its just me I guess...


Hammer of Reason
Science hasn't progressed that much to describe so-called "supernatural" even.
Nor can it. At one time, not so long ago, it may have been legitimate to discuss the possibility of a super-nature. But know we know more about the nature of our senses. If I see something, it is a photon, if I hear something, it is an energy wave. These are all physical, natural phenomena. There is no other input into the nervous system. We have dreams, delusions, phobias, creativity, fore thought, NDE, etc. These are all artifact of having evolved such a complex nervous system.

If super-nature where to appear, it would either have to be natural and therefore not super-nature, or else we could not perceive it with our senses, or it would have to bypass the senses and directly effect our nervous system. This would at best (for evidence of super-nature) be impossible to isolate from artifact (e.g. hallucinations). But currently there is no evidence of any type of artifact occurring without nervous spike. So it would seem IF super-nature does exist, then we would never be able to detect it.

Secondly, if super-nature did exist, and had any effect on us, then we would have evolved to adapt to it. There is no evidence of adaptation to super-nature. Therefore, even if it does exist, it is meaningless in our lives.


If someone "A" who live in the first century (for example) and see another one "B" using a remote control to drive a little car, for "A" it is "supernatural", for B its "science", but if we mean by "supernatural" god who created everything even science (science exists since the beginning of the universe, all we are doing is discovering it over time), then we can never prove with science that god exist, because we will never have all the tools, and even then, we are not sure that they are sufficient... To believe in god need some faith at first and seek of the truth, then god will guide us to him.


Hammer of Reason
If someone "A" who live in the first century (for example) and see another one "B" using a remote control to drive a little car, for "A" it is "supernatural", for B its "science", but if we mean by "supernatural" god who created everything even science (science exists since the beginning of the universe, all we are doing is discovering it over time), then we can never prove with science that god exist, because we will never have all the tools, and even then, we are not sure that they are sufficient... To believe in god need some faith at first and seek of the truth, then god will guide us to him.
I disagree science has existed before man. Science is not atoms, and theories, and explanations. Science is not a result. Science is the practice of asking and answering such questions based on observation and falsification. But I understand what you mean.

By supernatural, I mean that which (or is postulated to be) above nature. Nature is matter and energy, time and space, anything that can be seen, heard, felt, tasted, smelled, or experienced in any other way. Super-nature, by my definition, can not be experienced by men. I think we agree in this.

However, I also believe that just as it is obviously impossible for you or me to experience supernature, if it exists, it is impossible for supernature to affect you or me. For anything (even god) to affect me, means I experience it.


I disagree science has existed before man. Science is not atoms, and theories, and explanations. Science is not a result. Science is the practice of asking and answering such questions based on observation and falsification. But I understand what you mean.
sorry, i think i mean nature phenomenon that are discovered by science (excuse my weak English)

However, I also believe that just as it is obviously impossible for you or me to experience supernature, if it exists, it is impossible for supernature to affect you or me. For anything (even god) to affect me, means I experience it.
As for us Muslims, we beleave that god never interact directly with us , as mentioned in the quran "Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is!"

The Wizard

Active Member
sorry, i think i mean nature phenomenon that are discovered by science (excuse my weak English)

As for us Muslims, we beleave that god never interact directly with us , as mentioned in the quran "Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is!"
That can't be true for any religion. In order for that to be true one could not ever think about, say or read about their own God. In fact, they could not even believe in their God. Doing anything as per previous has real, objective consequences, results and affects everything and people, ad infinitum. Hence, causing an interferrence in one way or the next....

Maybe he don't "directly", as in face to face, or taking time out of his day to interferre, but all beliefs and creations from one's God or religion affect, interviene and interferre all the time, endlessly....
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That can't be true for any religion. In order for that to be true one could not ever think about, say or read about their own God. In fact, they could not even believe in their God. Doing anything as per previous has real, objective consequences, results and affects everything and people, ad infinitum. Hence, causing an interferrence in one way or the next....

Maybe he don't "directly", as in face to face, or taking time out of his day to interferre, but all beliefs and creations from one's God or religion affect, interviene and interfere all the time, endlessly....
yes we can't see or interact directly with god but we do see his signs, for us Muslims, there is to big signs , the universe (including our selves) and the quran, and this is mentioned in the following verses:
"So let not their speech, then, grieve you (O Muhammad SAW). Verily, We know what they conceal and what they reveal. Does not man see that We have created him from Nutfah (mixed male and female discharge — semen drops). Yet behold! he (stands forth) as an open opponent.And he puts forth for Us a parable, and forgets his own creation. He says: "Who will give life to these bones after they are rotten and have become dust?"Say: (O Muhammad SAW) "He will give life to them Who created them for the first time! And He is the All-Knower of every creation!"He, Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, when behold! You kindle therewith.Is not He, Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them? Yes, indeed! He is the All-Knowing Supreme Creator.Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is!So glorified is He and Exalted above all that they associate with Him, and in Whose Hands is the dominion of all things: and to Him you shall be returned."

The Wizard

Active Member
yes we can't see or interact directly with god but we do see his signs, for us Muslims, there is to big signs , the universe (including our selves) and the quran, and this is mentioned in the following verses:
"So let not their speech, then, grieve you (O Muhammad SAW). Verily, We know what they conceal and what they reveal. Does not man see that We have created him from Nutfah (mixed male and female discharge — semen drops). Yet behold! he (stands forth) as an open opponent.And he puts forth for Us a parable, and forgets his own creation. He says: "Who will give life to these bones after they are rotten and have become dust?"Say: (O Muhammad SAW) "He will give life to them Who created them for the first time! And He is the All-Knower of every creation!"He, Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, when behold! You kindle therewith.Is not He, Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them? Yes, indeed! He is the All-Knowing Supreme Creator.Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is!So glorified is He and Exalted above all that they associate with Him, and in Whose Hands is the dominion of all things: and to Him you shall be returned."
Well then, seeing his signs indeeds affects you guys, therefore being an intervention... My cause-n-effect calculater is rarely wrong...