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Can someone explane something to me


Jesus in me
Its quite simple really. When you sit holding someone when they die and you see their last breath and then you ask yourself why it happened as it did.

Then you ask others why and listen. Everyone has a different opinion on what happends to the person you lost. Then you deal with the funeral and meet all the people who knew your father. Then you get a reflection period where you then review it all over again from what you believe and what you hear from others and then make your mind up.

I never took comfort from being told hes moved on to a better place, there is no rational reason why he should have suffered so badly for so long in my view. The only thing i did agree on was that he was no longer suffering with the pain he had once he was dead. I did think selfishly that i wanted him as long as possible no matter the pain he was in but in the end i know when he passed he was at peace as the pain didnt matter any more.

I think when you cant get answers to a questions you have to get them yourself and that takes time. I was given many reasons why things happen as they do and how religion shows their gods act but in the end its down to me to accept and move on. As soon as i accepted its all part of life i just got on with living, ok without god yes and it hasn't changed who i am in any way, things are just now very clear.

My father died in his sleep. If suffering is natural as you say then why didn't my father have to suffer? My mother bless her soul basically chose to starve to death rather than be hooked up to machines that would feed her. Her suffering was short but she chose it for herself. Is a persons choice a natural suffering?

There are many answers in this thread; How can you say you can't get answers?

Here are mine: There are many reasons for suffering. Some things are God ordained, some are self inflicted and some are caused by other people. Suffering is not an indication that there is no God; it is an indication that God exists. The resurrection of Jesus proves without a doubt that there is an afterlife and confirms the word of God that says there is.

How can you have any clarity without God? He is light and without Him you are in darkness where you can see nothing.


Veteran Member
I cannot. So in fact it is not evidence for either..

fair enough but how would you answer the question under this light. where were you before you were born? i would say i can not remember. though i believe it is possible to remember.



fair enough but how would you answer the question under this light. where were you before you were born? i would say i can not remember. though i believe it is possible to remember.

Well, I also do not remember what happened before my life. All the remembering I ever did, as far as I know, was inside of my body. Now I do know my body was not there before I was born. "I" is a combination of my body and it's thoughts/feelings etc.. In my opinion it not weird to think that before my body, my thoughts/memories were absent as well.
I have also gained enough evidence to asume my body will dissappear eventually. As "I" is the combination of my thoughts with my body, my thoughts will disappear as well.


Resident Liberal Hippie
I am struggling with belief in a god at the moment. After loosing my father recently and my brother in law it has raised a lot of questions i just cant answer anymore. Like
My sincerest condolences.

1.If there is a god why does he let so many people suffer - specifically the hundreds of thousands of children that die every year?

For the "loving, caring,father figure" version of god, this does indeed present problems for many. One can always say "god has his reasons", or "do not question gods motives" But this is not very consoling.

If, however, god is merely the starting point of life, not the all powerful controlling being some believe in. Then it is just the course of nature that these things occur. One can still see the beauty of the creation, without having to rely on the creator for day to day natural events.
2.How can i beleive in an after life when there is no evidence of its existance? has anyone every come back? or communicated this fact? or is it just to scary a thought that when you die - its just your brain has stopped functioning and your just skin, muscle and bone in a bed????

One can hope for an after life, but one will never know until the end. Rather than dwelling on it, enjoy the life you have. Hardships and all. Grieve for those you have lost, and rejoice in those you have.


Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I understand that its our lives and our action make us who we are and result in where we go in life, but..i am loosing my belief in what i always held in my heart that - there was something else to life and that we move onwards after death to that existance...but now i have faced for the first time the loss and pain i find it hard to see and feel the same way.

I have lost a few friends through accidents and it didnt sway my views but this has hit me harder - i try to think like my father in that he was open minded, very spiritual but i feel i am turning to the view that there is nothing else after you die and that we have all have a short time to live on this earth and that lots of things i believed in actually mean jack...

This is leaving the gap in me i feel at present i think...

Its hard to have a belief or view which suddenly loses it's substance brought on by life's realities, especially so through the loss of loved ones. Its good and recommended to question and explore this gap your feeling and hopefully you will find comfort , understanding, and solace. For now, just let the pain settle and dissipate on it's own. My truest sympathy for your loss.

Take good care. -NM-

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
"One can hope for an after life, but one will never know until the end. Rather than dwelling on it, enjoy the life you have. Hardships and all. Grieve for those you have lost, and rejoice in those you have. -TW-"

One of the best and compassionate pieces of advice I've come across on RF. Excellent. :yes: